Kavanaugh SCOTUS Thread! Senate Confirms by 50-48 Vote Margin; Kavanaugh Sworn-In

JJ Evans

All Star
Feb 17, 2017
All you're saying does not take away from the FACT that people have to vote for donald trump for him to become president

Or the FACT that Hillary couldnt energize the demographic she was supposed to make history for, more than a guy who was exposed joking about sexual assualt less than a month before the election. There are far more of THOSE votes lost yet yall in here bytching that she couldnt squeeze every drop out of the black voters. man gtfo

Is this hillary clinton im typing to right now? Cause only she could be so entitled as to expect to be gifted a repeat of Obama's HISTORIC black voter turnouts for a demographic she offered NOTHING to. All while half assing her campaign to her own demographics.

You shills just never learn. You really mad at people voting for canidates they belive in instead of shilling down party lines. We gonna keep voting for progressives, yall just better not try to collude and surpress those canidates again like bernie. :umad: dont repeat that wikileaks mistake doggie

you'd think yall could have learned something from how the gop moved with trump's nomination but instead we're 2 solid years in of cognitive dissonance, just blame bernie, blame blacks and if all else fails the russians :yawn:

LOL on how you’re misrepresenting my argument in an attempt for daps.

Nowhere in this conversation did I blame blacks. Below is how I jumped in the conversation earlier...

To be fair, if people wouldn’t have wasted their vote on 3rd party candidates (Jill Stein and Gary Johnson), Donald Trump would not be President today and his brand new Supreme Court, that are gonna negatively effect blacks for a generation, would not exist.


Jun 3, 2012
What the hell is wrong with you people? Where is all this Susie Faith coming from?
When did I say I had faith in her? I think we need to make it a full priority to beat her in 2020. I simply stated that if she votes no, Manchin will probably change his vote. Nowhere in my statement did I say it was likely she will vote no.


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
I quoted a post about Susie.
We will see what happens at 3pm, not saying she will vote no or yes, but there is no reason at all for her to give a speech, unless she has something to say that is important, and her voting with her party, is not at all important.
If she votes yes, life ain’t over, I’ll still be here making calls and emails. I can’t picture me, myself, and I throwing my hands up and quitting, can’t speak for everyone, but I just ain’t built like that.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012

Bredesen may have just officially lost his race in TN. It's been a tight race for awhile. Some polls have him up. Some down. He was within the margin of error. This will likely keep democrats in TN at home or they'll just skip his name at the booth.

Nothing about this statement will win him Republican votes.

This is paternalism. This is being in an abusive relationship. Democratic voters in TN have just been told to shut up and fall in line, or don't vote and suffer the consequences of a Republican senator. So deal with accepting some sexist and racist conservative policies or deal with ALL sexists and racist conservative policies.

Bruh he is running a terrible race. I saw he put out some ad recently about how he doesn't like everything Trump does but if he does something he agrees with he will support it. It's not that I disagree with the sentiment COMPLETELY on a case by case basis. The problem is this is a fukking campaign ad for a Democratic senator. That was the WHOLE ad where he basically just says"I may or may not vote with Trump on things". Who is that appealing to? Why does that statement need an ad? Not motivating democratic voters and Republicans are already voting Blackburn. :mindblown:

Then on the flip side all this 501c4's are fukking murdering him. Was just watching a YouTube video and right before the video aired it was a short but brutal 10 second ad from some super pac, basically hitting him on his million dollars in stock for some opioid manufacturing and saying he is responsible for the opioid crisis.

This doofus is out here putting out ads about wanting to sometimes vote with Trump and also some other ad where he shows Republican voters who will vote for him, while the other side is just cutting him to the bone with brutal shyt. Hell, the opioid ad is something I'd expect a dem to put out about a republican opponent. :stopitslime:

JJ Evans

All Star
Feb 17, 2017
I hope Flake is not getting the hero treatment in this thread.

Him calling for a one week investigation is nothing.

If he truly wanted to stop this, he could have simply voted no in the committee and kept this judge from having any type of a chance.

This sounds like a republican chess move of voting him out of committee, calling for a quick investigation, having the results of the investigation already pre-written, and then voting him in as the next Supreme Court Justice.
Hmmmmm :jbhmm:

We will soon see if I was correct when I posted this weeks ago


May 7, 2012

Bredesen may have just officially lost his race in TN. It's been a tight race for awhile. Some polls have him up. Some down. He was within the margin of error. This will likely keep democrats in TN at home or they'll just skip his name at the booth.

Nothing about this statement will win him Republican votes.

This is paternalism. This is being in an abusive relationship. Democratic voters in TN have just been told to shut up and fall in line, or don't vote and suffer the consequences of a Republican senator. So deal with accepting some sexist and racist conservative policies or deal with ALL sexists and racist conservative policies.

wow, what a fukking idiot he is. why even say anything? all he had to do was say he wasn't privy to the FBI report and would with hold judgment.