Katt Williams Goes In on T Haddish, K Hart, Monique, & Wanda Smith|UPDATE: WANDAS HUSBAND PULLS GUN


All Star
Nov 30, 2015
I’m not doubting that but as men (even though it is a double standard) we should show restraint and not stoop to that level.

I’ve been around women who try to step to me like they have balls, I shut them down and put them in their place. No back and forth cattiness, that’s some gay shyt,

I get this was an interview but it’s straight up feminine to keep going in on a woman like that. Not saying she didn’t antagonise him either but damn, it just became uncomfortable towards the end.

I agree. It did become a bit much, especially when you could visibly see her getting emotional. But she couldn’t stop talking, someone had to do the interviewing. I will say, though. Katt Williams keeps that same energy always. Young, old, man, woman, in public, on the street, in interviews... she shouldn’t have poked the beast.


Mar 11, 2015
Modern black comedy is embarrassing, all of it coming at the expense of a positive black image. You either have the Key & Peele nikka nerd variety, which ridicules the behavioral pathology of poor black America to elicit chuckles from a liberal cac audience. Or, you have the bucked eyes and ratchet strain of Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddish comedy, the kind that trades in exaggerated behavior that's buffoonish and grotesquely stereotypical. :francis:

Thats a little bit rough on Kevin Hart don't you think?I think he has a nice balance:comeon:. And he shouldn't be put in the same boat as Haddish,Lil Rel and Jerrod. I'm pretty sure he could stand toe to toe and roast Katt back unless he's lost it completely. Tiffany Haddish and the rest will be forced to rise above it because they can't fukk with Katt:francis:. Not to say they aren't funny as writers,or as acctresses,but if you can't be funny against other comedians are you tested as a comedian? Tiffany Haddish is moreso a product of this Cardi B "We are so happy to see her win,shes one of us" era. I'm not against that idea of those people getting a plate,I'm just against those people being the biggest stars,getting the biggest plates.


Apr 5, 2015
He came at her because she was undermining his ability has a single black father - posters talking about he was going to hard smh, she's in front of legend being disrespectful. And because she thinks playing that ratchet role + c00n behavior is what is acceptable, when there are real black women comedians putting in actual comedian work.

He broke down the black hollywood game so simple. He called Tiffany Haddish a black actress playing a comedian whose only being accepted for wench behavior.

Also exposed the falsified love of "realness" being sold - reminds of the Cardi B debate, look how many great black female rappers are pushed to the side but Cardi B get's a look when she doesn't even write shyt.

Last of his breed :wow:
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A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
Katt one of them dudes that just be saying anything and if you don't really evaluate what he's saying you'll be like :whoo:; but, if you add some scrutiny you realize he's just talking. For one, being really attractive as a male comedian isn't a benefit. You think mofos were coming to see Lenny Bruce or Red Foxx on some :noah: shyt? As much as people want to be able to laugh at your jokes -- they want to be able to laugh at you too. That's way harder if they're swooning with every word you say.

Who have been some male comedian sex symbols? Eddie Murphy? That's cause he was really young and popping.

The only male comedian I legit recall women being on some :whew: shyt for was Bill Bellamy.

But, Katt wanna call brehs ugly for no reason. :childplease:


Mar 11, 2015
He came at her because she was undermining his ability has a single black father - posters talking about he was going to hard smh, she's in front of legend being disrespectful. And because she thinks playing that ratchet role + c00n behavior is what is acceptable, when their are real black women comedians putting in actual comedian work.

He broke down the black hollywood game so simple. He called Tiffany Haddish a black actress playing a comedian whose only being accepted for wench behavior.

Also exposed the falsified love of "realness" being sold - sounds like Cardi B, look how many great black female rappers are pushed to the side but Cardi B get's a look when she doesn't even write shyt.

Last of his breed :wow:

you going to pretend those female comics he named ain't ratchet as shyt:comeon:? He's right about her being a better comedic actress than comedian though. She gets a bad wrap for certain things like over exaggerating her ratchetness,as if male comics don't put extras on how hood they are,or how country they are. People are giving her a hard time because she translated that to t.v,and face it,you nikkas want to erase hood nikkas out of existence in popular culture and pretend like all black people are posh proffesionals. All so we don't look bad for whitey who's watching,and I don't agree with that idea either. If she is authentically from the hood and not like Boss the female rapper I don't take issue with that. Her cheap wenching jokes are problematic and has made her a perfect candiate in the swirler era to get called up to the big leagues. Katt told no lies about that one.