Jonathan Majors was arrested in New York City this weekend | UPDATE: Majors has been found Guilty, Fired from Marvel - Magazine Dreams drops Q1 2025


Oct 26, 2014
I don't get it, i thought it was looking likely he was innocent?

What happened?


Mar 11, 2022
This video where breh literally came out of nowhere and was conveniently filmed breaking up a "fight" between high schoolers :dead:

:deadrose: this nikka look like a damn fool. man wrap it up. i never seen this shyt lmaooooo. The crazy part is he didnt even break up the fight. Dude made a cameo in an underground street vid. Shorty filming on her insignia laptop on 2G LTE with big bezels for extra grip. video long as shyt too like yeah these someone's Hollywood kids.


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
Like I said nuance. I believe dude is a little crazy. I also believe he's being railroaded.

But the simple fact is... the justice system is run by people. And people can pick up grudges and hold them against you.

Him being black is already one strike. But being rich and famous can deter that to an EXTENT on your first accusation of wrongdoing, depending on who you are and what type of MACHINE is behind you.

Dude has the frickin Disney machine behind him. There's a reason they aren't able to help him.

It looks like he has offended enough people over the years who have that much of an axe to grind against him, and are willing to go on record against him.

And for the record, I think the other accusations are related to who he is as a person, not him beating up women. But it's enough of a bad look where prosecutors are looking at it and consider it to be too egregious for them to drop the charges.

And the other thing you have to keep in mind, is that the police and DA don't like being lied on. Dude put himself in a trick bag when he was sending his reps out there to talk about how they had a video that would prove he didn't do anything, or that the police were gonna arrest ole girl or some of the other stuff he was saying.

That in itself is enough for prosecutors to hit him with that :ufdup: and decide to go full steam ahead. You can't lie on the people who are prosecuting a case against you, brehs. You want to keep them ppl as happy as possible.
There is no nuance in either of your posts :skip:
You nikkas get on here projecting shyt onto people like you really know them:skip:
Have you read about brehs life and the shyt he went through
To outright call somebody an a$$hole or psycho because they hold on to a cup too tight:skip:
This is the problem I have with nikkas(people in general on this website and irl)
Muthafukkas will cast aspersions on you then when they have a one on one
shyt changes up
I talk to absolutely no one in the real world unless you are my day ones or family
I have a mean poker face and give two shyts about nobody outside my circle
The amount of times I’ve been called mean , a$$hole and all kinds of shyt just because I’m not some jolly nikka dancing around like Big Groove aka that big sambo ass nikka dancing for chicken
Then somebody strikes a conversation with me and :gladbron::leon::mjgrin:
Ive noticed one thing as a black man for 42 years of my life
You are not allowed to have any autonomy
You are not allowed to have in eccentricities
You are not allowed to be an introvert
You are not given any benefit of the doubt from anybody
Not even so called “strong black men of the community”
You talk about nuance then post some shyt that’s non nuance sir :skip:
Men are not afforded grace, it’s immediate guilt while these hoes are given chance after chance
Meg the Stallion got a whole domestic violence charge and nikkas still be geeked up on her goofy ass
People are still giving Amber Heard grace after all the bullshyt she did to a Johnny Depp
And even though these aren’t even in the same realm but the conversations titter into the territory
George Stinney Jr, Emmet Till and many others come to my mind anytime a black man is accused of something by a woman of any color
Again you coli nikkas have the comprehension of a turnip
Majors isn’t them but the conversation of guilt until proven innocent is just like those cases


Jul 21, 2012
Escondido California
There is no nuance in either of your posts :skip:
You nikkas get on here projecting shyt onto people like you really know them:skip:
Have you read about brehs life and the shyt he went through
To outright call somebody an a$$hole or psycho because they hold on to a cup too tight:skip:
This is the problem I have with nikkas(people in general on this website and irl)
Muthafukkas will cast aspersions on you then when they have a one on one
shyt changes up
I talk to absolutely no one in the real world unless you are my day ones or family
I have a mean poker face and give two shyts about nobody outside my circle
The amount of times I’ve been called mean , a$$hole and all kinds of shyt just because I’m not some jolly nikka dancing around like Big Groove aka that big sambo ass nikka dancing for chicken
Then somebody strikes a conversation with me and :gladbron::leon::mjgrin:
Ive noticed one thing as a black man for 42 years of my life
You are not allowed to have any autonomy
You are not allowed to have in eccentricities
You are not allowed to be an introvert
You are not given any benefit of the doubt from anybody
Not even so called “strong black men of the community”
You talk about nuance then post some shyt that’s non nuance sir :skip:
Men are not afforded grace, it’s immediate guilt while these hoes are given chance after chance
Meg the Stallion got a whole domestic violence charge and nikkas still be geeked up on her goofy ass
People are still giving Amber Heard grace after all the bullshyt she did to a Johnny Depp
And even though these aren’t even in the same realm but the conversations titter into the territory
George Stinney Jr, Emmet Till and many others come to my mind anytime a black man is accused of something by a woman of any color
Again you coli nikkas have the comprehension of a turnip
Majors isn’t them but the conversation of guilt until proven innocent is just like those cases
You sound like me.:obama: