Kavanaugh SCOTUS Thread! Senate Confirms by 50-48 Vote Margin; Kavanaugh Sworn-In


May 2, 2012
Ohio, Iowa, & Minnesota




Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il

for those who dont want to read the story, just some excerpts:

he went to private Catholic schools her entire life. In high school she was shy, but traveled in the same social circles as both Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“I knew them both and liked them both though we didn’t see each other often,” she said.

As a 15-year-old in the early 80s Elizabeth remembers riding with friends through Damascus during the Fall of 1982 when the Klu Klux Klan handed out flyers. She remembers a group of kids from Olney she read about in the local newspaper who were her age and got arrested for being part of a burglary ring. “These were not innocent times,” she said. “I read news reports from members of Congress who said there wasn’t much going on back then and how innocent everything was. Like there’s no way this went on. Well, they’re lying or they lived under a rock.”

She was told boys often acted out and to be careful. Her mother warned her about boys who got too “handsy” and was told as a Catholic girl how to politely rebuke them. Her friends warned her about the “nice boys” who would change when they had something to drink. “I thought maybe they got angry. At first I didn’t know what they were talking about.”

Elizabeth said she infrequently saw Brett Kavanaugh during this time – often at house parties. “He was cute. He was always nice,” she said. One night she ran across an apparently inebriated Brett Kavanaugh and things went differently then. Previously, he had always been nice to her. “ But not that night. He was drunk. He was obnoxious and crude. I had a friend with me and we left. His football buddies were laughing at us. Maybe they were laughing at him, but I didn’t take it that way and they didn’t do anything to keep him from being a jerk.”

But, from her experience, she said she has no problem believing Dr. Ford’s allegations and said Ford should be heard without politics being involved. “I don’t think that’s possible today. I’m afraid for my daughter. How do we make this less politicized? People are criticizing her for coming forward, but she moved to California. He wasn’t in her life. Now he’s everywhere and could be part of the Supreme Court. It was just high school, but that kind of trauma lasts and no one should be judged for coming forward as she did. It took great courage. Maybe he genuinely doesn’t remember what happened because he blacked out. He deserves to be heard too. He shouldn’t be convicted without being heard either.”

She basically went on to stay it was about privilege and those who were, got away with everything. She almost got raped by a boy she knew since childhood but bailed out of a car while it was stopped at a red light before it happened. The only person she told was her husband, 20 years later.


May 20, 2012
After 2016 election I would think we should know better. That’s the same thing Trumpites we’re saying about trump and now look. This guy is an opportunist that is being paid to push a agenda. He doesn’t belong anywhere near the presidency.

The fukk are you talking about. He is exposing Trump and Republicans.

I don’t know whether or not he belongs in the White House. If he runs, it’s on voters to bet him.

NY's #1 Draft Pick

Apr 30, 2012

for those who dont want to read the story, just some excerpts:

he went to private Catholic schools her entire life. In high school she was shy, but traveled in the same social circles as both Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“I knew them both and liked them both though we didn’t see each other often,” she said.

As a 15-year-old in the early 80s Elizabeth remembers riding with friends through Damascus during the Fall of 1982 when the Klu Klux Klan handed out flyers. She remembers a group of kids from Olney she read about in the local newspaper who were her age and got arrested for being part of a burglary ring. “These were not innocent times,” she said. “I read news reports from members of Congress who said there wasn’t much going on back then and how innocent everything was. Like there’s no way this went on. Well, they’re lying or they lived under a rock.”

She was told boys often acted out and to be careful. Her mother warned her about boys who got too “handsy” and was told as a Catholic girl how to politely rebuke them. Her friends warned her about the “nice boys” who would change when they had something to drink. “I thought maybe they got angry. At first I didn’t know what they were talking about.”

Elizabeth said she infrequently saw Brett Kavanaugh during this time – often at house parties. “He was cute. He was always nice,” she said. One night she ran across an apparently inebriated Brett Kavanaugh and things went differently then. Previously, he had always been nice to her. “ But not that night. He was drunk. He was obnoxious and crude. I had a friend with me and we left. His football buddies were laughing at us. Maybe they were laughing at him, but I didn’t take it that way and they didn’t do anything to keep him from being a jerk.”

But, from her experience, she said she has no problem believing Dr. Ford’s allegations and said Ford should be heard without politics being involved. “I don’t think that’s possible today. I’m afraid for my daughter. How do we make this less politicized? People are criticizing her for coming forward, but she moved to California. He wasn’t in her life. Now he’s everywhere and could be part of the Supreme Court. It was just high school, but that kind of trauma lasts and no one should be judged for coming forward as she did. It took great courage. Maybe he genuinely doesn’t remember what happened because he blacked out. He deserves to be heard too. He shouldn’t be convicted without being heard either.”

She basically went on to stay it was about privilege and those who were, got away with everything. She almost got raped by a boy she knew since childhood but bailed out of a car while it was stopped at a red light before it happened. The only person she told was her husband, 20 years later.

:ohhh:There’s more?

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
After 2016 election I would think we should know better. That’s the same thing Trumpites we’re saying about trump and now look. This guy is an opportunist that is being paid to push a agenda. He doesn’t belong anywhere near the presidency.

Who in here talking about him running for President?