I have no other frame of reference to go off of besides our universe do I would assume it is. Do you believe there is a fifth force?The universe is perfect because of the functionality...it's truly remarkable when you think about it
I have no other frame of reference to go off of besides our universe do I would assume it is. Do you believe there is a fifth force?The universe is perfect because of the functionality...it's truly remarkable when you think about it
You said I'm like an infant who needs to learn his ABC's... but no insultsand because I'm questioning you doesn't mean that I don't understand...I was actually poking holes in your argument, and judging by your current responses it seems as if your water is starting to seep through those holesI didn't insult you. I'm explaining to you why you don't understand even though we provide you multiple scriptures explaining your questions. And this is explains why you still dont understand
Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding
Ecclesiastes 12:13
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
If you keeping the commandments, then its not suppose to make sense to you.
Well if God and The Christ are without sin, and The Holy Ghost is equal to God and The Christ, then The Holy Ghost should be without sin as well...so once The Holy Ghosts dwells in us then why are we not without sin...why do we have the ability to sin once we've accepted the Trinity, also what about being gods chosen people...when does that come into play??
Edit: And everyone sins to say that you don't is being disingenuous...and once we start being disingenuous then
God being superior to flesh and then being flesh in the form of Jesus reminds me of the "Double Think" concept from the book "1984" where people are forced to believe in things that obviously contradict each other like 2 +2 = 5
You said I'm like an infant who needs to learn his ABC's... but no insultsand because I'm questioning you doesn't mean that I don't understand...I was actually poking holes in your argument, and judging by your current responses it seems as if your water is starting to seep through those holes
They all were darker than me....they weren't African black but certainly much darker than what we have now. Gulf Arabs are the closest resemblance to the original Arab, and some of them are descendants of this original race.
Can you educate me on him?Have you read the sacred drift or heard of Melek Taus the Peacock angel?
The Bible of courseso who's right, the bible or the quran?
Firstly read my comment, I never once said I or any other human being doesn't sin, I actually said numerous times every human being has sinned.
We still sin because we are still human. Nowhere does it say that the holy spirit dwelling in us means we are no longer human. The holy spirit dwells in us to minister to us and guide us and comfort us, to convict us when we are doing or acting wrong but the holy spirit doesn't take over our bodies are control our minds and our actions, it's just dwells within us, we are still human and still have free choice and the ability to sin and like it was explained to you in the comments before if you then fall back into a life of sin the holy spirit departs from you.
The children of Israel were Gods chosen people because it was through them he would enter the world. It was through the line of Israel that Jesus Christ entered the world, hence they are Gods chosen people because they were chosen to bring forth salvation to the world.
All this though is explained in the Bible you say you have read.
I answered your questions and provided proof out the bible. shyt is sealed air tight over here. The only person with "holes" is you. My 11 year old son can answer these simple ass questions.
The embarrassing part is you still don't understand, even after providing 10 different scriptures to show you the real meaning. You thought the comforter/Holy Spirit was a man (flesh & blood)
Another thing.. The trinity doctorine is bullshyt and no where in the bible. This is the order GOD set up.
1 Corinthians 11:3
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
Epheisans 5:23
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
Jesus told us there is some things only the father knows
Melek Taus is the Peacock angel . In sect of Islam that the Yezidi people practice he was Ibles/Iblis, who after spending time in the underworld finally submitted to Allah's will and was placed over the world as the Demiurge. He cried tears that quenched the fires of hell and is the tester on the path to Allah as well as the being that loves him most. This is their lore. He interests me because he is similar to Ellegua/Eshu from Voudon/Ifa, who i am a child of. But he also represents creative energy and creative worship to Allah.Can you educate me on him?
They don't contradict each other, how do they contradict each other. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh but God doesn't exist purely in the form of Christ. Wasn't God there in the Bible before he came to earth in the form of flesh? As the father in heaven, isn't God also there as the holy spirit? God came down to earth in the flesh for one purpose, to doqe for our sins, he is superior to flesh because he is God and his existence isn't confined to the flesh, like I explained he became flesh for a single purpose and that purpose alone.
The Bible of course