Kamala sympathizes with Gaza victims and pledges to end massacre. Israeli ministers lash out


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
tel aviv government buildings need to leveled into rubble
Agreed, but this should extend to all cooperation buildings in the United States that hold monopolies and exploit the poor and impoverished. I know it’s off topic, but we are at a point now in this country where civil unrest is not only necessary, but long overdue. It’s complete annihilation in Gaza, while it’s a long and and painful war of attrition here.


Aug 23, 2019
You are trying to pass off correlation as causation. Those protest voters wouldn't matter at all, if all the young people didn't back them. If the voters didn't back them. If the dearborn vote mattered that much, they would have made inroads by themselves during the primary. They did not.

They know they can afford to withhold their vote because it won't mean much in the end, they can hide behind Aframs, and they're in a blue state. So you're right about them knowing how things work.

You want reparations? Have a solid plan and get a coalition of voters and politicians to back it. Just withholding your vote won't do anything. You have to be ignorant of 400 years of history to believe it will.
1. You can't even admit that protesting with your vote is an effective strategy when we see with our own eyes it being done and politicians switching up as a result, so you're really not in the position to be offering this kind of remark and for me to take it seriously. You're talking around the fact that end the of day, these people chose to withhold their vote because they realized that if they don't do this, they won't be taken seriously by any politician. Why would anyone do anything but talk nice to you if they know your vote is in the bag? It makes zero sense on any purely pragmatic level.

2. I don't even know what the conversation is anymore. You're reaching to continue to justify your ineffective idea of how politics works. And that's cool, I'm not going to change your world view. The 50 years of data that shows your way ain't working isn't enough, a coli discussion definitely won't be enough either.

Yeah bruh, you got it, they shouldn't have withheld their vote and surely would have gotten what they asked for if they just voted blue and allowed these politicians to know their vote was in the bag. They were wrong to do that and how Kamala is moving right now shows that they were wrong to do this. They should have realized that it's everyone and everything in the world but them that's gonna get their agenda pushed and fell in line.:yeshrug:
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YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Especially considering that when Trumps camp hears this, this will not be able to help but double down their support for Bibytch, and his genocide, while in the last few months he has been playing both sides pretty subtly.

Again, if people had an issue with Biden's position they will have the exact same issue with Kamala. There's zero difference.




May 20, 2015
Why are they bytching she said they have the right to defend themselves. That should be enough. They need to relax before we bomb them too.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
fukk them

they were going to support trump anyway

outside of a few jews, no potential democrat voting Americans gonna be upset by this.

She’s not the president. Yet.

Plus we can’t ignore Hezbollah and The Houthis in Yemen firing off at Israel regularly. This isn’t a one way conflict at this moment.

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
1. You can't even admit that protesting with your vote is an effective strategy when we see with our own eyes it being done and politicians switching up as a result, so you're really not in the position to be offering this kind of remark and for me to take it seriously. You're talking around the fact that end the of day, these people chose to withhold their vote because they realized that if they don't do this, they won't be taken seriously by any politician. Why would anyone do anything but talk nice to you if they know your vote is in the bag? It makes zero sense on any purely pragmatic level.

2. I don't even know what the conversation is anymore. You're reaching to continue to justify your ineffective idea of how politics works. And that's cool, I'm not going to change your world view. The 50 years of data that shows your way ain't working isn't enough, a coli discussion definitely won't be enough either.

Yeah bruh, you got it, they shouldn't have withheld their vote and surely would have gotten what they asked for if they just voted blue and allowed these politicians to know their vote was in the bag. They were wrong to do that and how Kamala is moving right now shows that they were wrong to do this. They should have realized that it's everyone and everything in the world but them that's gonna get their agenda pushed and fell in line.:yeshrug:
1. If all that happened was Dearborn withheld their vote and Kamala said what she said, then I'd agree with you. But that's not what happened. You have entire college campuses in an uproar and THEY are saying they probably won't vote in November. You have the world saying what Israel is doing is wrong. You have the majority of your voter base saying that Israel is committing war crimes. That's what's moving the needle. Not just 1 group in Dearborn, MI (or MI period) saying they're not going to vote.

2. 50 years of data shows that Black people didn't read Dr. Claud Anderson's book. 50 years show that we didn't have the economic clout to truly move our agenda. 50 years has shown that we didn't practice group economics like we did during Jim Crow and that was actually proven to be effective even during Jim Crow. 50 years has shown that we don't own nearly as many businesses as we used to. 50 years has shown that when Republicans win elections, the Dems don't do anything different, the next time around. So what makes you think that retreating completely is going to change that?

As said I before, they can withhold their vote and good for them for it. But they do so believing that the backlash or repercussions of it won't be major or won't be on them. The change in rhetoric is because Kamala is going for the YOUNG PEOPLE vote, not the Dearborn or even Muslim vote. They just happen to benefit from this pivot.

When Black people put themselves to be in position to head off changing if not violent political winds, then they can talk about withholding their vote. When they have an agreed upon plan --which they don't-- then they can talk about withholding their vote. But now? You're just hoping things magically fall into place, if you say "no". It won't happen that way.


All Star
Dec 12, 2019
A showdown between the hidden controllers and the awoken is coming :wow: