The Dems thought they could #metoo this nomination and in 2018 I figured it would be successful. This is the type of red meat the media loves to dangle but it may have all been for naught.
The Dems should have gone on the attack against his finances first, highlighting his gambling addiction. Basically making the case he could be easily compromised and coopted by monied interests for his vote in pivotal cases. They could then link his college drinking to his character stating he's traded one vice (drinking) for another (gambling) and he has therefore shown no growth in 30 years and still engages in risky and irresponsible behaviours even as an adult. Then you can drop the #metoo allegations as the cherry on top. His credibility would have already been in the dirt and he probably would have thrown several tantrums and cracked under all the pressure but Dems put all their eggs in one basket and now that basket may break.
I still don't think it's a sure shot he gets through. It's going to be a nail biter for Turtle.