again value is subjective and not worth arguing about unless there are numbers backing them because i'm sure there are millions of people who just use their xbox for gaming purposes. i've had xbl for 8 years now and i rarely use any of the apps and i know a lot of people like me.there could be millions like me. i have a ps3 and i rarely buy multiplatform games on it because i like xbl better and for the fact that almost i know has xbox live. frankly the reason why i personally like xbl over psn is mainly for the fact that i can join my friends games from the main menu. once again ui is purely subjective. i have a kid but i have no problem using my blu ray player to boot up netflix or hulu. i actually prefer it over the ps3 or xbox. so once again the point is the price has gone up and most likely will do so again.
So why did you quote me when all I was talking about is value? Doesn't matter if its subjective. If the price is staying the same(since 2010) and new stuff is being added all the time then doesn't that mean the value is going up? Doesn't matter how much you personally value it, but new stuff+ same price=more value.
As far as numbers Xbox releases it's numbers, and posts its activity every month. Sony hides its numbers, and never talks about PSN use. Who do you think has more people using their online service?