Joe Biden and Kalama Harris to Provide US Citizenship to over 500,000 Indians


All Star
Jun 12, 2012
I dont really give a fukk about who is, was, and will be the lesser of two evils, or who aint gon do shyt for us. Everything is business as usual whether its Dems or Repubs with the only difference being the brand of fukkery their respective parties bring.

all this fearmongering shyt that nikkas in TLR love to peddle aint stopping shyt

I'm gon continue to stack and invest my bread and walk my own path under this regime the same way I did under that POS trump's regime. I gave up on seeking comfort , security and fairness a long time ago for us collectively or myself individually. I thrive in the chaos now. Ima get mines regardless and by any means necessary

You MF harp on and on in an endless cycle about ADOS vs this and that, and how these MFers over here dont like us or What some c00n said; But what are any of you nikkas gonna do about it, and that's assuming any of you weirdo muthafukas are even black to begin with?

You nikkas grind out useless fear mongering think pieces pushing that doom and gloom black community shyt every hour of every day; every day of the year? getting your self riled up for a fight that will never come but whenever the countless articles of blacks doing good get posted, its a ghost town. No Kudos, no long winded paragraphs expressing satisfaction and pride in our people doing good. Save for 4 or five pitiful posts from the few decent , level-headed posters on further dialogue happens, which lets me know you MF aint serious about any of the bullshyt you post. it's all entertainment and a chance to get some illusory internet validation in the form of daps and reps.

None of this shyt moves me in the slightest and I would suggest to any real breh that you not let his shyt get to you as well.

TLR is one big giant psyop cocktail, where the usual suspects ( Racists and aspiring Black Empowerment grifters) keep adding negative shyt to the mix in hopes that it'll penetrate your pschye and demoralize you and get you to hclick on links to their shytty ass youtube and twitter pages so they can psyOP you some more.

This TLR shyt aint real, it's been long overran with cacs and other dubious ass characters pushing agendas for a while now. My advice would be to divorce yourself from this shyt. shyts not healthy for the mind and a time sink.

dap + rep bruh.. one of the realest posts I’ve ever seen on here


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
:yeshrug:Imma be fine, I'll graduate with my stem degree in two years and pretty much got a job lined up already. I'm just worried about the other brehs. It's about to be a hard road for black people in the next 10 years when it comes to jobs:francis:. Especially where all the money is at (tech and finance). Not everyone can become a doctor or a lawyer :francis:.
Lol@this racist Congolese immigrant trying to align himself with ADOS


WMG the 2nd

Nov 18, 2016
I dont really give a fukk about who is, was, and will be the lesser of two evils, or who aint gon do shyt for us. Everything is business as usual whether its Dems or Repubs with the only difference being the brand of fukkery their respective parties bring.

all this fearmongering shyt that nikkas in TLR love to peddle aint stopping shyt

I'm gon continue to stack and invest my bread and walk my own path under this regime the same way I did under that POS trump's regime. I gave up on seeking comfort , security and fairness a long time ago for us collectively or myself individually. I thrive in the chaos now. Ima get mines regardless and by any means necessary

You MF harp on and on in an endless cycle about ADOS vs this and that, and how these MFers over here dont like us or What some c00n said; But what are any of you nikkas gonna do about it, and that's assuming any of you weirdo muthafukas are even black to begin with?

You nikkas grind out useless fear mongering think pieces pushing that doom and gloom black community shyt every hour of every day; every day of the year? getting your self riled up for a fight that will never come but whenever the countless articles of blacks doing good get posted, its a ghost town. No Kudos, no long winded paragraphs expressing satisfaction and pride in our people doing good. Save for 4 or five pitiful posts from the few decent , level-headed posters on further dialogue happens, which lets me know you MF aint serious about any of the bullshyt you post. it's all entertainment and a chance to get some illusory internet validation in the form of daps and reps.

None of this shyt moves me in the slightest and I would suggest to any real breh that you not let his shyt get to you as well.

TLR is one big giant psyop cocktail, where the usual suspects ( Racists and aspiring Black Empowerment grifters) keep adding negative shyt to the mix in hopes that it'll penetrate your pschye and demoralize you and get you to hclick on links to their shytty ass youtube and twitter pages so they can psyOP you some more.

This TLR shyt aint real, it's been long overran with cacs and other dubious ass characters pushing agendas for a while now. My advice would be to divorce yourself from this shyt. shyts not healthy for the mind and a time sink.
Bump for truth


Jun 4, 2013
Jeremiah 2:14 :francis:

Illuminati played y’all Black Demoncrats again :mjlol:

Continue to be checkmated by a pawn ( hate for Trump ) in your 55th year of playing chess against Lucifer brehs :pachaha:

Get some help, seriously.

Man On Fire

All Star
Aug 10, 2012
Get some help, seriously.

I’m good :russ:. I just wish we saw how the game is really being used against us. Remember even Lyndon Johnson said we’d be voting against our interest for years after he passed the Bill. We need to stay independent until we are done right by. The game is rigged.
Last edited:

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
Yes I work in tech too and there are horror stories.

But it’s no only Indian people who are going on the list. Have you worked with a Chinese programmer, a Japanese doctor, and British architect, etc?

Again this H1B1 is not new. It’s not permanent and is used to plug a whole faster than you can train someone.
Chinese programmers aren't that bad. The guy who was training me a couple of months ago graduated from Tsinghua University. Dude is solid.

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
I felt that in my bones :blessed:

nikka what the fukk are you talking about!

It aint no "I got mines" type shyt i'm spitting

I telling nikkas to be bout theirs regardless of all these fakkity ass boogy man shyt you nikkas pushing on here.

Muthafukkin I'm in northern Texas around all the indians and mexicacs. I work for a predomintely indian IT company... So this shyt is even more relevant to me. I know what time it is dumbass nikka

But what i'm not gon do is sit around scared worried about shyt because I'ma control of my destiny by hook or by crook regardless of this Kamala bytch passing this one-sided ass immigration bill or whatever

fukk all that sitting around talkin bout " what is I's gon do y'all" like a helpless MF, Whatever happens, I'ma handle it

20, 30, hell even 70 years ago black people were getting marginalized and having their demands ignored. What has exactly changed that I should be so bent out of shape. at this point we all know not to expect shyt that was promised from these Democrats.

Nikkas are mad because they know deep down most of us aint ready to do shyt about it but bytch about it and make memes on the internet instead taking action like those 19 black families who bought up all that land to start developing their infrastructure. that's what we need....ACTION. not echo chambers filled with aimless bytching from shiftless uninspired nikkas

Black peoples legacy has always been that we survive and persist in spite of other groups trying to sabotage us.

we are mentally and spiritually stronger than all these muthafukkas yet we dont practice basic shyt like group economics to get the ball rolling at the grassroots level.

fukk Kamala and Biden
fukk Trump, The Proud Boys, and that whole fukking movement.

Everything they have done and will do in the future is par for the course. I'm saying to stop looking to these people

Stop getting mad and never doing shyt about it, There's alot of positive shyt going on in our Communities; alot of movements that we should be nurturing ,growing and giving our attention and black dollars to but instead of that being highlighted, you'd rather highlight all this negative bullshyt that does nothing for the cause and only serves to further increase user engagement percentages on this website.

I dont care about back and forth "fukkery"

If it aint some real shyt I'm not moved by it so fukk talk.

How the fukk is it that I can find a thread about black businesses to support on muthafukking racist ass Boxden of all places, but not on the Coli' the alleged barbershop of the internet that's suppose to be a safespace for blacks to talk amongs each other.?

All I see is Kamala this, Both sides that, ADOS and PAWG PAWG PAWG. Straight up clown shyt. and you got the muthafukkin nerve to mention me like you got some smoke for me. nikka please. FOH with that dumb shyt non comprehending ass nikka.

This aint it bruh

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
I don't really have a major comment on this one because I actually manage in the industry and understand a lot of these people have already been in America and they are high earning workers who tend to do great work in a field that America just doesn't produce enough high-end talent regardless of what nikkas on thecoli thinks but that's another story for another day.

The bottom line is, this is day 2. What's the Democrats' focus? Coronavirus and doing a solid for Silicon Valley and tech in general who's the money end of their base. Voting for Biden/Harris is likely to look useless again for those Black folk who are just looking to improve the racial wealth gap because you need specific agendas to solve that along. There is a lot of countries producing tech talent but India is the country people are bending over backward for but this is all political. This is why my frustration is so high with the democrats. They don't serve right, they serve their bottom-line. I warned Igbos about these a$$holes and the fact that they don't have a good history of doing right by Black people collectively. Sometimes people who don't do shyt at all, especially good are better to deal with in an emergency. America cut off any people who aren't citizens coming from Nigeria and war within happens ASAP when people realize their no escape from the zoo.

I am clearly concerned about the democrats because this is their imo since I used to be in the party. Who is the big money? Does it make sense to serve them politically (does it go against Jews)? Does it make their stance stronger or bring in more votes?

Honestly, this is a slap in the face to Black folks mainly due to the failure of Prop 16 passing in California but you do this. It just continues to deny the history that Blacks have suffered in this country and that due to all of the actions to harm Blacks to get to their individual goals, you don't put actions to remediate it. Shawn Rochester talks about this but now that the Democrats are back in the office. Watch them just give money and opportunities to Boule/entertainment Blacks like LeBron and avoid the collective again.

Igbos and Black Americans have really disappointed me in the last week or so. I just don't feel the priorities are straight and sensible. There is a way we should be looking at Biden/Harris and really putting foot to necks. I am seeing cousins text me happy Biden won so finally they can come to America and get out of the shythole when ya'll need to continue the fight for Biafra but many know that's a death and no justice battle. Then you got Black folks talking about, we can finally go back to normal? Normal, wtf! I really think these nikkas were using their failure and the shyt they were experiencing as it's Trump's fault. Like this shyt wasn't like this when we had Obama and Clinton in office. This is why so many were in tears when Biden won. I just don't like the behavior of either of my kinfolk.

Foot to the neck should be the goal for all Black Americans. Holding these fukks accountable to do right for Blacks should be the goal. Getting Prop 16 back on the bill and making it clear why it needs to be passed and not just, they want to give the negros a cookie isn't being honest and it overlooks what Blacks have gone through. You can't live the Black experience following the life and times of Ice Cube or your favorite west coast hooper or celebrity but they don't give the time of the day to anyone Black who isn't a celebrity. Man, we gotta fukking fight. Whites get their agenda people on TV all of the time and they aren't fukking celebs.

My priorities are simple. No matter who won, I was going to hold Trump to the platinum plan from his campaign promise and I am going to hold Biden accountable to the racial gap plan he mentions on his site, and to address Black people, you must have a specific agenda in the plan. I am also holding them accountable to really handling Nigeria and looking at it to do right by the people and if they want to go their separate ways, giving them a legit referendum with no military intervention, and a real democratic process. Every time we ask for a true one, they decline. They keep saying they will do one under the lead which is their soldiers killing you if you want to vote out, destroying ballots and faking ballots to benefit their cause, etc. We need a process that's being overseen by the USA and Israeli military that runs like the US voting system where there is integrity in the entire process.

No UK or UN or anyone fully invested in the failed British corporation of Nigeria. Scotland got a chance to vote out with no one being harmed. The Balkans region got their chance to do their own thing. Only in Africa, people expect people to want to be in a place where they are slaughter like lamb and starved to death. Where in humanity does this make sense?


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
:pachaha: I don't recall anything explicitly "racist" but i hear you and the brand newness was noted.

I dapped to encourage good behavior. :skip:
Well you're a 2018 poster..what do you know?look him up
He has a long history of c00ning and shytting on AAs.. especially women
Been exposed a couple times
Somehow he's a militant now fighting for Black people rights

Ho ass.nikka ain't even been in America that long

Where do you and @Emeritus get this idea that I'm a fob. I've been in America for nearly 6 years, hardly a FOB.
Here's prooof try hard fakkit:
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