Your thing pretty often is to dismiss genuine worry as "Moody Conjecture", as if it isn't founded very real
abuses that objectively exist in reality.
We've already seen the results of the Neoliberal (Biden style) approach to stemming crime.
Here's a podcast link in case you need a history lesson:
Racist Psuedoscience.
This quote:
Speaks to the point I'm making.
This is an old issue coming BACK to the fore in 2021.
The Republicans have repeatedly framed their sister party The Democrats as enablers of violence and supporters of lawlessness
and it's often done in a "Dog whistle" or openly racist way. Implying that they're in support of or in defense of violence perpetrated by minorities.
The Democrats typically respond with being "Tough On Crime" and "Pro Law & Order" with these statements turning into actual
legislature which has negatively impacted.....minority groups.
The problem here is Biden has been on a spree drafting up paperwork that also criminalizes Anti-Capitalist or Socialist rhetoric which
ties into the current "New Red Scare" we have going on in the states with Anti-Chinese Rhetoric tangentially being channeled into
Anti-Sino and overt Asian Racism (like the recent spats of racist attacks!).
This is without touching on the economic impact of the Pandemic and how it may be fuel for any potential crime to rear it's head
this summer (lost jobs, stagnant wages, current inflation (rising prices for food, gas, housing etc.) .
We can't have a realistic criticism of Biden and The Democrats and what it actually means to be progressive if any concerns
about their fascist tendencies and Republican-isms are handwaved as "Crazy fear mongering".