the cac mamba
in a way, i'd actually rather have kavanaugh on the court than another neil gorsuch. kavanaugh can be undermined, and possibly impeached. what the fukk can we do to gorsuch?@fact I told you Rethugs would come out with a W
in a way, i'd actually rather have kavanaugh on the court than another neil gorsuch. kavanaugh can be undermined, and possibly impeached. what the fukk can we do to gorsuch?@fact I told you Rethugs would come out with a W
yo I laughed too hard at this because I've been talking to my older professors about undergrad resumes and those "looking to solve healthcare problems" personal statements are so trash
He cant be removed. It won't be enough a way, i'd actually rather have kavanaugh on the court than another neil gorsuch. kavanaugh can be undermined, and possibly impeached. what the fukk can we do to gorsuch?
No.Can you recall a senator?
There was never any hope. This is the republicans we are talking about. They don’t peddle in hope. They tell that cutting taxes on the rich will stimulate the economy. They warn us that government regulations are stopping polluting companies from stimulating the economy. They tell us that labor laws are hurting the economy. I am old enough to remember when Newt said that child employees help them develop character. I bet you his grandchildren doesn’t have character.They might as well not waste our time and confirm this Fekket. All these fukking games being played and creating some sense of hope.
Problem is these type of appointments further press concerns of voter disenfranchisement and often leads to more suppressed votes long term.The American Public does not care about this shyt.
They care about having a roof over their heads and a meal in their bellies. That's the problem. Most of the people can't see the forest from the trees.
They are literally unable to grasp the negative repercussions of this. It's like explaining why plugging in a cell phone charges it, to someone who doesn't understand what electricity is.
So was this probe about the sexual assault allegations or him being a college drunk because now we seem to be moving away from "he may have assaulted these women." to "he drank too much in college." CNN had such breaking news as classmates of Kavanaugh saying that he sometimes stumbled or was incoherent while drunk. Well, no fukking shyt Sherlock. That was a legit CNN headline and it's right up there with Fox New's "Terrorist Fist Bump" and "Tan Suit Scandal." These partisan news sources are going off the rails.
Realistically though Kavanaugh should withdraw as he's far too tainted. The GOP can just nominate Amy Barrett and use her gender to shield her from criticism. But the GOP feel like this was a trap sprung on them at the last minute so they'd rather force this clown through than cut their losses and give the Dems even the smallest of victories. This shyt is going to backfire on both parties eventually, just was a sloppy process all around. Has any Supreme Court Justice ever been removed from the bench? If not I'd put good money on Kavanaugh being the first. Terrible nominee.
His drinking, which has been corroborated by many individuals, is central to the sexual assualt allegations and central to his truthfulness. It is why he dodged answering if he ever got blackout drunk. Because then his recollection comes into question.So was this probe about the sexual assault allegations or him being a college drunk because now we seem to be moving away from "he may have assaulted these women." to "he drank too much in college." CNN had such breaking news as classmates of Kavanaugh saying that he sometimes stumbled or was incoherent while drunk. Well, no fukking shyt Sherlock. That was a legit CNN headline and it's right up there with Fox New's "Terrorist Fist Bump" and "Tan Suit Scandal." These partisan news sources are going off the rails.
They were already in the lead.....He cant be removed. It won't be enough votes.
Anyway, Kav getting confirmed might help the female Dem Senate candidates in Arizona and Nevada win their races.