Justice Smith says Black Lives Matter must include black gays and trans to be legit

Lamar Givens

Spitting truth you can’t handle
Nov 20, 2016
I mean if we being real the black community sort of despises trannies. I don't know if gays still get roasted, I think most of it stops when we all get older.

But yeah the black community ain't with trannies as of now. It's still something new that we got to get used to.

I don't understand either though. I'd like a religious breh to explain why there's gay men and transgender dudes

Mental illness compounded with sexual lust

Tribal Outkast

Nov 22, 2016
I hate these words but this is the perfect time for the “clout chaser” like you’re black man, that’s what we are talking about out there right? What’s the difference between this and all lives matter? This don’t forget about us stuff ain’t cool right now, just get out there and work together, this shyt can wait.


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
When I was in law school, there was a dyke chick I was cool with. The white people always looked at her funny, and she thought it was because she was a black lesbian . That’s her words. She was my tutor and super cool. We studied smoked weed together. She was dope but always vented about how the white folks down in Macon don’t like homosexuals and don’t like her being a dyke. Especially a black one. I told her they hate you because you are a black woman that is simply more intelligent and they are jealous of you. (This is Macon, Georgia) It didn’t register for her.

I get in a argument with a Black (biracial) OJ Simpson all white people are allies what about black on black crime mf in the school hall yelling him he acting like a c00n. Later that night the chick tell me let’s smoke and grab some food. She say the guy coming too. I even buy the man a lil bottle of Jack Daniels so he don’t act scary and know it’s all love and I don’t give a fukk about the argument.

Everybody smoked and then We went to grab some food out in town (Macon, GA). Her and her friend ( male) kept going on and in about this restaurant. When we went in , not a single black face there..the white waitress literally ignored us and greeted all white customers coming in and out the door. After standing there 5 minutes. (I was in the back just grinning, because of course I knew right away we were not wanted)... they didn’t get it. We were still waiting to be seated. Finally the waitress has the rudest look and says “do you need something”. They then realized oh wow this is racist and walked out slowly. All they kept talking about when they came out the door was how they never experienced something so racist. And they were shocked.

I realized all of her life experiences with racism in a isolated setting, she attributed to discrimination that she was gay and specifically a dyke from how she dressed, even though she is from Rome, Georgia. Never did she beleive it was because she was a BLaCK. I got love for all black people . Gay or straight. And I’m from Atlanta lol. Everyone is entitled to their sexuality. I’m straight have kids and married, so what other people do ain’t my concern. But a lot of gay black people have a dilemma with separating their sexuality from their race. Many assume that if they are being discriminated against, it is because they are gay, when white people dont give a fukk about your sexuality. A ****** is a ****** to them. And if we really wanted to go there...black gay men have some nerve to constantly shyt on black women as if they are more important or more victimized.
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May 6, 2015
Im confused. Is Black Lives Matter called Black lives matter except gays?

So Black gays and black trans people aren't black?

What about people like my transgender sibling who be out there fighting for black people's livelihood...did they just magically stop being black all of a sudden?

They chose the wrong side....we Black men are dying so the gays and dykes can continue to call us toxic and bring their non-important issues to the forefront.

LGBT issues ultimately overshadows any topic it comes up against because at the heart of it these folks are selfish....


Jan 12, 2017
then bring light to the situation using your own agenda & channels, and not trying to hijack this one that finally has the nation's attn

There's a diff between civilians killing trannies & cops killing unarmed black men for the record

We pay taxes for cops to protect & serve...but lbgtq wants to hijack every damn thing

fukk y'all
Breh they bring up Trayvon Martin all the time at these protests if you ever been to one.:stopitslime: he wasn't killed by a cop. This is about black lives being treated as expendable, and these groups see that at a high level, even from their own race.

Also I'm not gay, I have a girlfriend who I nutted in a few nights ago. You dont have to be gay or trans to see the issues going on here, the same way that you dont have to be black to see the issues going on.:francis:


Jan 12, 2017
No one is saying they arent suffering discrimination , but what I am saying is that at some point their focus became black men are the cause of their suffering , black men dont have the power to change discriminatory laws , we dont control the legal system so that crimes against the LGBT community can be taken more seriously, I could go on , and the irony is just for me being who I am Im labelled as toxic ,

They are their worst enemies , ill tell you why I remember when Malik Yoba revealed he was seeing a Trans person and he had an interview with some black gay publication and the dude just trashed him , rather than them see that obviously being famous and coming out as gay is a massive step they just trashed dude , any black entertainer in the closet will definitely stay in there now because the LGBT community wont support them , the idiots could have used him to build bridges or a dialogue but nah it was more important to trash him

And just like the black feminist movement the black LGBT movements agenda is controlled as usual by white people , I know that their main publication is controlled by whites cant remember what its called but they spend all their time trashing black men

I dont trust them or the black feminist movement , never have , simply because somehow they have both been brainwashed by the whites in their organisations that set their agendas to put their gender or sexual orientation before their race

They arent my allies , both organisations didnt have the sense to realise they were being used , they were both used to persue a white agenda , were easily convinced that black men were the enemy , and now theyve been abandoned suddenly they want unity ?

Like we dont know they are just looking for an organisation to attach to for some clout now that their white friends have gone?

fukk em

Even to be honest My support for BLM organisation has always been from an Ideological standpoint , we want the same things which is why I support what they are trying to do , but its not a movement I identify with at all , way too many unanswered questions and a lack of transparency ,
Do you think toxic masculinity means all masculinity is toxic? Or does it mean there are elements of masculinity that are toxic?

Why would women and LGBTQ put their gender or sexual identity before race? The same group that is supposed to be riding for them will call them bytches and fakkits in the next breath. You want a movement that really mainly supports men but these other groups also get discriminated against by their own group. This is why we need to specify these other groups to say we dont stand for their in group discrimination as well.

Last who cares what you support, have you even been out to a protest?

Max Power

Mar 23, 2013
The right way, the wrong way and the Max Power way
So Black gays and black trans people aren't black?

What about people like my transgender sibling who be out there fighting for black people's livelihood...did they just magically stop being black all of a sudden?

Your sibling is mentally ill and we don't need their support.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
talk shyt agian about my family again @Max Power i'll fukking will murder your bytch ass. I ride for my family cause they ride for me. You dont got no fukking principles. I dont got no time for that shyt!