When I was a six grade savage I used to take a short white bus to the YMCA afterschool program. Like whoa was hot at the time. The first five months of the year the bus driver was a

white guy, but he was wild stereotypical- bald, wrinkled, age spots on his head, thick glasses, and he wore suspenders frequently. Matter fact he looked like
. This one time Im getting on the bus and he turns on the radio to Like Whoa playing. The kid getting on in front of me is next to the driver, he looks at him and tells him "Black Rob", since I guess the old man was

. The driver responds by saying
" This IS black rock
. Back in my day it used to be white rock, and today this is black rock. Who knows, in the future we'll have green rock or yellow rock

The guy looked at him like

" Black ROBBBB. That's Black ROB on the radio, the rapper."
@Young Fab ya Pops still alive?