We are always in the midst of sin....U can't escape it...we are not Allah or The Christ.....To believe that God is a just god and to believe that justice is to have one person pay for another persons sins is backward and contradictory to what God is....God has shown nothing but justice except when it comes to The Christ and him paying for everyone's sins

To ignore that coupled with The Christ saying himself that there is someone that will come after me that will convict on righteousness and sin, is one the reason I believe in Isalm

...We are all sinners you cant escape it....
Would it be justice if you were a thief and you repented to God for being a thief and never stole a thing for 20 years and lived as righteously as you could, but you decided to steal a banana because you had no money and was hungry...and 5 minutes later the Day of Judgement hit....Would God say oh well it's eternal hell for you, or would he do the just thing and rightfully send you to heaven