Days of Future Piff
These >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any prequel lightsaber duels

There was way more tension between the characters-- you had suspense, rebellion, defiance, revelation, sacrifice, redemption, etc.

The fights actually looked and felt like two dudes really having a sword fight-- you could see people actually getting bumps and bruises, and so on. It felt like more of a real fight than the corny, over-choreographed videogame fights in the prequels.

Fighting three feet above molten lava and not getting vaporized

Having Yoda fight also really ruined his character, and it went against his whole philosophy in Empire. The whole point of his character was to teach Luke that there's more to being a Jedi than swinging a cool laser sword around. He was dropping gems about doing over trying, respecting life, having spiritual fortitude, and how wars don't make one great. It wasn't about being big or small, or who the best warrior was-- it was all about the Force. The force was all you needed. So naturally, they don't have him drop any gems in the prequels-- he just fights a bunch of wars.

Overall, the original trilogy, while dated in some aspects were much better movies-- the effects weren't always the prettiest, but the characters were far more memorable and emotionally resonant. Han, Luke, Leia, Obi Wan, 3PO and R2, Chewbacca, Lando, Wedge, Boba Fett, Jabba the Hutt, the Emperor, Yoda-- all of these characters had golden, memorable moments that stick with you for years after you watch the movies.
Even Greedo was more memorable than most of the characters in the prequels (not counting Ben/Anakin and the other characters who appeared in the original films) and Greedo was blatantly flabby and sick

Who's going to relate to Ki Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, or Plo Koon in 15-20 years?
I know I'm wilding out with the videos, but are we REALLY putting the prequels over these classic piff moments? I'm disappointed 

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