Saw it again for the 2nd time today and I can honestly say this was the best X-Men movie out of the whole series. They re-booted the franchise in a very smart way in my opinion.
Them future Sentinels were nothing to fukk with. Seeing them literally ADAPT to every mutant they fight with and kill them at their own game had me like
There were some corny lines here and there but it didn't really take away from the movie.
When Magneto got them demo Sentinels and brought that whole stadium to white house just to fukk shyt up my only reaction was "Welp Erik gonna Erik

Young Xavier was acting like a bytch though out a good potion of the movie but when his older self pretty much told him to stop acting like a bytch in a nice way he finally got his swag back like
Jennifer Lawence as Mystique was

...she looked even better in that make up then Rebecca Romijn. When she said, "Whats the matter baby I don't look pretty enough for you?" I would have went
To be honest, after she is done with the Hunger Games movies I wouldn't be surprised if they do a spin off of just her character. Especially after that ending which could lead into the next Wolverine movie.