Somehow y'all allowed a racist, box grabbing, Russian agent to run your country. Amazing job...
Today on one of the most important days of the year as people around the world celebrate MLK, Kamala Harris has announced her presidency.
I have no dog in this race, except that I want to see black people win whatever happens period, and it is a
fact that voting is the #1 way to impact politics and politics is the #1 way to impact black people's lives.
The proof? People don't vote and complain that nothing changes. White people vote and basically decide who becomes President and what interests are being fought for.
This thread is to follow her race for the presidency. Again, this is not an endorsement. But this is a black woman and I will support any black person running for office over an orange racist. Note: there is no space for #Trumpset in this thread, like the agents Napoleon & Co. This is about a black person trying to win.
Even though we want to see black people win, there are people who have major concerns about her track record as a prosecutor and how it relates to young black men.
(Somehow K. Michelle of all people jumps up in this thread)
But there's also this
What will you do come 2020?