there are 6 main type characteristics of JW's.
1. dummies
people who don't have a background in information processing that gives them defences against indoctrination but who are willing to follow authority figures. or who people who are dumb.
2. narcissists
people who at their base don't care about anyone else, are selfish, don't understand or think about morality and are in it to get what they can. there is nothing you can show these people that will stop them thinking about themselves first.
3. lifestyle
people who do it for lifestyle reasons but don't heavily believe. they are in it for the friendship, community or even through force of habit.
4. caring
thinking caring people who care about morality and being a good person. they are in the religion as they truly believe they are doing good.
5. analytical
people who analyse information and need to break things down until they make sense to them.
6. emotional
emotional thinkers. things don't have to make logical sense.
there is no point in trying to help people in groups 1 or 2 as evidence will either be discarded or not understood. if pressed they might get angry. they don't care what the org has done because they are in it for themselves and find it hard to connect dots. they have to get themselves out.
groups 4 and 5 are the most likely to listen and/or to seek out information when presented with unpleasant facts about the cult. if you show a moral man that his organisation harbours pedophiles he will not be at peace until he resolves the matter.
groups 3 and 6 may or may not be receptive. they are unlikely to react badly to information that they do not like. these may be wishy-washy without strong convictions either way .. and without those it doesn't matter to them if there are gaping holes in their beliefs.