Jeannie @JeanGreasy 45m45 minutes ago
Hi. I'd really appreciate it if you bought an album or 2. Or 5, or even 10. I just made 2 new ones last month. Thnx.
Jeannie @JeanGreasy 44m44 minutes ago
Thousands of streams, but only a few hundred purchases. Can't keep making these albums if you don't actually get them. Sorry loves.
Maybe if she put together some fukking music with substance instead of making like 2 albums per month of nonsense shyt and parody trash.....good riddance
The writing has been on the wall, I could tell many years ago that she didn't like the rap game. This game doesn't appreciate it's artists, either your hot or your not, no in between. I'm sure if she had it to do all over again she would never have written a rap.
If you don't appreciate other types of art, then you probably won't get what I'm saying.