Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign (Official Thread)


May 1, 2012
Which is a shame when you think about it. You gotta be one of the most charismatic, articulate, educated people on the planet to beat a complete idiot con man like Donald fukking Trump. Shows the power of right wing media and Russian Kompromat
What it shows is the intelligence level of american people

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
The Phony Feminism of Kamala Harris
Harris only cares about other women's rights when those rights don't conflict with her career ambitions.

Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Jan. 11, 2018 11:30


Us Senate/ZUMA Press/Newscom Kamala Harris has long positioned herself as a feminist crusader. But both as attorney general of California and now as a member of the U.S. Senate, she has actively championed policies that deny women's agency, ratchet up female incarceration, and endanger those most vulnerable to sexual abuse. Along the way, she has shown an utter disregard for civil liberties and constitutional law—a tendency she will now get to take to the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee.

Harris' most prominent crusade in recent years has been against the classified advertising platform Backpage, which inherited much of the digital sex-ad market after the federal government forced MyRedbook.com to close and bullied Craigslist into shuttering its adult-ad section. Sex workers credit online advertising platforms with allowing them greater independence, reducing the need to rely on "pimps," and significantly curtailing risks to their safety by allowing for better screening of clients. But these platforms have become a big bulls-eye for grandstanding politicians, who have used the new visibility of prostitution ads to peddle sex-trafficking hysteria and make a name for themselves in the process.

In October of 2016, just before she faced voters in her Senate bid, Harris spearheaded the arrest of current and former Backpage executives on charges of pimping and conspiracy, under the (ultimately unsuccessful) theory that providing an open online platform for user-generated content made them responsible for any illegal activity committed by users who connected through the site. Federal law explicitly says otherwise—something Harris certainly knew, as she had petitioned Congress a few years earlier to change the law so that she and other prosecutors could target Backpage (and its deep assets) through state criminal justice systems. What's more, myriad federal courts have affirmed that prosecutions like the one Harris attempted are illegal.

rejected Harris' case against Backpage, ruling that "Congress did not wish to hold liable online publishers for the action of publishing third party speech and it is for Congress, not this court, to revisit." Undeterred, Harris—as one of her final acts as California's top prosecutor—filed nearly identical charges against Backpage in another California court, a move the First Amendment Lawyers' Association called "a gross abuse of prosecutorial discretion" and part of Harris' pattern of disrespecting due process and constitutional rights.

Meanwhile, an actual underage sex-trafficking scandal implicated dozens of police officers and other local authorities throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Oakland went through two police chiefs trying to address it*, with a third doing only questionably better. People were pleading for the state to step in and oversee an independent investigation, since local governments seemed more motivated to quash a PR nightmare than punish public officials. Harris and her office refused to intervene.

Now, on Capitol Hill, Harris has joined such colleagues as Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) in attempts both to shut down Backpage and to amend federal communications law so that state prosecutors can punish websites for user-posted content or illegal actions arising from that content.

The whole episode fits with two oft-exhibited Harris habits: a willingness to skirt constitutional protections when it suits her agenda, and a public orientation toward high-profile "social justice" causes that masks behind-the-scenes moves that betray them. (From the beginning of her career, she's portrayed herself as a tough-on-crime progressive.) These habits are easiest to see when the issue involves sex work, but they extend far outside that realm.

Take the time Harris fought back against a California court ruling saying the state couldn't keep prisoners in overcrowded conditions and deny them medical care. Her reasoning? The state needed the slave labor provided by mass incarceration.

How about the time she sponsored legislation to ban sex offenders from using all social media? Or when she went to bat to keep Lonny Leon Rivera on the sex offender registry? Rivera's crime: In 1989, when he was 19, he had sex with the 17-year-old who is now his wife.

For all her big talk now on criminal justice reform, Harris fought to keep marijuana criminalized in California and resisted efforts to deprioritize the arrest of nonviolent drug offenders. She also pushed to send parents of high school students to jail for having more than three unexcused absences in a year, intervened myriad times on behalf of dirty prosecutors, and lobbied to keep using an execution method that the courts had deemed unconstitutional.

Still, much of Harris' worst work has come from her fake-feminist agenda to "help" women and girls by throwing them in jail for having sex. For at least a decade, she has fought against campaigns to decriminalize consensual adult prostitution in California, ignoring the ardent lobbying of sex workers, criminal justice reformers, and human rights advocates.

Meanwhile, under the guise of keeping marginalized women safe, she has spearheaded raids on immigrant-owned massage parlors in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security, an effort that failed to uncover the imagined "modern slavery" rings but did bring many undocumented workers into contact with people who can deport them. She also instituted a statewide program to get truckers to report suspected sex workers to police.

Harris' career exemplifies the worst of carceral feminism, and it demonstrates an enduring commitment to solve social problems like an old white dude in the 1980s would. Anyone who truly cares about protecting women's well-being and safeguarding civil rights should fear her ascension to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

*Correction: This article originally said mayors here when it should have been Oakland police chiefs.

The Phony Feminism of Kamala Harris

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Was Kevin Cooper Framed for Murder?

By Nicholas KristofWith Jessia Ma and Stuart A. Thompson

This is the story of a broken justice system. It appears that an innocent man was framed by sheriff’s deputies and is on death row in part because of dishonest cops, sensational media coverage and flawed political leaders — including Democrats like Brown and Kamala Harris, the state attorney general before becoming a U.S. senator, who refused to allow newly available DNA testing for a black man convicted of hacking to death a beautiful white family and young neighbor. This was a failure at every level, and it should prompt reflection not just about one man on death row but also about profound inequities in our entire system of justice.
full article below


Opinion | One Test Could Exonerate Him. Why Won't California Do It?

The sole survivor of a brutal quadruple murder said 3 white men committed the crime. But police arrested a young black man, Kevin Cooper, who is now awaiting execution, writes @NickKristof https://nyti.ms/2KzcavA

Democrats like Gov. Jerry Brown of California and Kamala Harris, the state attorney general before becoming a U.S. senator, refused to allow newly available DNA testing that might finally resolve the question of who committed the murders https://nyti.ms/2KzcavA pic.twitter.com/X0jOBuaVEH


Jun 23, 2012
im voting for whoever the dems run in 2020, not named clinton

but i dont see anyone except a white dude beating trump :yeshrug: im not saying it's right, but lets be dead honest. the dems need someone that these piece of shyt trump supporters are gonna feel "ok" about taking trump's reigns, maybe even switch their vote to him because they're tired of his bullshyt. liz warren and kamala harris arent that
Unfortunately, it has to be a white dude if we want to get anything done. Once some of those geezers in Congress start to keel over is when we MAY be ready for anything other than a while, male, President.
Oct 22, 2017
Kamala Harris is an agent deployed by the liberal wing of white supremacy to co-opt the black female vote. Look at her history as an attorney general, which has never included a vigorous advocacy of issues germane to the empowerment of black Americans in the system of white supremacy. She is not our ally. The idea that someone a few shades darker than white, who calls themselves "black," is our ally was discounted by 8 years of Obama. :francis:

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

Kamala Harris keeping a man employed who sexually harass/retaliate against a female while the victim is silenced with taxpayers money proves she is NOT a progressive #MeToo champion. She should not run for President. Taxpayers should get their money back. https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article222688740.html …

4:04 PM - Dec 6, 2018 · Davenport, IA

Long-serving Kamala Harris Aide Larry Wallace resigns over harassment settlement http://bit.ly/2RLzI44

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014


Kamala Harris, a career prosecutor who served as California’s attorney general and is now a United States senator, is seen by liberals as the Democratic Party new “rising star”. Democrats are already touting the possibility of a 2020 presidential run, and any inkling of criticism, regardless of how genuine, faces a backlash from influential people in the political and media arena.

Critics are attacked on multiple levels. First, defenders argue Harris is a cog working within a larger unjust machine. Condemning her political decisions is frivolous because “she’s doing her job.”

They also argue critics are “purists” in search of a politician without imperfections. This assertion, while undoubtedly pretentious, is intended to malign leftists as immature and unable to understand the dirty realities of politics.

The third component of attacks involves malicious misrepresentation, a claim that critics reject Harris because she is a woman, or more specifically, a black woman. By weaponizing neoliberal identity politics, even the whitest liberals freely manipulate the wider discourse on race and gender in order to shape it into their favor.

During an edition of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” host Joy-Ann Reid spoke with Jason Johnson, a contributor for The Root, and Zerlina Maxwell, director of progressive programming at Sirius XM. Maxwell described the bloc of supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders and claimed the “ideological purity that some Sanders supporters want to implement in the Democratic Party is really a manifestation of privilege.”

“People of color and women can’t abide by purity tests…because of the structural difficulties of running for office,” Maxwell contended.

Johnson offered his own interpretation of the energy surrounding Harris. Referring to the former attorney general’s supporters as the “K-Hive,” which is a reference to pop culture icon Beyoncé and her “Beyhive”, he said, “Some people on the left have already forgotten…that people will protect her, and [they] love her to death…” and that Democrats should be mobilising around figures like Harris who “elicit such a response.”

Reid was enthralled enough by this comparison that she mentioned it on Twitter, to the delight of her followers.

A few days later, Reid shared the following comment: “Personality cults on the right and left are responsible for our current situation. Stop turning candidates into messiahs. They’re employees.” “This a thousand times,” Reid added. And yet Harris, with all of her blatant and inescapable shortcomings, has her own personality cult chasing the heels of a potential presidential run by Harris.

The “AM Joy” segment, like many liberals’ claims of “attacks” by the “far left,” ignored the fact that these critics garnering attention are primarily progressive or Democratic socialist Sanders supporters. These are individuals from a faction that may never be forgiven for refusing to enthusiastically line up in support of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Election. They are not communists, Marxists, or full-blooded socialists.

Reid and guests also largely avoided the real issues impacting citizens, particularly people of color, that deserve to be confronted when it comes to Harris’ record as a politician.

In 2014, lawyers for Kamala Harris argued in court that if minimum-custody inmates were released early, the state of California would “lose an important labor pool.” These inmates included firefighters, who are paid $1 an hour to confront some of the deadliest blazes in California history. Harris later argued that she was unaware her own office argued in favor of keeping parolees in jail so they could serve as the state’s on-call cheap labor.

A breakthrough profile in the New York Times referred to Harris as a “top cop” prosecutor who, according to critics, “failed to take on prosecutorial misconduct.” The profile noted in 2015 her office was called out for “defending convictions obtained by local prosecutors who inserted a false confession into the transcript of a police interrogation, lied under oath, and withheld crucial evidence from the defense.”

Police crimes were largely ignored by Harris. Oakland police officer Miguel Masso shot and killed Alan Blueford in 2012. Multiple witnesses said Blueford had no weapon, did not pose a threat to the officer, and was running away from the officer.

The Justice For Alan Blueford Coalition wrote a letter to Harris and demanded she do her job by bringing charges against Masso. Supporters engaged in civil disobedience in 2014, after she refused to meet with them. They were arrested (and police even swept up their legal observer in the arrests).

Harris’ book “Smart On Crime,” published in 2009, was a testament to a deeply capitalist, dystopian political ideology shared by even the most “progressive” Democrats.

The public is often referred to as “consumers” (examples: “consumers of safety,” “consumer education”). They are urged to support a crime policy which relentlessly focuses on violent crime, “and the prosecution of violent criminals.”

“The opportunity before us encourages transformation and empowerment of communities: rather than people feeling like helpless victims of crimes, they can become educated consumers of safety.”

Harris characterizes policing as a “service” and suggests:

[W]e can find and are finding more effective ways to reduce the sheer volume of nonviolent crime and recidivism, so that those nonviolent offenders don’t escalate their behavior and become so enmeshed in the crime cycle that we end up having to pay attention to them—and frankly pay for them—for the rest of their lives. The money we save can be used to put more police officers on the street, solve more crimes, attack more high-tech and identity-theft crimes with better technology, and provide services to victims. [emphasis added]

In 2010, Harris pushed a heavy-handed truancy initiative that went into effect in 2011. This anti-truancy bill—SB 1317—made it so that parents of truant children who miss more than 10 percent of their classes can be charged with a misdemeanor and given a $2,000 fine or a year in prison “if, after being offered state support and counseling, their kids still fail to improve their attendance.”

This wasn’t Harris’ first dance with anti-truancy measures, by any means. In 2009, Harris wrote in the San Francisco Chronicle that she had already prosecuted 20 parents for truancy, thereby introducing, or reintroducing, children and their families to a criminal justice system that is already stacked against them.

During her 2010 campaign, Harris touted a record of what she described as tough, affirmative crime prevention. Her official campaign page bragged that her felony conviction rate surpassed the years before—“from 52 percent in 2003 to 67 percent in 2006, the highest in a decade.”

Harris played a role in the wider United States drug war, increasing convictions for drug dealers from 56 percent to 74 percent in just three years.

Despite forming the first Mortgage and Investment Fraud Unit in the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, Harris refused to go after “foreclosure king” Steven Mnuchin, a decision she defended as recently as January. Mnuchin, who oversaw some 36,000 foreclosures between 2009 to 2015, violated numerous state foreclosure laws, and yet Harris refused to concede that his record should keep him from serving as President Donald Trump’s Treasury Secretary.

Harris’ record with police departments and the California prison industry is not simply a result of her job as attorney general. She played a key role in expanding the horizon of state violence.

Now, rather than diversifying the ranks of state actors responsible for oppression, it is critical to force Senator Kamala Harris to reckon with her neoliberal record, regardless of how her “K-Hive” may respond to such efforts.


Reckoning With The Neoliberal Record Of Kamala Harris