Justice Smith says Black Lives Matter must include black gays and trans to be legit

Jul 6, 2018
London baby.
Every community does. You think white trans people would tell you glowing stories of acceptance and love with straight white men?

Nah but the finger always points to us.


In one breath cis black men have no power yet in another they have the power to ruin lives.

Their claims always change because only the truth is consistent.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
What are they seeking?
You can already marry who you want.
Do they want benefits to change, like Healthcare coverage?

This is Intersectional shiit.
That's a separate agenda, and don't try and stir up "White Male Patriarchal Supremacy" as dog whistle phrases to get folks to leapfrog from police brutality to gay rights.

Yall have to recognize the game.
They loading up extraneous agenda items:laugh:


May 7, 2012
Do you think toxic masculinity means all masculinity is toxic? Or does it mean there are elements of masculinity that are toxic?

Why would women and LGBTQ put their gender or sexual identity before race? The same group that is supposed to be riding for them will call them bytches and fakkits in the next breath. You want a movement that really mainly supports men but these other groups also get discriminated against by their own group. This is why we need to specify these other groups to say we dont stand for their in group discrimination as well.

Last who cares what you support, have you even been out to a protest?

Let me give you a couple of pointers on what you just wrote , The first indicator that someone doesnt have a valid argument is when they reduce themselves to ad hominem attacks , You have only addressed one point I made you couldnt address the others which is why you tried to get personal

Secondly the only point you did address you confirmed exactly what I said as which is you put your sexuality before your race and you explained that its because you are discriminated against by straight black men , which obviously happens

I know this , but you still didnt answer the point I made , you are discriminated against blacks and whites , but why do you people deem black discrimination as worse ?

You are confirming all the points I made , you Choose sexuality over race ... fine

And if you see straight black men as oppressors then why the fukk should we stand together ? I dont have an issue with how you us see to be honest ... If you guys want to continue to blast black men online and in articles its your choice
What i cant stand is in the next breath you want us to work together .... I hate hypocrisy , either we are the enemy or not , just keep it fukking real

Let me address something else that you wrote , you said I want a movement that mainly supports black men

I will wire you $1000 dollars if you can tell me where I said that

And that sums up EXACTLY how you guys think , any criticism from anyone in straight society you guys automatically assume its because of gender ,

You guys do it all the time , and its why a lot of people dont want to build with you guys because unlike anyone else you seem to think that you are above any critique , fukking grow up

Now because you tried to come at me personally , Im going to share a few things with you

You just seem to assume that the only reason I have issues with the BLM is because of prejudice , I am personally offended ,

not because you think Im prejudiced , but because you confuse me with someone like yourself who has not developed any political maturity .

Word of advice if you want to be effective in this game you are going to have to learn to deal with and work alongside people that are diametrically and ideologically opposed to everything you stand for , and in some cases dont want you to exist, you are going to have to deal with the fact that these people are politically mature and they have no problems putting personal prejudices aside because they are fukking professionals ,

And unlike you Im a professional and not a hypocrite

I do my due diligence ALWAYS

I Knew from DAY ONE of me doing my due diligence that BLM was run and controlled by people overwhelmingly from the LGBT community

This group positioned itself as fighting against discrimination based on race no gender , so why are there hardly any straight people amongst the leadership

And yet knowing this I still went to the BLM demonstration in london to show my full support ...

If a LGTB group was run by straight men and most people werent aware of it you wouldnt demonstrate with them , so do not fukking come at me you hypocrite , you would be the first one posting on here that they are fake

I have purposely never attacked them never tried to expose them knowing that BLM appears to be an organisation run by LGTB that has excluded straight men from its leadership , Ive always had misgivings but Ive never mentioned it because I prefer to focus on the bigger issue ,

Anyone who fully supports an organisation that isnt transparent is an idiot ,

Is BLM really an organisation for LGTB issues that is just using race issues as a springboard hiding their true agenda

Why are straight men apparently excluded from membership

Why is a purportedly black organisation allegedly funded by a white billionaire who previously has shown no interest in the black community , what is his role and his motives did they approach him or he approach them

These are all legitimate questions , a black organisation that appears to be set up and funded by a white billionaire , to any reasonable thinking person this is a red flag ,

These are serious misgivings because on the surface it appears to be a puppet organisation , there could be a simple explanation to all of this which is why I have never rushed to judgement , To other people all these questions may be irrelevant , and thats fine , but for me they are pertinent ,even if these questions remain unanswered unlike you I approach these things with common sense and maturity so Im not going to take on the assumption that it means they are dodgy or corrupt , it just means I will maintain my position of supporting its objectives without supporting the organisation, i do not want to be anyones puppet

So do not drag me in your fukking petty world of people that whos thinking is governed by personal prejudices

your asking me have I demonstrated ? yes in two different countries ....

But so have many people on this board

One thing that I know not many people have done , is this , I have actually been to the houses of Parliament in Westminster in London and given an address to a cross party group of MPs concerning matters of race

Unfortunately I have spent more time than Ive ever wanted dealing with politicians , senior civil servants, with DFID , I only point this out because you are questioning me about demonstrations , something I started doing at the age of 18 until progressing to other things

The levels we operate on are different so dont come at me with emotional foolishness trying to attack me personally because you dont agree wiith something Ive said , Ive never understood people that cant disagree over a topic without getting personal , childish and pointless.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Thats the reason it fell off the last time honestly... they tried to make it a gay thing and have it be ran by gays and people stopped following it or taking it serious.

:ohhh: you hit the nail on the head this black LGBTQ lives matter is starting to turn into a different version of the what about black on black crime that get use any time police get away with killing a black person :wow:.

And thats why they're doing it. Ed Buck and his friends very much enjoy white supremacy and would like us to change the topic.


May 7, 2012
Ive worked in strategy , so when i critique these organisations its not from a point of idiological or personal standpoint , its from a standpoint of how they run and operate

The reason Trump is in the whote house is because steve bannon got groups that have different ideologies and aims to work together , many of these groups hate each other but as a strategist your job is to get everyone in those organisations working together for the common goal at the same time it has to be done without having a negative affect on each organisation

you arent dealing with the political side , manifestos ideology etc... just on how organisations are run

the reason i do t trust the lgbt community has nothing to do with their ideology but how they are run issues which need urgent addressing , i could go through it point by point but i have no personal investment either way , there is no point in being deep with peiple that dont understand that improvement and progress only comes with critigue . And frankly i dont do for free what ive been paid for .

What i will say as an organisation if you want to build with others people have to be confident who they are talking to.,
I look ar the lgbt groups and from a proffessional standpoint the fact that you are bashing black men is irrelevant , what is relevant is i need to know that this is coming from you and not from another organisation that is pulling your strings . From my point of view it seems that white people are the ones in power in your media organisations which means they effectively are in charge

why would i work alongside an organisation to fight an enemy that is apparently running that organisation , thats why i dont trust them , they need to put their house in order