Joe Biden and Kalama Harris to Provide US Citizenship to over 500,000 Indians

Oct 25, 2014
You'll see outsourcing of white collar jobs on steroids under this Administration. With wages pretty much stagnant across the board. Especially if this is done now with Covid still raging. All these college kids who voted for Biden/Harris won't find much in terms of jobs after graduation.

LMAO, so pretty much exactly what's happening in Canada?

Oct 25, 2014
It is precisely shyt like this that will lead to the rise of a far more competent Republican fascist in 2024. Democrats never learn, while black America pays the steepest price for the party’s actions.


Yep I live in Canada and this is my biggest fear.

We are seeing a right wing resurgence in Canada, and it's mostly due to immigration policy.

I honestly don't care that much, but I don't want it to cost us am election, conservative policies help no body. But white folks will choose their whiteness first and foremost.

This could be dangerous for the democrats.
Oct 25, 2014
As someone who lives in Silicon Valley, I can honestly say that they taking all the jobs. I never thought I would say this, but they really are. They make up the senior leadership at a lot of tech companies so they love hiring their own, shyts annoying. When I was doing interviews. almost all the jobs I applied to had an Indian giving the interview. They favor their own and Asians. I got lucky and got interviewed by a Cac for my current internship. I got a call back and I enjoy it when the office isn't 90% Indian.

I thought this was just me.

Everytime, I am interviewed by a white woman(most hr is women anyways) I always get a fair shot, and move to the next steps.

But an indian?


So it's got to the point where, whenever I get an interviewed by an indian I feel like I'm wasting my time :gucci:

And yeah,sorry but indians make the worst co-workers. All my jobs that I have had, I enjoyed it being a mix of people, if it can't be mostly black.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
I thought this was just me.

Everytime, I am interviewed by a white woman(most hr is women anyways) I always get a fair shot, and move to the next steps.

But an indian?


So it's got to the point where, whenever I get an interviewed by an indian I feel like I'm wasting my time :gucci:

And yeah,sorry but indians make the worst co-workers. All my jobs that I have had, I enjoyed it being a mix of people, if it can't be mostly black.

This is 100 percent fact

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
I thought this was just me.

Everytime, I am interviewed by a white woman(most hr is women anyways) I always get a fair shot, and move to the next steps.

But an indian?


So it's got to the point where, whenever I get an interviewed by an indian I feel like I'm wasting my time :gucci:

And yeah,sorry but indians make the worst co-workers. All my jobs that I have had, I enjoyed it being a mix of people, if it can't be mostly black.
I find it to be hit or miss with whites. When I directly interviewed by companies, whites can be extremely hit or miss. But working with a recruiting firm, whites have been the best I've worked with EVERY DAMN TIME. Black men come in 2nd. Black women have been hit or miss. Indians are the WOAT because they don't look out for their clients. Black women can be the best but they can be the worst depending on how their personal views of BM are. The ones who love us are the best of them all. I haven't worked with Hispanics yet nor Asians. Indians are the worst by far. They are too linear in their thought process. That said, I like a lot of them as employees, a lot. Not all but some. Asians have been the worst for me. My goodness, just awful. I had one extremely good Chinese dude, he was a breath of fresh air. I could always trust him. I tend to like Indian employees the most. Just my personal preference. I need someone like me who's willing to do whatever it takes.

The worst employees to work with are white women. It's not even close either. WOAT!!!! Their racism knows no boundaries and they hate strong Black men who don't want to get in their pants.


Mar 6, 2014
The mentality of the white Wells Fargo CEO has the same mentality as all the other white CEOs who run the majority of companies in America. Yall stay falling for these Republican boogeyman scapegoats instead of focusing on the bigger picture.

Well once we get the Mexicans out and get the Indians out then all of a sudden these white CEOs will have a change of heart and just start hiring black people everywhere in droves :troll:

Indians are maltreating your people in their country. Put away the cape, fool.
Oct 25, 2014
Because corporations have to adhere to employment laws for Americans. There was a thread on here a year or so ago, discussing this. That thread exposed many less than stellar experiences working in these environments. I remember that they said that immigrants on visa's would work overtime with no overtime pay b/c they were scared that the company would fire them (and subsequently lose their visa) if they demanded fair compensation. Many brehs said that some were actually incompetent at the job & didn't handle pressure well. Those are the things that I remember from that thread.

As I said, blue collar workers are not the only ones who will feel the influx of an immigrant workforce. It was arrogant to ever think that.

I'm not totally against legal immigration, but it should be streamlined, based on the needs of America, and it should never come at the expense of job loss or wage decreases for current Americans.

Yep all facts.

Also, it is disgusting the way companies take advantage of immigrant workers.
Oct 25, 2014
I find it to be hit or miss with whites. When I directly interviewed by companies, whites can be extremely hit or miss. But working with a recruiting firm, whites have been the best I've worked with EVERY DAMN TIME. Black men come in 2nd. Black women have been hit or miss. Indians are the WOAT because they don't look out for their clients. Black women can be the best but they can be the worst depending on how their personal views of BM are. The ones who love us are the best of them all. I haven't worked with Hispanics yet nor Asians. Indians are the worst by far. They are too linear in their thought process. That said, I like a lot of them as employees, a lot. Not all but some. Asians have been the worst for me. My goodness, just awful. I had one extremely good Chinese dude, he was a breath of fresh air. I could always trust him. I tend to like Indian employees the most. Just my personal preference. I need someone like me who's willing to do whatever it takes.

The worst employees to work with are white women. It's not even close either. WOAT!!!! Their racism knows no boundaries and they hate strong Black men who don't want to get in their pants.

I am definitely speaking from a small sample size because,I have been working for less than 3, years lol.

But damn, I find your reply interesting.

What you said about indians and asians are spot on.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
I am definitely speaking from a small sample size because,I have been working for less than 3, years lol.

But damn, I find your reply interesting.

What you said about indians and asians are spot on.
I think Asians are book smart and test smart but they are logic weak and their work ethic isn't up to snuff. Especially East Asians outside of Japanese.
Indians have a narrow view but they are task and project-driven. They are willing to put in the work. If it's Sunday and I need some shyt done, I'll call them on WhatsApp and they can get it done. Same when I owned my own shyt. They are extremely reliable. That said, I can see what you are talking about if you are in Cali. They tend to have implicit bias like all groups which is against Black people the most. This the reason I am such a believer in AA when I used to say it just benefits cac women and everyone that's not Black. In reality, it's an equalizer that gives you a chance when they may have the bias to not want to give you that chance. Racism has made people look down on Black people, especially if they don't speak like Obama.

Thing is, in IT, most Blacks don't speak like Obama. Many of us have speech impediments. We are long-winded. We aren't always to the point. This field just doesn't attract our lawyer people, it attracts are driven and skilled people but by having an implicit bias, you don't know who's skilled until you give them the chance. Implicit bias is damaging and it's what hurts a lot of Black folks that I've encountered in this industry.

Big Boss

Sep 26, 2012
I don't really have a major comment on this one because I actually manage in the industry and understand a lot of these people have already been in America and they are high earning workers who tend to do great work in a field that America just doesn't produce enough high-end talent regardless of what nikkas on thecoli thinks but that's another story for another day.

The bottom line is, this is day 2. What's the Democrats' focus? Coronavirus and doing a solid for Silicon Valley and tech in general who's the money end of their base. Voting for Biden/Harris is likely to look useless again for those Black folk who are just looking to improve the racial wealth gap because you need specific agendas to solve that along. There is a lot of countries producing tech talent but India is the country people are bending over backward for but this is all political. This is why my frustration is so high with the democrats. They don't serve right, they serve their bottom-line. I warned Igbos about these a$$holes and the fact that they don't have a good history of doing right by Black people collectively. Sometimes people who don't do shyt at all, especially good are better to deal with in an emergency. America cut off any people who aren't citizens coming from Nigeria and war within happens ASAP when people realize their no escape from the zoo.

I am clearly concerned about the democrats because this is their imo since I used to be in the party. Who is the big money? Does it make sense to serve them politically (does it go against Jews)? Does it make their stance stronger or bring in more votes?

Honestly, this is a slap in the face to Black folks mainly due to the failure of Prop 16 passing in California but you do this. It just continues to deny the history that Blacks have suffered in this country and that due to all of the actions to harm Blacks to get to their individual goals, you don't put actions to remediate it. Shawn Rochester talks about this but now that the Democrats are back in the office. Watch them just give money and opportunities to Boule/entertainment Blacks like LeBron and avoid the collective again.

Igbos and Black Americans have really disappointed me in the last week or so. I just don't feel the priorities are straight and sensible. There is a way we should be looking at Biden/Harris and really putting foot to necks. I am seeing cousins text me happy Biden won so finally they can come to America and get out of the shythole when ya'll need to continue the fight for Biafra but many know that's a death and no justice battle. Then you got Black folks talking about, we can finally go back to normal? Normal, wtf! I really think these nikkas were using their failure and the shyt they were experiencing as it's Trump's fault. Like this shyt wasn't like this when we had Obama and Clinton in office. This is why so many were in tears when Biden won. I just don't like the behavior of either of my kinfolk.

Foot to the neck should be the goal for all Black Americans. Holding these fukks accountable to do right for Blacks should be the goal. Getting Prop 16 back on the bill and making it clear why it needs to be passed and not just, they want to give the negros a cookie isn't being honest and it overlooks what Blacks have gone through. You can't live the Black experience following the life and times of Ice Cube or your favorite west coast hooper or celebrity but they don't give the time of the day to anyone Black who isn't a celebrity. Man, we gotta fukking fight. Whites get their agenda people on TV all of the time and they aren't fukking celebs.

My priorities are simple. No matter who won, I was going to hold Trump to the platinum plan from his campaign promise and I am going to hold Biden accountable to the racial gap plan he mentions on his site, and to address Black people, you must have a specific agenda in the plan. I am also holding them accountable to really handling Nigeria and looking at it to do right by the people and if they want to go their separate ways, giving them a legit referendum with no military intervention, and a real democratic process. Every time we ask for a true one, they decline. They keep saying they will do one under the lead which is their soldiers killing you if you want to vote out, destroying ballots and faking ballots to benefit their cause, etc. We need a process that's being overseen by the USA and Israeli military that runs like the US voting system where there is integrity in the entire process.

No UK or UN or anyone fully invested in the failed British corporation of Nigeria. Scotland got a chance to vote out with no one being harmed. The Balkans region got their chance to do their own thing. Only in Africa, people expect people to want to be in a place where they are slaughter like lamb and starved to death. Where in humanity does this make sense?

Oct 25, 2014
I think Asians are book smart and test smart but they are logic weak and their work ethic isn't up to snuff. Especially East Asians outside of Japanese.
Indians have a narrow view but they are task and project-driven. They are willing to put in the work. If it's Sunday and I need some shyt done, I'll call them on WhatsApp and they can get it done. Same when I owned my own shyt. They are extremely reliable. That said, I can see what you are talking about if you are in Cali. They tend to have implicit bias like all groups which is against Black people the most. This the reason I am such a believer in AA when I used to say it just benefits cac women and everyone that's not Black. In reality, it's an equalizer that gives you a chance when they may have the bias to not want to give you that chance. Racism has made people look down on Black people, especially if they don't speak like Obama.

Thing is, in IT, most Blacks don't speak like Obama. Many of us have speech impediments. We are long-winded. We aren't always to the point. This field just doesn't attract our lawyer people, it attracts are driven and skilled people but by having an implicit bias, you don't know who's skilled until you give them the chance. Implicit bias is damaging and it's what hurts a lot of Black folks that I've encountered in this industry.

Ah I see.

I'm not in cali tho I live in Canada, where the majority of non white folks are indian and asian.

I guess, they are same everywhere else.