Jonathan Majors was arrested in New York City this weekend | UPDATE: Majors has been found Guilty, Fired from Marvel - Magazine Dreams drops Q1 2025

Apr 3, 2014
Guilty until proven innocent
And nikkas believing this case ain’t got a slant/witch hunt to it
How many black men have been wrongfully accused or lives been ruined by women of all colors when shyt didn’t go their way
Evidence/logistics be damned
I’ll admit my wrongness if the nikka really did it but this shyt is not passing the smell test

Like I said nuance. I believe dude is a little crazy. I also believe he's being railroaded.

But the simple fact is... the justice system is run by people. And people can pick up grudges and hold them against you.

Him being black is already one strike. But being rich and famous can deter that to an EXTENT on your first accusation of wrongdoing, depending on who you are and what type of MACHINE is behind you.

Dude has the frickin Disney machine behind him. There's a reason they aren't able to help him.

It looks like he has offended enough people over the years who have that much of an axe to grind against him, and are willing to go on record against him.

And for the record, I think the other accusations are related to who he is as a person, not him beating up women. But it's enough of a bad look where prosecutors are looking at it and consider it to be too egregious for them to drop the charges.

And the other thing you have to keep in mind, is that the police and DA don't like being lied on. Dude put himself in a trick bag when he was sending his reps out there to talk about how they had a video that would prove he didn't do anything, or that the police were gonna arrest ole girl or some of the other stuff he was saying.

That in itself is enough for prosecutors to hit him with that :ufdup: and decide to go full steam ahead. You can't lie on the people who are prosecuting a case against you, brehs. You want to keep them ppl as happy as possible.


Sep 25, 2012
I believe in this case there's a bit of nuance.

I've worked pr for celebs before. The stuff that Majors team is doing has made absolutely NO sense. I could tell it wasn't them making the decisions. It was him. I said this months ago.

I can also read between the lines and see that breh is an a$$hole, which is neither a jailable offense or a reason to lose one's career.

Plus homie be holding on to that cup he cadries everywhere a little too tight for me. I think breh is a legit psycho.

Now again does that mean he did what he is accused of? Of course not.

But breh does come off like he has issues. And I say that as someone who believes the NY case is foolery.

This isn't being dropped for a reason. And it's not cause he's guilty. It's cause he's run out of goodwill. Marvel has gone all out trying to get this case dropped. I believe the reason the case hasn't been dropped is because breh has a long laundry list of other offenses and stories being told that have made it to where the DA has a hammer to grind.
What decisions were red flags to you

Peter Popoff

AKA Petty Pimpiń..🤑
Dec 25, 2012
Brooklyn, Texas
I believe in this case there's a bit of nuance.

I've worked pr for celebs before. The stuff that Majors team is doing has made absolutely NO sense. I could tell it wasn't them making the decisions. It was him. I said this months ago.

I can also read between the lines and see that breh is an a$$hole, which is neither a jailable offense or a reason to lose one's career.

Plus homie be holding on to that cup he cadries everywhere a little too tight for me. I think breh is a legit psycho.

Now again does that mean he did what he is accused of? Of course not.

But breh does come off like he has issues. And I say that as someone who believes the NY case is foolery.

This isn't being dropped for a reason. And it's not cause he's guilty. It's cause he's run out of goodwill. Marvel has gone all out trying to get this case dropped. I believe the reason the case hasn't been dropped is because breh has a long laundry list of other offenses and stories being told that have made it to where the DA has a hammer to grind.
In my interactions with certain individuals in Hollywood, a huge maybe 90 something percent of them are sociopaths. That is the industry. Always has been.

He's only a microcosm of Hollywood and not an outlier so I can't ever pin fault on him. I think the white bıtch played the game better and fụcked him over. She got connects. This ain't Will Smith of Diddy intellect after all.
Apr 3, 2014
What decisions were red flags to you

Let's see... :jbhmm:

The obvious Meagan Good fake relationship to win black women over (which to his credit worked :ehh:). But come on, it was obvious. :dead:

And the folks that it's obvious to are the judge and the prosecutor.

They kept saying there was a video of the actual incident that would exonerate him. They said this over and over and over again. Then when folks started telling them to drop it then, there was no video.

Then they put this out there:

‘The lawyer then claimed certified experts declared that the woman did not have any injuries when she went to a nightclub following the alleged incident.

Another portion of the statement said the woman isn’t telling the truth, saying, “In fact, the forensic medical expert’s opinion shows that the woman is lying. It is disturbing that even when presented with this incontrovertible evidence, the District Attorney continues this false case.”’

:snoop: What "certified experts"? What forensic medical experts? If they were gonna say this, they should have saved it for the trial. Putting it out to the general public was just stupid.

Those idiot outfit he wears to court to present himself as a pauper. I seen dude go to court dressed like he was a slave on an Alabama plantation. I mean, I get it... but when you do gimmicks like that, it doesn't go over well with the judge, a potential jury or the general public.


This video where breh literally came out of nowhere and was conveniently filmed breaking up a "fight" between high schoolers :dead:

Dropping the video in this article was dumb as hell. As I said previously:

You can't convince me that Jonothan Majors ain't in charge of his own defense... cause no lawyer would put this video out for public consumption unless they are a complete dumbass. :snoop:

We all know that the woman lied on him, but releasing a video of her frantic and crying and stressed IS NOT GOING TO CLEAR HIS NAME IN THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION.

This would play PERFECT in an actual courtroom, but the general public has proven to be rabid and irrational and they keep giving these fools red meat. This is some insane stuff.

They supposed to save videos like this for if the case actually goes to trial. Then you play this in court and he's IMMEDIATELY exonerated. But releasing this to the public is only playing right into the hands of the feminist attack dogs and haters of black men, and folks who are apparently jealous of him and want to bring his career down. They're going to point to this video as proof that he did something to her.

These people are dumbasses. :dahell:

Nothing his PR has done has made sense. I firmly believe this is HIS strategy and he forcing them to do it on some "I'm paying you, do it damn it!!! :damn:"

Cause any idiot in a PR agency could have played this whole situation better than what's been going on.
Apr 3, 2014
Hopefully bro is innocent.

I think he'll get off if they quit playing games. The evidence in this case is against ole girl. Its them admitting other evidence in that could get him.

Instead of focusing on his pr, he should be in the room with the lawyers making sure they doing what they supposed to do.

No matter what, his image is gonna take a hit. The one thing he got right was Meagan Good. But other than that... he needs to win the case first and then work on winning the public back over.


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
Like I have been saying from day one..they should have paid the bytch off,made her recant the whole thing and say the wounds were self inflicted
Taking this to trial is a big mistake
Bragg and his team ain't rookies
A whole lot of his personal shyt gonna be public record
And if 3-4 hoes testify for the prosecution it won't look good
Even if the defense obliterate them on cross,the public gonna side with the broads

I'll pray for him


O³ (O cubed)

No more PAWGs, PLEASE??!!!??
Mar 8, 2017
Hackney, London
Guilty until proven innocent
And nikkas believing this case ain’t got a slant/witch hunt to it
How many black men have been wrongfully accused or lives been ruined by women of all colors when shyt didn’t go their way
Evidence/logistics be damned
I’ll admit my wrongness if the nikka really did it but this shyt is not passing the smell test
I'm just scratching my head at the London thing. The Met is going through a lot with rapists, drug dealers and other criminals who happen to be policeman. They just lost a case where two black olympic athletes were forcibly ejected out of their car because, the cops said that they smelt cannabis. (They didn't because they're olympic athletes and get regular drug tests) And left their child in the car.

But I digress. The point I'm trying to make is that the police over here shouldn't even be investigating this. The case should've been done and dusted by now but they are trying to get Majors in anything because the case is weak.