if one of the main characters didn't have a lightsaber in the first movie out. People would shyt a brick, movie would bomb.
Well yeah, it IS Star Wars. There will be "vwoom" involved. People like Boba Fett, Han, etc. all have big followings and wouldn't bomb (naturally, if done correctly) just because they're fleshing out big characters.
It would go well with this next bit:
That's something they're gonna do after their big opening number, they're already talkin about spin offs in the star wars universe
Which makes sense in the safest way. I'd personally rather have a spinoff than for someone to try and add to the Episodes list from ROTJ's ending.
That would be a good thing to do if your objective was to bomb as fast as possible. First things first, the force and lightsabers have to be at the forefront of any future Star Wars movie. Thats what puts asses in seats. Sure a Boba Fett story may seem cool to true fans but the masses arent showing up to see a movie about a pistol toting bounty hunter. They can make a movie like that without the Star Wars license if they wanted to.
You make it seem like only the Force and Lightsabers were the cool thing about it and totally negating the characters which everyone fell in love with, aside from the storytelling, the special effects, the audio effects, and so on.
Naturally, what you think would be omitted would still be the meat and potatoes. You could EASILY wrap into that sort of thing because Boba Fett is a bounty hunter and what else would bad guys like dead the most in that universe at the time? Jedi. He could be hunting some high profile prodigy or something and split the story with someone new, or someone minor who's expanding in background.
Again, as stated, Episode 7 shouldn't be about Luke. They can branch off his Academy or son for the next round of Episodes but let's be real. You can't really take anymore from his story.
who said it had to be about Luke? Who said that the main story line was EVER about Luke? It wasn't.
That's what I'm talking about with my first post. It shouldn't be about Luke or carry on his story.
Seems like you guys can't handle a spinoff film. I'm not talking about making Boba Fett into Episode 7.

That would be suicide. And it doesn't make sense since those Episodes were about Skywalkers.
Just sayin', they have other ideas to pursue before they wanna tickle the idea if adding to the Skywalker main timeline. They can (and should) break off into some "The Next Generation" type of deal where it's a new line of stuff and have it their way.