I thought she fccked with Triple H, I know she hated her main roster time howeverWhat’s the deal with Purazzo? From what I remember she absolutely hated her run in nXt and wanted nothing to do with the E again…
I thought she fccked with Triple H, I know she hated her main roster time howeverWhat’s the deal with Purazzo? From what I remember she absolutely hated her run in nXt and wanted nothing to do with the E again…
Character work will always be the most important thing to me…hell Jake Manning got me to care about a match he was in because he was doing his Boy Scout gimmick and it was entertaining to me…Nowadays Chris Jericho is a terrible wrestler 90% of the time, and Mox is terrible half of the time he steps into a ring. Matt Hardy is fukking unwatchable in 2023 and they all have prominent roles on TV because of their character work and past accomplishments. AEW fans consume awful shyt all the time too, I've been watching the promotion for 2 years now and anyone that can't see that is just being a self righteous prick.
I just remember her talking shyt about how they didn’t know what to do with her and that she didn’t want to go back…it’s been a little while since I read the interview so I’m probably a little hazy with the specifics…I thought she fccked with Triple H, I know she hated her main roster time however
This is complete bullshytThis is also complete bullshyt
WWE fans didn't give a fukk about Danielson after he lost the belt to Kofi, and the company did a horrendous job with his character for 2 years before he finally left the company. Only thing that made Dragon feel any sort of special in his final years of WWE were his matches (Gulak, AJ, Cesaro, Roman) and putting other people over, which is the same thing that's going on with his AEW run.
Fans are fickle if you wheeelllllll….The "Jade Can't Wrestle /Jade Isn't Ready Yet" threads in TSC finna be crazy.
In a show Edge got a bigger pop and bigger reactions and in an angle that made no sense for him to involved in and Danielson himself didn't want to participate (but did it anyways because Vince wanted him in that spot)This is complete bullshyt
Fans still cared and the dude basically main evented wrestlemania in his last month with the company lol
The "Jade Can't Wrestle /Jade Isn't Ready Yet" threads in TSC finna be crazy.
If Yuta and Garcia ever go to WWE, the copium from the you can't wrestle crowd will beFans are fickle if you wheeelllllll….