Katt Williams Goes In on T Haddish, K Hart, Monique, & Wanda Smith|UPDATE: WANDAS HUSBAND PULLS GUN


Nov 28, 2016
This nikka went in but this thread is sus cause nikkas getting geeked on...
Katt being reckless with all Black folks but defending netflix after a supposed check? why are all these speculations from nikkas talmbowt netflix criteria but netflix is still quiet?
Katt is getting props while Yvette gets shytted on for doing the same thing, providing reality checks and perspective to success stories/narratives?
Katt was just breakin down the real with Netflix.

Netflix is all about data. They get an insane amount of information on their subscribers - far more than HBO or Showtime could ever dream of.

A lot of smart motherfukkers working there.

Given what Katt said, it sounds like Netflix runs the numbers on how many tickets you've sold and where, your social media following (especially if you're a new comic - and that social media info also lets them see if you're a potential local, regional, national, or global draw), the prices you were able to charge per ticket, compare that to their in-house data on Netflix subscription penetration & viewing habits in those markets, build out an estimate of subscriber adds / subscriber retention over a certain number of years should they host your special based on the model, and then cut you a check that's some percentage of the estimated revenue impact of adding your special to their lineup.

What Katt said is in line with what's been revealed thus far about how Netflix does business:

Laughing All the Way to the Bank


Netflix’s new specials change the landscape for stand-up comedians

There's multiple angles for a comedian to try and boost their Netflix payout - one is to simply tour more and sell more tickets at higher prices. Another is to focus on growing their social media following as much as possible - and especially outside of the US (where Netflix is expanding fastest). Another is to ensure that their content isn't too contemporary - that's its more "timeless" in nature, because that helps maintain the value of the special as a subscriber draw / retention tool over more years.

Because they're able to get such good data on the preferences and habits of subscribers, as well as what programming changes drive subscriber increases & help retain subscribers, they can cut checks to comedians with a lot more confidence than HBO or Showtime. Whatever Netflix is offering comedians is probably closer to "true value" than any check coming from the other big players. For some its a lot more than they'd ever expected...for others, a lot less :francis:

Bottom line is Netflix couldn't care less what they pay for. It could be fukking cat videos for all they care. All that matters is that the content drives new subs and helps retain existing ones.


Nov 28, 2016
He went in

....I thought Jerrod Carmichael last special on HBO was kinda funny tho :ehh: ...I didn't even know who tf a Jerrod Carmichael was until then :yeshrug:
Jerrod caught a stray...it happens in battle, friendly fire prolly killed more troops than the enemy ever did :wow:

The breh definitely talented...no complaints from me :ehh:
Katt might've threw him in there just on some young nikka watch out dont relax just cause you got a special :ufdup:type shyt :yeshrug:


Breh&Breh Associates™
Nov 11, 2017
Katt Williams is viscous. He didn’t have to roast her like that at the end, it looked mad feminine. It’s one thing to joke about someone, but to go in on a woman like that is mad suspect.
Not saying I didn’t laugh but most of that shyt was unnecessary. :sadcam:

It reminds me when Shawn Wayans was on Sway In The Morning and he roasted that porn star for 30 minutes. shyt was mad gay. Who really insults a woman like that?


Jul 20, 2013
Off The Cuff Radio/ScrewballRadio/BudeBoyEnt
Katt Williams is viscous. He didn’t have to roast her like that at the end, it looked mad feminine. It’s one thing to joke about someone, but to go in on a woman like that is mad suspect.
Not saying I didn’t laugh but most of that shyt was unnecessary. :sadcam:

It reminds me when Shawn Wayans was on Sway In The Morning and he roasted that porn star for 30 minutes. shyt was mad gay. Who really insults a woman like that?

Today's society have made women feel freely and bold enough to disrespect men(especially Black men) publicly and face no reprecussions. They need to be put in they place.. She was in her feelings because of what he said about Haddish and carried it through the interview. I bet she wouldn't do Gary Owens like that


Breh&Breh Associates™
Nov 11, 2017
Today's society have made women feel freely and bold enough to disrespect men(especially Black men) publicly and face no reprecussions. They need to be put in they place.. She was in her feelings because of what he said about Haddish and carried it through the interview. I bet she wouldn't do Gary Owens like that
I’m not doubting that but as men (even though it is a double standard) we should show restraint and not stoop to that level.

I’ve been around women who try to step to me like they have balls, I shut them down and put them in their place. No back and forth cattiness, that’s some gay shyt,

I get this was an interview but it’s straight up feminine to keep going in on a woman like that. Not saying she didn’t antagonise him either but damn, it just became uncomfortable towards the end.