Just got back in from the club in Chicago....here's why nikkas are losing


Mar 11, 2015
All he would have to do is be lowkey, savvy and delegate. . If it takes ass-kissing to succeed in business, then so be it. Running a business in a white American area is certainly possible. Put the right faces in the right places and market the right services to the right people. Integrate unifying factors like patriotism, football, women, etc could make a successful bar. After all,These things make Americans feel as one and put less of an emphasis on aggression and division.

I'm tired of the excuses.

What does this say about racism in America if you as a black owner have to be low key? Yes, I feel you in the unifying factors but if you as the owner are black, it will draw a black crowd if you are known. I lived in Little Rock and saw a business go from black(soul spot, no ratchet music) to white as the owners changed. White people are afraid to attend a business that is black owned because they believe in black stereotypes and are scared to go.

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
400 years of slavery, followed by Jim Crow got us to where we are right now psychologically as a people. Change isn't going to happen over night. As much as I hate to say it, I really do believe that the majority of black people view white people as superior. No one would ever admit it, but I think the reason we act the way that we do (the arrogance, flashiness, over sexualization) is a way of compensating and/or coping with the reality that, at least right now at this point in time, white people have won. I don't think it will stay this way, as nothing lasts forever, but the phycological damage of slavery is currently affecting us right now even still in 2015. We don't love ourselves, we don't love one another, and we continue to put whites on a pedestal. If we were as efficient at owning our culture as we were at creating it...we'd be a force to be reckoned with!!!
My African knuckles, you been a pretty good poster :salute:, how you find out about thecoli?
May 15, 2012
I honestly think that business isn't black people's talent...athletics and entertainment. But not selling things...

Why did this situation help you come to this conclusion... look around the hood 90 percent of the businesses there are Asian owned.

Look at who owns hip hop, and its the Jewish

Look at how much better Telemundo is compared to say BET...

Black people and Businesses dont mix like two dikks with no chick

dumbest shyt I've heard

only way a black man can get rich is by being he's own boss

sports and entertainment is a business you fukking moron

also at the NBA draft it was a 8 year old kid who started his own business selling bow ties and makes 200,000 gs a year

just because you aren't aware of shyt in the world doesn't mean it's not there, it just means you are ignorant to facts

Bob Johnson sold BET a long ass time ago, all viacom owned channels are trash

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Good drop but how does one go about educating children/oneself without the using acredited circulum
from Whites in some form?

You have to keep in mind that their knowledge is nothing but theory. Nothing is absolute...well very few things are. Perhaps SIMPLE mathematics.

Everything else is from our perspective which is limited. It's said that there are colors our eyes can't see. What if an alien or ghost is that color? We wouldn't even be able to see it in front of us. Think it was skmeth I ng like we only see like 30% of the spectrum.

What I'm getting to, is while cacs pop out there chest like they actually know something, they're like a 2nd grader who thinks they know if all.

We still using fossil fuels, don't understand the pyramids, haven't cured the cold, etc., shows we don't know shyt.

Go to these institutions, use their curriculum but seek other non conventional lanes of education also. Read those ancient texts and find the jewels in them, some that modern science will swear are fables. Check those other cultures.

Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
The owner


Now check out their site, gallery and tell me as a black person how you feel about this


Awesome concept and good acts. Wish I could see Beres Hammond sing Rockaway in Aug. The Cotton Club in Harlem was owned by a white man. There are some black people who own nice spots like Park at 14th in DC.

There are enough dope boys that open up hole in the walls that change managment six months as a drug front. Us regular folk should have some entrepreneurial spririt.

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
So I'm working personal security at club shrine. It's a packed house full of our people, athletes and couple of other hood celebrities paying out the ass for vip and bottle service, pictures of Fela Kuti and other black icons on the walls, etc... Everybody's cool, the women are looking good, nikkas drinking and chilling but here's the catch: The owner is white as rice, there's cac cops outside yelling and talking to people like children, bartenders and management were primarily cac.

Now this isn't a dig to nikkas that want to go kick it and have fun on a Saturday night but how in the entire hell is this even possible? Could we as black people start a white themed bar / club with primarily black staff in a white area and have success? Could whites do the same with Asians or Mexicans and have success? I'm asking seriously because maybe there are other examples of this somewhere where their big spenders are cashing out spots owned by other races. Meanwhile the couple of black owned spots that do try to open up shop are closed because of regular violence or other shyt that causes them to lose their liquor license but at the white mans house we know how to act

Like I said, this isn't a dig to anyone but i see the same shyt with us in our own areas we live in. nikkas will litter and fukk up our own areas but let some blacks go live in some white areas then it's a totally different story.

How can this mentality change and what can be done about it?

This is very interesting because something exactly like this happened. There was a spot in river north that was a creole New Orleans type deal by day but then it turned into an over 21 bar/lounge by night. Real classy, nice upscale place. Not hood at all. The cacs around there through a fit. They claimed ppl were hanging out all night, destroying property, leaving bottles everywhere, dealing drugs, etc. They were in community board meetings every week complaining. Cacs don't want you to succeed in no way shape or fashion. I am going to try to find the link to this story

Edit: Found it.


Meanwhile, they are whole neighborhoods up north dedicated to bar life with cacs acting a fool damn near every weekend and no one bats an eyelid. Chicago is still one of the most segregated, racist cities in this country. Can't wait to get out this shyt ass city. They are taxing fukking streaming services(netflix, spotify) now. This city is horrible
Last edited:


Jan 7, 2013
I honestly think that business isn't black people's talent...athletics and entertainment. But not selling things...

Why did this situation help you come to this conclusion... look around the hood 90 percent of the businesses there are Asian owned.

Look at who owns hip hop, and its the Jewish

Look at how much better Telemundo is compared to say BET...

Black people and Businesses dont mix like two dikks with no chick

Business isn't about talent ..it's about skill

Selling/marketing is a skill that can be learnt, implemented and taught to ANY race

Who cares about the hood ? We are 15% of the population and the poorest demographic

Why should we sell to ourselves and not focus on creating products/services for other races to buy ?

Fukk Telemundo ...how many hollywood hispanic actors and actresses have won oscars ?

How many of them are blockbusters ?

Your whole outlook is what keeps black individuals locked into being consumers/scholars
instead of being owners and titans of industry

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Too many times we pander our businesses for the lowest denominator too. Don't want to be seen as selling out. Other races don't suffer this on a similar a scale.

My brother just told me he wanted to open a club and went into the details that it would basically be a hood venture. I hit him with :camby:for multiple reasons.

Trying to cater to people who really have no business in a club. If you're so dusty all you have are tshirts you have bigger things to worry about.

Made Myself A Boss

Sep 8, 2014
dMv/ JA
dumbest shyt I've heard

only way a black man can get rich is by being he's own boss

sports and entertainment is a business you fukking moron

also at the NBA draft it was a 8 year old kid who started his own business selling bow ties and makes 200,000 gs a year

just because you aren't aware of shyt in the world doesn't mean it's not there, it just means you are ignorant to facts

Bob Johnson sold BET a long ass time ago, all viacom owned channels are trash

Business isn't about talent ..it's about skill

Selling/marketing is a skill that can be learnt, implemented and taught to ANY race

Who cares about the hood ? We are 15% of the population and the poorest demographic

Why should we sell to ourselves and not focus on creating products/services for other races to buy ?

Fukk Telemundo ...how many hollywood hispanic actors and actresses have won oscars ?

How many of them are blockbusters ?

Your whole outlook is what keeps black individuals locked into being consumers/scholars
instead of being owners and titans of industry

If all what you dumb nikkas is saying is true then we wouldn't be having this thread to begin with...

Yes business is a learned skill, just like football and basketball is a learned skill, but naturally we are more athletic then others hence why more of us excel, and naturally others are better acclimated to having business sense hence why they are excelling.

And to the dumbass talking about Oscars,..i already said we have a natural talent in being entertainment .. but your Oscar argument doesn't answer why Telemundo does better numbers then BET as a network..

And i have cousins from Baltimore the work in major marketing firms.. i not saying no black person can succeed in business... but the numbers do lie in the situation.

We can't even sell our own music.. you all seen that video of Bobby Shmuda jumping around like a monkey on a table... Thats the sad reality..now as soon as you two accept whats real, then we can start to move foward and find solutions to the problem...

Unfortunately too many black people act like you two and act as if there is no problem at all... and its a shame.. we have so much talent that will never be tapped into because of ignorant pride:snoop:


Jun 8, 2012
So I'm working personal security at club shrine. It's a packed house full of our people, athletes and couple of other hood celebrities paying out the ass for vip and bottle service, pictures of Fela Kuti and other black icons on the walls, etc... Everybody's cool, the women are looking good, nikkas drinking and chilling but here's the catch: The owner is white as rice, there's cac cops outside yelling and talking to people like children, bartenders and management were primarily cac.

Now this isn't a dig to nikkas that want to go kick it and have fun on a Saturday night but how in the entire hell is this even possible? Could we as black people start a white themed bar / club with primarily black staff in a white area and have success? Could whites do the same with Asians or Mexicans and have success? I'm asking seriously because maybe there are other examples of this somewhere where their big spenders are cashing out spots owned by other races. Meanwhile the couple of black owned spots that do try to open up shop are closed because of regular violence or other shyt that causes them to lose their liquor license but at the white mans house we know how to act

Like I said, this isn't a dig to anyone but i see the same shyt with us in our own areas we live in. nikkas will litter and fukk up our own areas but let some blacks go live in some white areas then it's a totally different story.

How can this mentality change and what can be done about it?
let me come on in here and break your heart. what you speak of has been going on since post slavery. it wont change unless the white man stops treating us lesser than. stops polluting the airwaves(TV, radio, etc.) with negative images of black folks or black folks in a subservient role to white folks. Until these things happen, the results of brainwashing black folks for 100's of years will continue. It is...what it is. Nuccas will balk when a black person is trying to sell them the same thing some other race is selling them. I know this first hand. And what you could be selling them could even be of higher quality. they will still run their mouth and complain about how expensive it is. then go right around the corner to the asian dude and buy the same thing or something of lesser value for the same price as they could have paid you the black person that looks just like them. this is what happens when your people are treated like ish for 100s of years and counting. It will never change for our GROUP of people. some individuals yes. but there will never be this mass awakening among black people.

SO my suggestion is this. If you had the doe and the know how to open up a club/bar, etc and you're black. go ahead and do that. Then hire white people to work their. hire a white guy to be the Greeter door man(looking like the owner but its really you), make sure most or at least half of the staff is other. i know we need jobs. but i'm just telling you how it has to be done in these scenarios so black business can be supported by black people. and we're not just talking about a soul food spot or some african wears spot for those super black fist types. we're talking about a bar/club spot that aint even located in the hood. you want it to go well. dont push that its your club unless you're a big time entertainer. and even then it still cant be a "black club" it will have to be mixed.

Tanahashi Coates

Apr 14, 2015
This is very interesting because something exactly like this happened. There was a spot in river north that was a creole New Orleans type deal by day but then it turned into an over 21 bar/lounge by night. Real classy, nice upscale place. Not hood at all. The cacs around there through a fit. They claimed ppl were hanging out all night, destroying property, leaving bottles everywhere, dealing drugs, etc. They were in community board meetings every week complaining. Cacs don't want you to succeed in no way shape or fashion. I am going to try to find the link to this story

Edit: Found it.


Meanwhile, they are whole neighborhoods up north dedicated to bar life with cacs acting a fool damn near every weekend and no one bats an eyelid. Chicago is still one of the most segregated, racist cities in this country. Can't wait to get out this shyt ass city. They are taxing fukking streaming services(netflix, spotify) now. This city is horrible

That was the bar I was talking about in an earlier post. They keep having issues with the city
Jun 7, 2015
400 years of slavery, followed by Jim Crow got us to where we are right now psychologically as a people. Change isn't going to happen over night. As much as I hate to say it, I really do believe that the majority of black people view white people as superior. No one would ever admit it, but I think the reason we act the way that we do (the arrogance, flashiness, over sexualization) is a way of compensating and/or coping with the reality that, at least right now at this point in time, white people have won. I don't think it will stay this way, as nothing lasts forever, but the phycological damage of slavery is currently affecting us right now even still in 2015. We don't love ourselves, we don't love one another, and we continue to put whites on a pedestal. If we were as efficient at owning our culture as we were at creating it...we'd be a force to be reckoned with!!!
This. And I don't think it's conscious, but rather that we've been conditioned to have a deep-seated hatred for self and a distrust for all that look like us. When I'm feeling myself over the $300 denim Saks took me for or salivating at the thought of someday pulling out the driveway in a G wagon, I think it's subconciously rooted in sticking it to the brother next door. And, in essence, to appease the white man. The thing is, White America, by-and-large, could give two shyts about me. And I'd be just as well off in Wrangler jeans or my 03 Accord. And I know that. But still I struggle. Every other group in America seems to have taken ownership of their culture, except for us. And while there are major barriers to us taking an ownership stake in our communities and culture, it's not at all impossible. I'm 21 and just now starting to figure that out. If we, as a generation, just stopped wasting our money on frivolous shyt and bought back our communities then our children and their children won't have to deal with spending their hard-earned in non-black owned establishments, only to be treated like second class citizens. Idk. Just a thought.
May 15, 2012
If all what you dumb nikkas is saying is true then we wouldn't be having this thread to begin with...

Yes business is a learned skill, just like football and basketball is a learned skill, but naturally we are more athletic then others hence why more of us excel, and naturally others are better acclimated to having business sense hence why they are excelling.

And to the dumbass talking about Oscars,..i already said we have a natural talent in being entertainment .. but your Oscar argument doesn't answer why Telemundo does better numbers then BET as a network..

And i have cousins from Baltimore the work in major marketing firms.. i not saying no black person can succeed in business... but the numbers do lie in the situation.

We can't even sell our own music.. you all seen that video of Bobby Shmuda jumping around like a monkey on a table... Thats the sad reality..now as soon as you two accept whats real, then we can start to move foward and find solutions to the problem...

Unfortunately too many black people act like you two and act as if there is no problem at all... and its a shame.. we have so much talent that will never be tapped into because of ignorant pride:snoop:

please shut the fukk up, you have no clue what you are talking, like I said you are ignorant

this thread was made is because OP is insecure with his own life, because he felt like he was getting bossed up on at some white owned establishment he got in his feelings

I don't feel that way because I know owing a bar ain't shyt, nikkaz been doing that since before civil rights

arabs and asians have stores in our neigborhoods, because they whole family lives in one house and they chip in to geta store of use a cousin's credit until it's burned out and go on to the next one

African's own gas stations too and they immigrants, nikkaz just don't want to do that shyt, most black business people have better businesses than those to be honest as far as the type of lifestyle you are able to live

most them arabs are peter to pay paul out this bytch, most people are bums straight up gassed up off the glory of the 5 percent of their population thats rich