Bruh he is running a terrible race. I saw he put out some ad recently about how he doesn't like everything Trump does but if he does something he agrees with he will support it. It's not that I disagree with the sentiment COMPLETELY on a case by case basis. The problem is this is a fukking campaign ad for a Democratic senator. That was the WHOLE ad where he basically just says"I may or may not vote with Trump on things". Who is that appealing to? Why does that statement need an ad? Not motivating democratic voters and Republicans are already voting Blackburn.
Then on the flip side all this 501c4's are fukking murdering him. Was just watching a YouTube video and right before the video aired it was a short but brutal 10 second ad from some super pac, basically hitting him on his million dollars in stock for some opioid manufacturing and saying he is responsible for the opioid crisis.
This doofus is out here putting out ads about wanting to sometimes vote with Trump and also some other ad where he shows Republican voters who will vote for him, while the other side is just cutting him to the bone with brutal shyt. Hell, the opioid ad is something I'd expect a dem to put out about a republican opponent.