Jemele Hill: It's time for black athletes to leave white colleges


Sep 11, 2015
Problem is if you were in this position as a 17/18/19 year old and saw the stark differences in setups (and let's not even get into the bagman bread), would YOU still decide to hit up the HBCU? Especially growing up not having as much in life up to that point for a good chunk of black prep athletes?

We gotta be realistic. It's easy for grown cats to say this, but capitalism makes this an uneven playing field. You'd have to get the top black athletes in mass to do this for YEARS in order to change the tide. And to make shyt worse, you really think cacs are gonna let this slide? They'll legalize paying athletes and the whole 9 before they let their system crumble to HBCUs. They play dirty. We'd have to do it too.

The onus isn't on these kids, it's on the adults like Jemele and others. Get some black bagmen, hell start with one HBCU and build from there. I think we are all for it and WANT this to happen, but that's selfish as fukk to ask these kids to do shyt that most nikkaz championing this goto HBCU shyt right now know damn well they wouldn't have done at the same age.


I never had no desire to be around white folks. Even me growing up in poverty, I have always wanted to be around black folks, all my friends are black, I've always attended black schools, I wouldn't want to change up my environment and go somewhere that I am not comfortable.

Even if I considered going to a white school, the only thing that could sell me or get me to sign would be, how big of a black population is on your campus. Where the black ppl at


All Star
May 22, 2012
I always sit back and laugh at these threads. If i’m not mistaken, I may be the only poster who works in college athletics. This means I know the business intricately. Not through my boy who may work at a college or may have been a student-athlete at one time. No, I know the business in and out. And to listen to 99% of the takes you Coli knee grows have is just :mjlol:. I really only listen to the 1% of y’all who were actually student-athletes (Reb, RekkaPryde and a couple others) because they experienced all the things the other 99% have absolutely no idea about. Y’all just give talking points. Uninformed talking points at that.

I would love to see our young brehs and women student-athletes make the effort attend HBCU’s en masse, but the truth is the infrastructure is not there for them as STUDENTS or athletes. So, why should they have to put their future professional careers at risk for people like you or Jemele fukkin’ Hill’s wishy washy ass?

The best hope we’d ever have is finding one or two schools with the most potential and pouring all of our effort and resources into them, hoping it’ll create some type of ripple effect. It would have to be a school like A&T, a school with a decent athletic foundation, a couple really good academic programs and a decent administrative track record.... and a strong alumni base.

Then the goal shouldn’t be to turn them into a powerhouse, but just the equivalent of a mid-major. Hell, somE HBCUs already have better academics than some of those schools anyway.

With all of that said, the backlash of pouring that much into ATHLETICS at an HBCU would cause a shyt storm that might offset the efforts. Our grandparents would flood media outlets with diatribes of disappointment and misguided priorities, unable to see the forest for the trees.


Sep 11, 2015
So you want kids to go to a school to satisfy your agenda

Did you go to a hbcu and graduate??

Do you donate back to that school, if you did, a sizable donations I’m talking 1000 or better, and more than once a year ??

So kids have to go a harder route with less amenities because the money will come ??

So how will the money get there ??

What tv contracts will be in place ??

What conference will get that money ??

Who will coach them ?? And make sure they were better than when they showed up ??

Will they get enough exposure to get a high draft grade, or will they lose out on millions ??

Who’s going to make sure these kids put on weight and muscle and eat right (side note i had a homie that transferred to our school a small hbcu from bama State, he said when he played football, outside of eating whatever at the cafeteria nutrition was a protein bar after morning practice and a Gatorade

Who’s going to procure the money to improve facilities including the weight room and therapy room ??

Who’s going to make sure the administrators don’t steal the money, or spend it on other shyt ?? Let’s not act like that’s not an issue

Who’s going to give these schools budgets to pay... i mean recruit these kids ???

My agenda? How will I gain from them going to a HBUC school? I'll start there. I want kids to go to HBCUs to be around their ppl and to help build up the black community. Play in front of black fans instead of white folks.

With the donation part, How many black ppl do you know that can donate that amount of money?? What companies in America are bringing in black graduates and they are paying them top 6 figure dollars?? Google?? Facebook?? If what you just asked me about donating, I think you're trying to use the "black ppl don't give back" speech, but I'll counter that and ask you, again, how many black ppl that have degrees are making $$$? to give back that amount.

Every white school did not start off with top notch amenities, their dorms were just as bad or not worse than dorms at HBCUs, Miami football players of the 90s said they had to rob students to eat, steal, their apartments/dorms were trash.

Simple, When top black players start attending black schools, the amenities will come, these players can still lift weights, get on diet programs, travel, play on TV, fukk with black women, play in front of black ppl, get the HBCU experience, that right there alone, HBCU experience is better than all the amenities that a white school can offer.
But to answer your easy question, 1 on 1 economics, when the talent increase on the field, the $$$ will come, just like it came for the white schools, how much does Alabama program generate off football alone?? Most of these colleges football programs pumps the money into their school

TV contracts, when the top talent goes to these HBCUs, the TV companies will follow, you think CBS, ABC, and ESPN will want to broadcast schools that are not getting 1 and 2 star recruits, if so, How many times you've seen a Brown vs Harvard game on CBS?

Just like when the talent leaves, the coaches will follow the talent, Coaches want to coach the best players.

They can get exposure by putting up the numbers in HBCU football games

Again, the money will come from the games/and merch that would generate from these players going to these schools.

The same way things are working for these white schools, they will work for the black schools. The black kids have to start going to the HBCUs

It aint hard champ.

You're asking all these questions, and the answers are so simple, that a 3rd grader could answer them breh.

If you know economics you can answer them yourself


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I feel like you are not reading the comments from the actual people who have worked or work in both sides. I've seen a few here.

It would help we have an actual intellectual conversation instead of reverting to insinuating that people just are hating HBCU because white water taste better.

Have you ever seen a group of 5 star athletes go to an hbcu together? What was the result?


Sep 11, 2015
yes! better facilities, access to more resources, male centered culture....... black america is steered towards girls, and that doesnt benefit black boys much

What do you mean by better facilities?

List me the Top 10 college programs with the best facilities?

Access to what resources?? Name these resources,

Male centered culture, what does this mean? and what does this have to do with HBCUs

So black kids go to white schools because white schools are steer towards white males?? and black America is steered towards girls?? what does that have to do with playing sports?

What about those who don't play sports that attended HBCUs??? Are they in bad shape because they wasn't in a male centered culture?


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
My agenda? How will I gain from them going to a HBUC school? I'll start there. I want kids to go to HBCUs to be around their ppl and to help build up the black community. Play in front of black fans instead of white folks.

With the donation part, How many black ppl do you know that can donate that amount of money?? What companies in America are bringing in black graduates and they are paying them top 6 figure dollars?? Google?? Facebook?? If what you just asked me about donating, I think you're trying to use the "black ppl don't give back" speech, but I'll counter that and ask you, again, how many black ppl that have degrees are making $$$? to give back that amount.

Every white school did not start off with top notch amenities, their dorms were just as bad or not worse than dorms at HBCUs, Miami football players of the 90s said they had to rob students to eat, steal, their apartments/dorms were trash.

Simple, When top black players start attending black schools, the amenities will come, these players can still lift weights, get on diet programs, travel, play on TV, fukk with black women, play in front of black ppl, get the HBCU experience, that right there alone, HBCU experience is better than all the amenities that a white school can offer.
But to answer your easy question, 1 on 1 economics, when the talent increase on the field, the $$$ will come, just like it came for the white schools, how much does Alabama program generate off football alone?? Most of these colleges football programs pumps the money into their school

TV contracts, when the top talent goes to these HBCUs, the TV companies will follow, you think CBS, ABC, and ESPN will want to broadcast schools that are not getting 1 and 2 star recruits, if so, How many times you've seen a Brown vs Harvard game on CBS?

Just like when the talent leaves, the coaches will follow the talent, Coaches want to coach the best players.

They can get exposure by putting up the numbers in HBCU football games

Again, the money will come from the games/and merch that would generate from these players going to these schools.

The same way things are working for these white schools, they will work for the black schools. The black kids have to start going to the HBCUs

It aint hard champ.

You're asking all these questions, and the answers are so simple, that a 3rd grader could answer them breh.

If you know economics you can answer them yourself

No I’m asking you personally, did you attend an hbcu ??

And if you did how much do you donate, I’m not saying graduates from hbcus don’t donate, but more often then not it’s not happening, because like you said they either aren’t in a position to, or lack desire you end up going to an hbcu and have almost a 100k on your head when the local PWI up the street is less expensive and has more resources, ( what resources, more tutors, more books, more access to research articles, a larger alumni base, more intern opportunities, side note my hbcu has to send kids to Alabama for a summer intern opportunity, the list goes on) but that’s another topic, but if you think schools like Oklahoma state and Oregon have money because games come there on Saturday i got ocean front property in Idaho for you, no they have money because alumni/boosters donate, Phil knight an Oregon and usc alum donates millions a year to build these schools up, and compete with other schools, so it’s not as simple as some kid(s) sacrifice to go for a year or two and the money comes wrong.

I’m going to stop here and come back so hold on


Sep 11, 2015
No I’m asking you personally, did you attend an hbcu ??

And if you did how much do you donate, I’m not saying graduates from hbcus don’t donate, but more often then not it’s not happening, because like you said they either aren’t in a position to, or lack desire you end up going to an hbcu and have almost a 100k on your head when the local PWI up the street is less expensive and has more resources, ( what resources, more tutors, more books, more access to research articles, a larger alumni base, more intern opportunities, side note my hbcu has to send kids to Alabama for a summer intern opportunity, the list goes on) but that’s another topic, but if you think schools like Oklahoma state and Oregon have money because games come there on Saturday i got ocean front property in Idaho for you, no they have money because alumni/boosters donate, Phil knight an Oregon and usc alum donates millions a year to build these schools up, and compete with other schools, so it’s not as simple as some kid(s) sacrifice to go for a year or two and the money comes wrong.

I’m going to stop here and come back so hold on

I answered your question, I attended a HBCU and what I posted in my previous post to your questions was a main reason why I wanted to go to a HBCU, plus knowing the history of HBCUs, There was a time black ppl wouldn't be allowed to step foot on a white campus, let alone be enrolled in one as a full-time student.

It's not happening because most, more than half of graduates can't afford to donate, Black ppl are at the bottom when it comes to making money in this country, so if you're struggling from check to check, in which most graduates are, how can you donate money to your school, when you had little to survive off of yourself?. Most black graduates don't make enough $$$ to donate like white folks. You just said Phil Knight donate, but Phi Knight wasn't always Phil Knight either, Oregon University been had bomb as uniforms and amenities is what you're telling me? Back in 1990s and on back? You may wanna go and buy that ocean front property, instead of trying to sell it to me if you're telling me Oregon of today looked like the Oregon of yesterday when they had majority white folks playing football for them. At a time Oregon wouldn't even allow black folks to live in the area, Black folks couldn't stay in Oregon, but yet a black man found the state

Oregon started looking pretty to folks, when top black players started going to that college and they started winning. USC was already there because, guess what, top black players were already going there. It took Oregon some time to catch up 2000s, USC been had tradition and was built up, probably the only PAC 10 school back in the day that could say was worth attending

You accumulate debt at every institution. You're making it seem like you wouldn't accumulate debt at the white schools. You accumulate 100k at a HBCU as you stated, you can accumulate the same 100k or more at a white school.

At HBCU, there were tutors, books, libraries, a large alumni base and intern opportunities breh, What you just stated, I had all of these things at the tip of my fingers at my HBCU, so what is you really saying??
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Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch
Never happening.

No HBCU has faculties that are even a fraction of the quality of something that Oregon has. And let’s not even talk about booster, TV skeds, tourney bids, scouts pulling up and alums who specifically give a fukk about athletics dumping cash into these programs.


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
only way HBCU's to come up in sports is for the donors to break bread

but like @Hov said earlier in the it really necessary for HBCU's to be known for sports? These schools are producing top notch professionals in every other industry and should keep building on that.


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
I answered your question, I attended a HBCU and what I posted in my previous post to your questions was a main reason why I wanted to go to a HBCU, plus knowing the history of HBCUs, There was a time black ppl wouldn't be allowed to step foot on a white campus, let alone be enrolled in one as a full-time student.

It's not happening because most, more than half of graduates can't afford to donate, Black ppl are at the bottom when it comes to making money in this country, so if you're struggling from check to check, in which most graduates are, how can you donate money to your school, when you had little to survive off of yourself?. Most black graduates don't make enough $$$ to donate like white folks. You just said Phil Knight donate, but Phi Knight wasn't always Phil Knight either, Oregon University been had bomb as uniforms and amenities is what you're telling me? Back in 1990s and on back? You may wanna go and buy that ocean front property, instead of trying to sell it to me if you're telling me Oregon of today looked like the Oregon of yesterday when they had majority white folks playing football for them. At a time Oregon wouldn't even allow black folks to live in the area, Black folks couldn't stay in Oregon, but yet a black man found the state

Oregon started looking pretty to folks, when top black players started going to that college and they started winning. USC was already there because, guess what, top black players were already going there. It took Oregon some time to catch up 2000s, USC been had tradition and was built up, probably the only PAC 10 school back in the day that could say was worth attending

You accumulate debt at every institution. You're making it seem like you wouldn't accumulate debt at the white schools. You accumulate 100k at a HBCU as you stated, you can accumulate the same 100k or more at a white school.

At HBCU, there were tutors, books, libraries, a large alumni base and intern opportunities breh, What you just stated, I had all of these things at the tip of my fingers at my HBCU, so what is you really saying??

First point you aren’t donating, a sizable amount, the reason which i covered before, and you re hashed, we both know, a lot of alumni don’t or can’t donate, but the point is, that’s what fuels these school alumni donations, and we don’t know how much Phil was donating back in the day to both usc and Oregon, the point is he was, the athletic department operates off alumni giving, tv contract, conference contract, etc but you want a kid to go to a hbcu that doesn’t have the same resources or dollar coming in, yeah you had tutors and other amenities but it was no where near the local bigger school, all under the guise well the money will come and the resources are similar but they aren’t and if you want kids to come stop typing to death and grab a few 100 alumni and donate a 1000 bucks each every month to a school, and then a kid will have a great spot to land in, then you make sure the other schools in that conference has the same amount of money so they can draw similar talent and the conference will look desirable to tv stations to make money