Kanye West Is Now Going In On The Jewish Community Right Now


All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
Yes. and when googling Burnt brass (Brass cooked until burning polish) all i see is black people even more. You be the judge:


Sorry for the scan dump, but we have people saying the Egyptians weren't Black when Herodotus himself said so 😂. Had to post the truth with visuals:

People interpret Rev 1:15 KJV, "And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters", to suggest that He was a dark-skinned Black man only. Some use this to say he was even jet Black. I'm one of the few who will break down Rev 1:15, to indicate he could have been any of those shades of fine brass I provided earlier, which does mean he could have been a lighter-skinned brother with woolly hair...yeah I said it.

You have to understand to produce fine brass, you have to burn it in the furnace first, then polish it of it's infirmities, to give it that fine finished shine (fine brass). John The Elder doesn't say the tone of fine brass he was describing in Rev 1;15 . Btw, you produce fine copper the same way, which was more likely used during biblical times, and describes our skin-tone better, since it come right out the ground. Brass is actually 90% copper.

When you interpret Rev 1:15 this way, you get various shades of brown, just like the true children of the Most High. If you take notice, when we travel back and forth from different climates, especially from North to South, our skin-tone changes. I saw this one little girl go from light-brown in DC, to almost jet-black in Alabama after a few years down there. Sometimes our skin have drastic changes just going from summer to winter. Not all of us do this, but you'd be surprised how many of us do. I think the Savior's skin did this too, while he was on his journey. There's evidence of this kind of thing happening in Sng 1:16. Plus this was pretty common for Israelites, when they migrated on foot.
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May 16, 2012
1) first fallacy you made is selective reading. Show me where I said there was not any black Egyptians? You are trying to paint with broad strokes and all evidence points otherwise. Out of the millions of egyptians you posted like 10 selective artifacts.

I was selective because fake artifacts being claimed to be originally Egyptian are actually quite common. For a long time forgers created fake Ancient Egyptian art trying to pass it off as real. The famous bust of Nefertiti is one that is commonly published as real but whose authenticity is questioned. Forging the Ancient World – Things Aren't What They Seem: Forgeries and Deceptions from the UD Collections

The pictures I posted were of mostly large stone statues from royalty. Pharoahs and Queens. Most of the art people usually cite to claim Ancient Egyptians weren't black are of random people nobody knows and of small statues that could easily be forged.

Here's the famous face of the Pharoah Ramses II carved into the side of a mountain. This is the sort of image of an Ancient Egyptian that is impossible to fake. Compare it to how Ramses was depicted in a recent Hollywood movie. Let's see if you can spot the racial differences.

How the Great Pharaoh Ramses II Really Looked




How Hollywood Depicts Ramses II

I wonder why Hollywood didn't accurately recreate Ramses broad wide nose and full lips? Guess it would have made him look too black. One of the benefits of the great Pharoah Ramses carving his face into the side of a mountain is the white supremacists didn't have a chance to blow his nose and lips off before we were able to get pictures.
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May 16, 2012
7) here is art work depicting egyptians fighting against nubians

it's interesting how they depict the nubians quite a bit darker than themselves. Same color as the horse, noting they had limited pigments back then, but let's be optimistic and assume they did this just to show the difference between the two cultures and not because they weren't as black/dark as their nubian neighbors

LOL. You might want to look at that image a little closer. Yes some of the Nubians have pitch black skin, but look at the others. They have reddish brown skin like the Pharoah and his horse.

I know white people see us black folk as being all the same but we do actually come in different shades. Some Africans can be a lot darker than others. In particular those from Sudan (which is where Nubia was located). The Nilotic peoples of Sudan are famous for being among the darkest in the world. So it makes perfect sense when your closest neighbors are darker than even other Africans that most Nubians would be represented as being a darker hue.

With that said, the image you posted still contradicts your point because a closer inspection would have told you thar half of the Nubians Ramses is trampling with his horse have the same skin color as him.