All of what you’re saying does not take away from the FACT that if those votes had not been wasted on 3rd party candidates, Donald Trump WOULD NOT be president right now.
All you're saying does not take away from the FACT that people have to vote for donald trump for him to become president
Or the FACT that Hillary couldnt energize the demographic she was supposed to make history for, more than a guy who was exposed joking about sexual assualt less than a month before the election. There are far more of THOSE votes lost yet yall in here bytching that she couldnt squeeze every drop out of the black voters. man gtfo
Is this hillary clinton im typing to right now? Cause only she could be so entitled as to expect to be gifted a repeat of Obama's HISTORIC black voter turnouts for a demographic she offered NOTHING to. All while half assing her campaign to her own demographics.
You shills just never learn. You really mad at people voting for canidates they belive in instead of shilling down party lines. We gonna keep voting for progressives, yall just better not try to collude and surpress those canidates again like bernie.

dont repeat that wikileaks mistake doggie
you'd think yall could have learned something from how the gop moved with trump's nomination but instead we're 2 solid years in of cognitive dissonance, just blame bernie, blame blacks and if all else fails the russians