Jamilah Lemieux and her bad breath urges women to set black men up to be robbed and killed

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Hmm, upon reflection I don't want any negativity brought to the Coli. I stand by what I said but I see how it can trigger individuals. Some people still have empathy even for the shyt on the shoe of society, so....let me edit.


All Star
Jan 14, 2015

You know what, let me address your bullshyt head on. Refer to your own quote for my rebuttals.

I was thinking exactly what I posted.

It's quite appropriate.

Yeah, I figured you'd double down on your destructive ideas. So, yes, lets do have that discussion.

How does it make me worse than her you emotional little nitwit? She was advocating violence against men who want to "chill" on the first date. Most likely death. What have those men done to deserve that? Me wishing she suffer rape puts me on a higher moral plane because at least I'm not wishing rape on an innocent person because they do something that mildly annoys me (and not even doing it to me).

She advocated robbery, while you advocated rape and assault with a blunt object, which is undoubtedly more reprehensible.

Rape is a %100 sadistic crime, as there is no situation that could ever morally justify raping someone. Nor is it a means to an end, where you could be completely disconnected and not invested in the act itself, like robbing someone, not to physically harm them, but to get money because you're desperate, which you don't even have to physically make contact with them to do. Whereas rape totally revolves around satisfying your sick desires in the act of violating another person by imposing yourself physically on them in the most inmate manner possible.

So, while robbery is criminal and extremely immoral is simply not as bad as rape, whether you're looking at it from the perspective of the intent of the perpetrator or effect on the victim.

And even murder can not be as bad in SOME instances if you're taking only the intent of the perpetrator into account, as killing someone can be morally(and legally) justified in many cases while sexual assault & rape, as stated before, are purely sadistic & sick crimes which have no such possible underlying virtue. Not to mention even murder, like robbery, is often used as a logical means to an end, like killing a witness so they don't tell on you as you robbed a bank for 100s of gs. Rape serves no such logical purpose except the sick gratification of the perpetrator.

There's plenty a person can do to warrant them being killed, but none for rape. Thus why we have the death penalty here in America and many other countries as punishment for crimes and not the rape penalty.

And you must have a very WARPED idea of innocence if you think anything she says on twitter warrants physical violence especially of the magnitude you advocate perpetrated against her. She's not innocent ethically, but she's definitely innocent criminally, as she's committed no crime against anyone. Just as you aren't innocent ethically, but even more so, yet innocent criminally as you haven't taken the steps to commit an actual crime against anyone, as far as we can tell.

Yeah, because I speak for the mass of men now. I'm one comment on a messageboard you dunce. Wipe your bleeding.

Yeah, sure. I know that, and wish other people didn't associate you or your sick comments with all of us as well, but that still doesn't mean that other's, particularly those with an agenda, wont take your and other quote-mined comments like to paint a picture that's meant to vilify black men as a whole. So, it's a moot point, because what I know to be true isn't likely to be accurately portrayed and affect popular opinion, even of those of OTHER black males(which can lead to self-hate), which DOES matter in a democratic society like ours.

That's a problem with black feminists if they view us in that manner. Feminists like this twat who is calling for the potential murder of black men for wanting to chill on the first date. Had she not made such a comment what would I have to respond to? You're not looking at the bigger picture. But that tends to happen when blinded by agenda.

The problem with them viewing us in this manner is that it doesn't represent the actions OR desires of the vast majority of black men. I happen to be one of those black men. But, I don't quite see how you would have much of a problem with it, seeing as you seem to be one of the morally bankrupt individual black men for whom it DOES represent their desires at the very least. You having a problem with what Jamilah says makes you one hellava hypocrite. You seem to be the one that's failing to grasp the bigger picture here.
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Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

Yeah, I figured you'd double down on your destructive ideas. So, yes, lets do have that discussion.

She advocated robbery, while you advocated rape and assault with a blunt object, which is undoubtedly more reprehensible.

Rape is a %100 sadistic crime, as there is no situation that could ever morally justify raping someone. Nor is it a means to an end, where you could be completely disconnected and not invested in the act itself, like robbing someone, not to physically harm them, but to get money because you're desperate, which you don't even have to physically make contact with them to do. Whereas rape totally revolves around satisfying your sick desires in the act of violating another person in the most inmate manner .

So, while robbery is criminal and extremely immoral is simply not as bad as rape, whether you're looking at it from the perspective of the intent of the perpetrator or effect on the victim.

And even murder isn't as bad in SOME instances if you're taking the intent of the perpetrator into account, as killing someone can be morally(and legally) justified in many cases while sexual assault & rape, as stated before, are purely sadistic & sick crimes which have no such possible underlying virtue. Not to mention even murder, like robbery, is often used as a logical means to an end, like killing a witness so they don't tell on you as you robbed a bank for 100s of gs. Rape serves no such logical purpose except the sick gratification of the perpetrator.

There's plenty a person can do to warrant them being killed. Thus why we have the death penalty here in America and many other countries as punishment for crimes and not the rape penalty.

And you must have a very WARPED idea of innocence if you think anything she says on twitter warrants physical violence especially of the magnitude you advocate perpetrated against her. She's not innocent ethically, but she's definitely innocent criminally, as she's committed no crime against anyone. Just as you aren't innocent ethically, but even more so, yet innocent criminal as you haven't taken the steps to commit an actual crime against anyone, as far as we can tell.

Yeah, sure. I know that, and wish other people didn't associate you or your sick comments with all of us as well, but that still doesn't mean that other's particularly those with an agenda wont take your and other quote-mined comments like to paint a picture that's meant to vilify black men as a whole. So, it's a moot point, because what I know to be true isn't likely to be accurately portrayed and effect popular opinion, even of those of OTHER black males(which can lead to self-hate), which DOES matter in a democratic society like ours.

The problem with them viewing us in this manner is that it doesn't represent the actions OR desires of the vast majority of black men. I happen to be one of those black men. But, I don't quite see how you would have much of a problem with it, seeing as you seem to be one of the morally bankrupt individual black men for whom it DOES represent their desires at the very least. You having a problem with what Jamilah says makes you one hellava hypocrite.

Oh. I stand by my comment. Have a good evening.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
By the way, if you're looking to be outraged @Supper, someone said the whole Kardashian/Jenner family "needs to be wiped out." The catalyst? One of them gave birth. The young one, whichever one that is.

Go forth and police some more comments.


All Star
Jan 14, 2015
Oh. I stand by my comment. Have a good evening.

Cool, then you should also own up to the fact that even a person like Jamliah has the moral high ground on you, thus you're in no position to criticize her comments in light of your's, unless of course you ever decide to retract them.

Just leave that up to the vast majority of us who actually oppose anyone advocating violence against innocent people, in prinicple.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Cool, then you should also own up to the fact that even a person like Jamliah has the moral high ground on you, thus you're in no position to criticize her comments in light of your's, unless of course you ever decide to retract them.

Just leave that up to the vast majority of us who actually oppose anyone advocating violence against innocent people, in prinicple.

As long as it fits your agenda, of course. Got it.


Oct 31, 2017
West Coast
Best date I ever had was a trip to a go cart track.

May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)

Yeah, I figured you'd double down on your destructive ideas. So, yes, lets do have that discussion.

She advocated robbery, while you advocated rape and assault with a blunt object, which is undoubtedly more reprehensible.

Rape is a %100 sadistic crime, as there is no situation that could ever morally justify raping someone. Nor is it a means to an end, where you could be completely disconnected and not invested in the act itself, like robbing someone, not to physically harm them, but to get money because you're desperate, which you don't even have to physically make contact with them to do. Whereas rape totally revolves around satisfying your sick desires in the act of violating another person by imposing yourself physically on them in the most inmate manner possible.

So, while robbery is criminal and extremely immoral is simply not as bad as rape, whether you're looking at it from the perspective of the intent of the perpetrator or effect on the victim.

And even murder can not be as bad in SOME instances if you're taking only the intent of the perpetrator into account, as killing someone can be morally(and legally) justified in many cases while sexual assault & rape, as stated before, are purely sadistic & sick crimes which have no such possible underlying virtue. Not to mention even murder, like robbery, is often used as a logical means to an end, like killing a witness so they don't tell on you as you robbed a bank for 100s of gs. Rape serves no such logical purpose except the sick gratification of the perpetrator.

There's plenty a person can do to warrant them being killed, but none for rape. Thus why we have the death penalty here in America and many other countries as punishment for crimes and not the rape penalty.

And you must have a very WARPED idea of innocence if you think anything she says on twitter warrants physical violence especially of the magnitude you advocate perpetrated against her. She's not innocent ethically, but she's definitely innocent criminally, as she's committed no crime against anyone. Just as you aren't innocent ethically, but even more so, yet innocent criminally as you haven't taken the steps to commit an actual crime against anyone, as far as we can tell.

Yeah, sure. I know that, and wish other people didn't associate you or your sick comments with all of us as well, but that still doesn't mean that other's, particularly those with an agenda, wont take your and other quote-mined comments like to paint a picture that's meant to vilify black men as a whole. So, it's a moot point, because what I know to be true isn't likely to be accurately portrayed and affect popular opinion, even of those of OTHER black males(which can lead to self-hate), which DOES matter in a democratic society like ours.

The problem with them viewing us in this manner is that it doesn't represent the actions OR desires of the vast majority of black men. I happen to be one of those black men. But, I don't quite see how you would have much of a problem with it, seeing as you seem to be one of the morally bankrupt individual black men for whom it DOES represent their desires at the very least. You having a problem with what Jamilah says makes you one hellava hypocrite. You seem to be the one that's failing to grasp the bigger picture here.
9/10 a female proxy violence robbery ends in murder... women aren't professional lick planners.
They sick the "pitbulls" on brehs for less and brehs USUALLY DIE.
See: PG county dating site setup...and the bm/wm killing of the elderly man.
Funny, because the 2nd murder lines up with both black women and white men's main murder M.O.: killing vulnerable populations.
There's another thread about two black women feeding children feces for YEARS. These are all recent events that get no energy.
We have to let the "rape trigger" go.
Feeding innocent children feces, murdering vulnerable elderly, and setting up murders are worse. None of these women have money in mind...they do it for "power" just like they say a Rapist would.
Especially the PG county situation. She just wanted to get a nikka killed.