Jim Sterling (Destructoid) : "Sony's PS Plus humiliates the game industry"


May 1, 2012
none of you would pay for live if online play was free like it should be

:mindblown: how u gon tell us what we would pay for, if online play was free i would still pay for live to get party chat, and all the other tv apps and if online was free im sure they would add more perks to gold to make people want it, psn cant get me to pay for shyt, shyt is slow, dont feel the community atmosphere, and nothin is connected, most people dont have mics, and when they do shyt sound trash, and they main multiplayer games are now good to me, i would never play uncharted over gears, uncharted online just feels tacked on we have to use put multi on it, and gears multi has a totally different epic feel, and its crazy cause Microsoft made epic tack on a online mode to gears of war, but when they did it the gamers created there own gameplay for it, epic didnt create gears to be a shotgun first game, they wanted it to be a lancer game, but the community turned the shotty into what it is today, wallbounces wasnt even apart of the gameplay, but the community something that epic thought was broken and made it a skill in the gameplay

and halo is just on a entire different level then any psn game


May 3, 2012
( o Y o )
Didn't even notice you mentioned me. What is worse? I'd imagine being brainwashed into thinking you're getting FREE games by PAYING for PSN+. When people run out of their subscription for Live, they know they better re-up it, or they're not playing online. It's not like they can't play the game at all.
I stand by my stance. I think it's idiotic for people to say they're getting free games, when they're paying money for those games to play. Not saying you think it's that way, but there are people that do. :smugdraper:

I see what you are saying but it's more fukked up logic...PS+ is just like almost every other service. You pay a fee to rent movies from Netflix. You pay a fee to watch all the channels that DirecTV/Dish provides. You pay to wait in line to play games with Gamefly and good luck wit actually getting a game you want to play. Almost everything is like that. Except wit PS+ the games that I payed 50-75% off on I get to keep.

The thing most people are pointing out is wit XBL is you don't get shyt but ads, demos and the ability to play online. And if you don't pay for XBL half of your game is locked out. It's complete bullshyt breh and the only people that don't see that are the people that are brainwashed into thinking that XBL is this incredible premium service.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Some of you guys are terrible at logic. You have semi good points but flood them with poor logic.

For example, @Cockmeat Sandwich, I respect that you have problems with PS being hacked and therefore some games that are played on PSN are virtually unplayable due to cheaters. However, you act as though paying for XBL is what makes XBL better. Sony could decide to charge you for PSN, not change anything about their network and it wouldn't get magically get better. Correlation does not imply causation. If you feel that XBL is worth the money because the games you play are safer on XBox then that makes sense. Still for a lot of people, the games they play don't have cheaters on them (e.g. me) so it doesn't make sense to pay for Live.
Just because you are ignorant to your surroundings doesn't mean what I say isn't going on Kodiewan.
You to my knowledge, I believe you said not too long ago that you haven't been gaming on consoles hardly at all for a while.. just got back on PS3 a few months back.. was working your way back to live? Something like that
So I'm not sure why you would say what you said, but I have to ask... did you look? You saying "I respect the problems you have with PSN" NO THE fukk YOU DON'T thats why you could say the shyt you said which was "e.g. me"
Like in that other thread, what online game do you play on PSN and I'll show you
I mean, if your still playing Brink? You might be ok there. You got me :manny:
But if you play any new game? Your gonna get fukked.
Uncharted 3 should be one of the top games... good luck on that game.
See, you didn't get Unpolished 3 like myself and your peers here did.
I know exactly wtf I'm talking about. Wish it wasn't true, hate it had to be the game I liked most... but yeah, unplayable. Is this well known? Of course not, I'm the only person I ever heard say such a thing on here/sohh

GTA5 was now pushed back, but did you see that video I showed of GTA4 ps3 today? You think them same dudes ain't gonna play GTA5 on day one, shyt.. even before cuz they'll have the leaked version before you get your retail version. How many times does this have to be repeated before you actually get it tho :mindblown:

^^^ They can no longer stop this from happening in any game on ps3 ^^^
But it doesn't affect you he says...
This is a LIE that's been told so many times people have adopted it as truth, ask someone who has both PSN and LIVE and they wouldn't be able to tell you what LIVE does better only that you can party chat.
Name the game bruh :yeshrug:
none of you would pay for live if online play was free like it should be
That would be true 3, maybe even 2yrs ago. But as live stands right now?
I'd pay for it in a heartbeat (Tru Story)
I see what you are saying but it's more fukked up logic...PS+ is just like almost every other service. You pay a fee to rent movies from Netflix. You pay a fee to watch all the channels that DirecTV/Dish provides. You pay to wait in line to play games with Gamefly and good luck wit actually getting a game you want to play. Almost everything is like that. Except wit PS+ the games that I payed 50-75% off on I get to keep.

The thing most people are pointing out is wit XBL is you don't get shyt but ads, demos and the ability to play online. And if you don't pay for XBL half of your game is locked out. It's complete bullshyt breh and the only people that don't see that are the people that are brainwashed into thinking that XBL is this incredible premium service.
Well here's the thing. First off, Gamefly >>> PSN+
Good luck getting the game you want on gamefly you say :wtf:
AS opposed to getting what, Plants vs Zombies and LBP1?
You really trying to compare Gamefly to PSN+ now.. .and you gave PSN+ the win? :dead:
Well, its clear your a little bias. And to cement that fact? Your rant at the end against XBL. All I get is "ads" I love that one. I hear 3cepts say that dumbshyt all the time.
Yeah, a tiny ad in a little ass square that I could ignore is really hurting the experience :stopitslime: If you didn't say it, I couldn't hold it against you.
Its petty, its a reach, and if you reachin? Thats cuz you gotta :manny:
I'd rather pay for a level playing field, than to be at the mercy of cheaters everytime I step online


This point was not supposed to be brought up in the topic.
Is this a fact tho? Link?
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May 3, 2012
St louis
Live is worth it:blessed:
scust at cats crying over paying lunch
money for a years worth of the best gaming
experience there is.

XBOX.......:ahh:where the feast never ends



Jun 1, 2012
Live is worth it:blessed:
scust and cats crying over paying lunch
money for a years worth of the best gaming
experience there is.

XBOX.......:ahh:where the feast never ends

Best gaming experience how does 360 or even LIVE correlate with that sentence.:comeon:


May 6, 2012
Playstation Plus has much more features that aren't really mentioned when being brought up. I have PS+ on my PS3 set to turn on every day at 2-4AM and automatically patch and download games, apps and the system.

That's a huge convenience to me because I don't play the PS3 everyday so when I do turn it on, I'm greeted to a screen letting me know my saves were synced to the cloud and ____ software etc. was updated and patched. It can even download and install games that may have not completed when you turned off the PS3.

Another thing I like about PS+ the free game "access" tells you right there that the game is only accessible whilst your subscription is active. Your not being told that you're getting free games to keep ever.

I like how I know I can get early access to demo's beta's and DLC as well as get cheap, steam like deals on certain games. Jet Grind Radio, Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank HD were a measly $2 for PS+ members. That's a bargain right there for fairly new games(HD remakes that is).


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Best gaming experience how does 360 or even LIVE correlate with that sentence.:comeon:
You do know the majority of gamers are on xbox over ps3, so what the fukk made up reality are you living in?
Sony warned you about this... [ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2imQ3WDF7FY[/ame]
Playstation Plus has much more features that aren't really mentioned when being brought up. I have PS+ on my PS3 set to turn on every day at 2-4AM and automatically patch and download games, apps and the system.

That's a huge convenience to me because I don't play the PS3...

I like how I know I can get early access to demo's beta's and DLC as well as get cheap, steam like deals on certain games. Jet Grind Radio, Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank HD were a measly $2 for PS+ members. That's a bargain right there for fairly new games(HD remakes that is).
So now your hyping up features that been standard for silver members of XBL since 2005 :heh:
And once again, they throw you an old as fukk game nobody gave 2shyts about and all of a sudden its a bargain. Gotcha, thanks for clearing that up


Oct 17, 2012
this console war shiit

at what point is yall gonna stop arguing about this because you're not winning/changing anyone's opinion