Kavanaugh SCOTUS Thread! Senate Confirms by 50-48 Vote Margin; Kavanaugh Sworn-In


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City

He's right :francis:

Come Wednesday nobody is gonna give a fukk about Kavanaugh

With a month to an election:rudy:

This went about as bad as it could have from a politics POV. House already saying they gonna impeach Brett to cause fukk Brett. He is OJ to Dems cause we all know that motherfukker did it and he threw Dems the middle finger too many times to not be harassed until they either replace him or pack the court.

They would have been better off letting Brett Drop and voting in someone else in post November, but they couldn't stand the idea of a #metoo stopping one of them. This isn't minorities they got pissed its white women who was the deciding factor for Trump last time.

Even if he keeps the senate (which isn't a sure thing but likely) they are going to be slaughtered in the House and the only thing he can look forward to is voting "No" on Impeachment for the next 2 years.

They know they fukked up cause they had to give the token female senators airtime to try and explain their vote. Those bytches aint supposed to do nothing but be tokens.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
No. Republicans lost their shyt the minute Brown vs The Board of Education.

I think most states should start ignoring the Supreme Court. If Congress wants to legislate they can do that. But to let those bozos on the court legislate is not something I signed up for.

I'm not GOP but it's a bit more complicated than that. Remember a Republican, Eisenhower, sent the paratroopers to Little Rock to enforce Brown.

Southern Democrats lost their shyt over Brown and joined up with the Goldwater Republicans and later Nixon to oust the old school Republicans like Rockefeller, many of whom were somewhat ok with Brown and the Civil Rights Act. The modern GOP is that hodgepodge. Many of the old Republicans would be considered RINOs. That's why I laugh when people try to tell me how the GOP helped Blacks in Lincoln and the 1964 Act. The modern GOP houses the formerly Democratic neo-confederates and segregationists that opposed those things.

Nuke Dukem

Da Bears
Apr 30, 2012
Windy City
With a month to an election:rudy:

This went about as bad as it could have from a politics POV. House already saying they gonna impeach Brett to cause fukk Brett. He is OJ to Dems cause we all know that motherfukker did it and he threw Dems the middle finger too many times to not be harassed until they either replace him or pack the court.

They would have been better off letting Brett Drop and voting in someone else in post November, but they couldn't stand the idea of a #metoo stopping one of them. This isn't minorities they got pissed its white women who was the deciding factor for Trump last time.

Even if he keeps the senate (which isn't a sure thing but likely) they are going to be slaughtered in the House and the only thing he can look forward to is voting "No" on Impeachment for the next 2 years.

They know they fukked up cause they had to give the token female senators airtime to try and explain their vote. Those bytches aint supposed to do nothing but be tokens.
So what’s the move IF dems take the House ...

How does impeaching a judge work ?

How likely is it ?
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Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
I am very disappointing that he got sworn in.
There's a very few select repubs that I thought were aight, apparently not.

And I am not even referring to the sexual assault shyt, that was bad yes but there's something else too.
He lied about what a devils triangle is while under oath!


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
You need 67 Senators to remove a SCOTUS Justice.

Even if Dems got the majority, it ain’t happening

Impeaching a SC justice works the same way as impeaching a President.

Kavanaugh is unlikely to be removed.

Yeah but that's not the point it'll harass him, and give the Dem base (a group they usually ignore to seek the middle lol) something to get worked up on. Like I said brett was OJ I should have said Bill Clinton cause I expect him to be used as a whipping boy until at least 2020. Everyone knows the FBI didn't interview everybody so they'll get it on the record now then in 2020 probably use it as justification then to really try to impeach him again (cause he lied multiple times) or to pack the court which will likely be easier.

So far the base has been angry and Trump and Congress for the laws they passed. in a few Months, the only laws passing are going to be executive orders. So the Dem's in the house need to show they are doing something while actively obstructing Trump. Impeachment and investigations are just that. It's a trick the Republicans did during Obama's and Clinton's years like Bengazzi and all that bullshyt.

Also a lot of Senators on a national level are eating good off of Brett hate. Kamala, Booker, and Feinstein are much better known on the national level because they went after Brett and positioned to run in 2020,

Its weird cause these have been the tactics of the Republicans, but where seeing that they can be co-opted, The good news is the House isn't nearly full of pussies as the Senate. the shorter terms tend to breed meaner politicians cause you got to compete for that seat on a much shorter time period.