Jay Z image is why he is GOAT.


Jun 17, 2012
Who is Jay-Z better than? 2pac? No Biggie? No Nas No He's not even better than 3000. People like Jay-Z for his image more than his music. And he markets himself that way to brainwash you to believe in it. He's one of the greatest but he's not the best. People fall in love with the image he represents and cant see past it. Bunch of broke nikkas wanting to live the life Jay has. Listening to Jay wont get you to his level, silly nikkas.

Harry B

May 20, 2012
Who is Jay-Z better than? 2pac? No Biggie? No Nas No He's not even better than 3000. People like Jay-Z for his image more than his music. And he markets himself that way to brainwash you to believe in it. He's one of the greatest but he's not the best. People fall in love with the image he represents and cant see past it. Bunch of broke nikkas wanting to live the life Jay has. Listening to Jay wont get you to his level, silly nikkas.

Who the fukk are you to say that he isn't the best? I respect your opinion, but don't try to pass it of as fact.

And as far as ballin, Jay's last solo had practically no ballin at all, basically On To the next on and Reminder. People don't listen to Jay cause he's ballin, cause 2 million cats in the states went and bought BP3. They listen to him cause he's a good musician with an interesting life. He always talks about his own life, he's a rich b*stard and never lied about it. He's talked about his life since he came in the game, and it's interesting enough for millions of cats all over the world to pay good money to listen to what he's been up to and what he's observed over a beat delivered smoothly, hard, creatively, whatever the fukk.

Even when he says Ball so hard moufukkers wanna fine me, that's a real life, that shyt cray. That's a real life metaphor. The ball association fined him, cause he's so interested in ballplayer that he broke the rules to congratulate them OR other cats just wanna hate cause he lives lavish.

Harry B

May 20, 2012
The most interesting part about this thread is that, it's more likely the opposite.
You nikkas hate Jay cause his image and not his music. I can't see how any sane person could hate Jay for his music, it has to be his lavish lifestyle, his bad broad and his ballin ass moves he keeps pulling.

A verse like the one of 3 Kings is like deadly venom to some people, listening to that while changing your sons diper you copped with your last cash must be hard, I can imagine :laugh:.


May 29, 2012
Who has been the better rapper in the last 5 years Nas or Jay?

If you were to ask, the average rap fan who is the best rapper alive today, who would get more votes? Most probably Jay Z, no?

I think that has a lot to do with image.

So what you're saying is that no one can actually believe Jay has been the better rapper in the last 5 years based on his music? Is it that hard to believe there are more people who like Jays music over Nas' because I'll have you know it happens all the damn time. This is where sales actually matter, does it mean Jays music is better? Of course not, it just means more people enjoy it to the point of purchasing it, more then Nas' music. Therefore they are of the opinion that they'll get their moneys worth with Jay more then Nas, and the fact that he still goes plat everytime means they are still happy with his product, meanwhile Nas goes lower every single time. Then again maybe yall are right and Def Jam keeps "undershipping" more and more, just on Nas' albums, with every release.

Jay does his thing musically been in the game for 15+ years, has a good catalogue of music, only thing is that lately he's been hit or miss, I honestly think Jay knows whats up, he knows he can drop an average to garbage song and his stans will overrrate it talking about double entendres and all types of foolishness. Jay needs to comeback hard with his next album, its been 5 years since he did anything listenable, Wtt and Bp3 were very forgettable

The fukk you talking about? he just needs to make some good music, he can be rapping about thug shyt, his Euro shyt, or whatever, as long as he delivers it good, thats why I've been saying Jay's music has been average lately, its like he doesn't care anymore because he knows he has a die hard audience that'll support him even if he sneezes on an entire album

People are getting at you because of comments like "its been 5 years since he did anything listenable" and "he just needs to make some good music". As if he doesn't have a million plus spending hard earned recession dollars on his albums everytime, as if he doesn't chart on sales and radio everytime, as if he doesn't sell out arenas everytime. The evidence is abundantly clear that people believe Jay has been making good music, either that or Roc Nation is better at shipping albums (dammit, there goes a new excuse for yall).

One Jay will also sell around 130k, not be number one and will not be able to sell out the Apollo and yall will have a field day, todays not that day though.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
true jay-z fan..

jay been that way...you get the energy...you put out...

jay khlt it

jay-z is one of the few artist who shows growth...most of the rappers stay the same...

going through 150,000,000 already...damn

Gifted one

May 1, 2012
So what you're saying is that no one can actually believe Jay has been the better rapper in the last 5 years based on his music? Is it that hard to believe there are more people who like Jays music over Nas' because I'll have you know it happens all the damn time. This is where sales actually matter, does it mean Jays music is better? Of course not, it just means more people enjoy it to the point of purchasing it, more then Nas' music. Therefore they are of the opinion that they'll get their moneys worth with Jay more then Nas, and the fact that he still goes plat everytime means they are still happy with his product, meanwhile Nas goes lower every single time. Then again maybe yall are right and Def Jam keeps "undershipping" more and more, just on Nas' albums, with every release.

People are getting at you because of comments like "its been 5 years since he did anything listenable" and "he just needs to make some good music". As if he doesn't have a million plus spending hard earned recession dollars on his albums everytime, as if he doesn't chart on sales and radio everytime, as if he doesn't sell out arenas everytime. The evidence is abundantly clear that people believe Jay has been making good music, either that or Roc Nation is better at shipping albums (dammit, there goes a new excuse for yall).

One Jay will also sell around 130k, not be number one and will not be able to sell out the Apollo and yall will have a field day, todays not that day though.

:what: lmao me saying "its been 5 years" is just how I feel, you wasting your time writing paragraphs defending Jay doesn't mean shyt, I still will feel the same way about his last 2 albums WTT and BP3, and you'll still feel the same way, some people on here really do get hurt feelings when other people have different views on their fav rapper.


May 29, 2012
:what: lmao me saying "its been 5 years" is just how I feel, you wasting your time writing paragraphs defending Jay doesn't mean shyt, I still will feel the same way about his last 2 albums WTT and BP3, and you'll still feel the same way, some people on here really do get hurt feelings when other people have different views on their fav rapper.

I don't think anybody will change anyone elses opinions here, but maybe the stupid threads can come to a stop. Nas is finally getting some shine after years, Jay drops a verse and there is an immediate rush to create the dumbest threads you could think of. I can't stand Wayne or any of his YMCMB crew for that matter, same goes for MMG except for an occasional Ross song, but you don't see me saying they need to make good music. I'm mature enough to know it just isn't for me, people genuinely like it and I'm not gonna knock anyone for it.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
For one I am not the thread starter. It seems the t/s was speaking on most people. And if you look at how most people post on here it kinda hard to disagree as most bring up Beyonce and his money when others try to speak on lyrics.

So it seem you took offense but I am still not sure as to why

U don't think people who bring up beyonce when talkin about goat status are either joking or trying to get a rise out of you:what:? And judging from the responses it gets it works:laff:

Far as more people thinking he's the goat,more casual fans who don't even care about rap think he's the goat becuz he's more mainstream,and has been more relevant than Nas for quite a while now....that's the way this shyt works,only time will tell....eventually the casual fans will go away and there won't be such a large descrepency....bcuz at the end of the day the hiphop community who really gives a shyt about the music and goat convo isn't that large....and most who are honest with theyself won't be able to say Nas or Jay ain't in consideration for goat....like I say time will tell,time either ends up putting rappers in they proper position all time...either that or time has a way of making people completely for get rappers existed...either way one way or the other you'll win....jay will be put in proper position once the fairwhethers are gon and the hype dies down or Jay will be forgotten and be big daddy kane status one day....he's one of the goats to me fuk what y'all think

And u Nas stans been lyin about how great his last 3 albums wuz all this time,ur no better......the excitement for a album that's great but not even classic tells me you've been bullshyttin about the last 3 u called "classic" and "incredible":rudy:...and when anybody said they were underwheming u would come in :damn: hostile.

Ask urself one thing tho,historically how many rappers that lack content like Jay have ever been held in such high esteem?or has history recognized as one of the goats? That's the flaw in this image argement,flossy bragadocia rappers typically don't get looked at as goats at all...as a fan I didn't like wtt or bp3,and I hope he branches out and works with different people....id like to see him work with people he hasn't worked with,not strange europeans like Coldplay eitherr or weird techno sounds....he should go back to BP2 where I think he worked with different folks and had different sounds....I wanna hear a Cube collab,a E40 collab sumthin weird like Poppin tags that turned out classic where they spittin game,Flava Flav on a track doin background lol, not these exactly whatever he's comfortable with....but whatever it takes to get the creative juices flowin...a change of scenery is what he needs....matter fact I take back what I just said,not whatever makes him comfortable.....its time for sum shyt that makes him uncomfortable.

Harry B

May 20, 2012
The funny thing about this Gifted One dude, is that he's "attacking" Jay with a negative view on a site which existence is based on discussion. And when someone tries to discuss from a positive view he says stop defending him.

Stop posting negative shyt if you don't want people who disagree to counter with some positive shyt. If cats are defending Jay like his their man, you are attacking Jay like he raped your mother and stabbed you grandma in the eye.


Jun 17, 2012
Who the fukk are you to say that he isn't the best? I respect your opinion, but don't try to pass it of as fact.

And as far as ballin, Jay's last solo had practically no ballin at all, basically On To the next on and Reminder. People don't listen to Jay cause he's ballin, cause 2 million cats in the states went and bought BP3. They listen to him cause he's a good musician with an interesting life. He always talks about his own life, he's a rich b*stard and never lied about it. He's talked about his life since he came in the game, and it's interesting enough for millions of cats all over the world to pay good money to listen to what he's been up to and what he's observed over a beat delivered smoothly, hard, creatively, whatever the fukk.

Even when he says Ball so hard moufukkers wanna fine me, that's a real life, that shyt cray. That's a real life metaphor. The ball association fined him, cause he's so interested in ballplayer that he broke the rules to congratulate them OR other

Good for him, doesnt make him the best though.cats just wanna hate cause he lives lavish.

Doesnt make him goat