1. I never said the price didn't rise. I said the value did rise therefore it couldn't be "getting ridiculous" it would at least have to be "staying ridiculous" if the price has been the same for three years yet new services were being added.
how has it "gotten ridiculous"
it's the same price it's always been(even cheaper if you catch a promotion) and they've constantly been adding more stuff. If anything they've gotten less ridiculous as far as value is concerned.
2. Those aren't the only improvements since the implementation of XBL, and those aren't the only improvements since the price change. Any way you look at it. If gamers were willing to pay for the service just to play games, and new features are constantly added the value is going up.
Live Streaming ESPN Coming to Xbox 360? | PCWorld
That's the earliest mention of espn coming to xbox live
Xbox Live's Major Nelson » Price change for Xbox LIVE Gold subscription :
That's the official price change announcement
again the bolded is subjective because if someone only wants to play games online and does not care about the bells and whistles then obviously they(the bells and whistles) have no value to the user.
my 4 year old daughter could connect the big ass dots here breh. were there improvements to xbox live, sure. those improvements were mostly cosmetic though and wouldn't justify a price change unlike the additional content(rights and licenses) they acquired. more content = price increase....simple.
3. They release game activity AND the number of members it has. Sony releases none of this information. Why would Sony not release those numbers?
the only montly activity i found for xbl is for the most active games being played on xbl. there is no comparison for monthly game activity vs monthly nongaming activity. the only thing i found is that in 2011 40% of xbox activity were nongame related, but
50% > 40% which means there were more people playing games online or offline then there was people using apps. i don't know nor do i care about sony releasing their numbers. i also don't care about who has the most users online. this isn't a psn vs xbl argument to me. if you feel the need to champion xbl you're doing it against the wrong person. i literally don't get how this is hard for you. if someone owns an xbox and wants to play games online they(the average person) have no choice but to pay. if someone likes playing games online on xbl over psn they have to pay. the coli does not represent the average person so bringing up what the coli does is irrelevant. once again i'm not arguing with the value of xbl because value is purely subjective. the point still stands the price did go up due to new services(apps) being implemented. 2010(price increase)------>2011(espn is released on xbl)
Yeah, except as soon as that happned M$ themselves were selling XBL from there dashboard for $39.99
Ebay always had them for that price and cheaper, and if you look via google
Major Nelson said:
we do want to thank our loyal members and give you the opportunity to lock in your current price with an additional discount, so now would be a good time to renew your subscription.
the price of xbox live was raised in 2010. if you got it for under $59.99 you got it on sale.
if you paid less then $9.99, $24.99, or $59.99 you got it on sale because the average cost even on amazon are $9.99, $24.99, and $59.99. can it be found cheaper on amazon and google?......duh