it's time star wars fans realize the franchise as always been trash

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
People have high hopes for these new star wars movies, but like the star trek before, what these blind fans don't realize is the shyt was always trash from the beginning. They can't even make a decent videogame because the source material has always been cookie cutter to begin with.

In 70's a movie like Star Wars could be a hit, because they actually did innovative film making with the models and sets they built. People were high on drugs and were heaven into aliens back then.
If the same movie came out today with no history and all the updated visual effects, people would say it was hot trash.

The acting was bad, just as bad as the prequels, except for Billy Dee Williams and Harrison Ford, because they put their own personalities into the wooden characters. Sir Alec Guiness went to his grave hating star wars and the fact he was apart of it.

Princess Leia is the only bytch in the whole galaxy, makes no sense. And her father was a senator how does that make her a Princess.

The plot makes no sense. The kids who grew up on star wars fail to realize when they first turned flabby and sick, and kept this shytty franchise alive willfully being strung along by Lucas.

Everything creative about the serious is owed to the artist who designed the ships and the practical effects.
The story itself lacks any creative.
For example, you have a desert planet, an ice planet, a forest planet, a water planet, and a fire planet. Is this a movie or stages in Legend of Zelda.
Even though you are trollin thats the bare bones of it right there.If you think its a fallacy just look at the way the prequels did.With no special effects or revolutionary (cinematic) gimmick to relay on all we were left with was a basic story with standardCGI for the times
lightsabers are gay. Two grown men waving glow sticks at each other is not epic on any stage its fruity.
stop it
The myth of star wars being a huge universe is ridiculous, since everything about this Universe only exists in things fans made up or in books that have no connection to the films. Nothing in the films makes you feel like your in this huge galaxy.
:why: thats how most legends/myths grow breh fans see what they want (try to sound clever) and add 2+2 and come up with 5

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
F*ck the dumb sh*t.. I love Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back. Return Of The Jedi was cool. I hate the prequels though. Straight garbage. But Star Wars and Empire we're one of the best good vs evil movies of all time. The lore of the Force and the Jedi. Amazing classic great characters in Obi Wan, Luke, Darth Vader, Yoda and the gawd Han Solo. Special effects that are still ahead of their time. John Williams scoring. Flawless editing. The f*cking Death Star:ohlawd: Star Wars unintentionally birthed the term "blockbuster". One of the greatest twists of all time where Darth told Luke he was his father..:why: etc etc etc. You guys can't be serious with this talk

-Leave Star Wars and Empire out of the discussion.. but go ahead and sh*t on everything else. These movies changed the f*cking game period. think before you type
May 15, 2012
F*ck the dumb sh*t.. I love Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back. Return Of The Jedi was cool. I hate the prequels though. Straight garbage. But Star Wars and Empire we're one of the best good vs evil movies of all time. The lore of the Force and the Jedi. Amazing classic great characters in Obi Wan, Luke, Darth Vader, Yoda and the gawd Han Solo. Special effects that are still ahead of their time. John Williams scoring. Flawless editing. The f*cking Death Star:ohlawd: Star Wars unintentionally birthed the term "blockbuster". One of the greatest twists of all time where Darth told Luke he was his father..:why: etc etc etc. You guys can't be serious with this talk

-Leave Star Wars and Empire out of the discussion.. but go ahead and sh*t on everything else. These movies changed the f*cking game period. think before you type

I didn't say they weren't blockbusters. I said it was a trash. Independence Day was a blockbuster nobody calls it a great film

People saying these star wars film are great films are ridiculous, the acting is terrible and the plot is terrible

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
F*ck the dumb sh*t.. I love Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back. Return Of The Jedi was cool. I hate the prequels though. Straight garbage. But Star Wars and Empire we're one of the best good vs evil movies of all time.
many ppl dont think darth vader was evil though :mjpls:

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
I didn't say they weren't blockbusters. I said it was a trash. Independence Day was a blockbuster nobody calls it a great film

People saying these star wars film are great films are ridiculous, the acting is terrible and the plot is terrible
Yes they were slightly cheesy but as a whole how was the acting and story trash? And I'm only talking Star Wars- A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. I'm not talking about all the rest. These are some of the best characters of all time. The "ordinary guy being thrown into incredible circumstances" role was done to perfection in Luke Skywalker. It has quotables for days just as The Godfather and Goodfellas do. Its a movie where you literally escaped realism and viewed a entirely different world that you've never seen before. The backstory to The Force and the Jedi automatically excesses this movie of having a trash storyline. I hated the Ewoks in Return, the prequals suck immensely- characters, acting, visuals, pacing, everything.. But the original joints:beli:
May 15, 2012
Yes they were slightly cheesy but as a whole how was the acting and story trash? And I'm only talking Star Wars- A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. I'm not talking about all the rest. These are some of the best characters of all time. The "ordinary guy being thrown into incredible circumstances" role was done to perfection in Luke Skywalker. It has quotables for days just as The Godfather and Goodfellas do. Its a movie where you literally escaped realism and viewed a entirely different world that you've never seen before. The backstory to The Force and the Jedi automatically excesses this movie of having a trash storyline. I hated the Ewoks in Return, the prequals suck immensely- characters, acting, visuals, pacing, everything.. But the original joints:beli:

The ordinary guy thrown into incredible circumstance is the archetype for every adventure story breh
plus Luke isn't ordinary, he comes from lineage of the greatest Jedi ever, and they say plenty times hes suppose to be extremely powerful

And What world? The entire movie is an empty desert and generic looking space station. the desert planet is stolen from Dune, the main character in Dune is even like Luke Skywalker
the Empire Strikes back takes place on empty ice planet, then a generic looking cloud city, which was stolen from Flash Gordon
return jedi takes place on the same empty desert then an empty forest and back to the generic space station
I see how kids in 80s thought this movies were good, because as kid we like garbage all the time, I use to watch Power Rangers and I liked the power rangers movie when I was kid, but I can acknowledge that shyt was garbage

Luke is
The lines were terrible and acting was wooden, you actually mentioned godfather and goodfellas in the same sentence as star wars. Your crazy.

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
The ordinary guy thrown into incredible circumstance is the archetype for every adventure story breh
plus Luke isn't ordinary, he comes from lineage of the greatest Jedi ever, and they say plenty times hes suppose to be extremely powerful

And What world? The entire movie is an empty desert and generic looking space station. the desert planet is stolen from Dune, the main character in Dune is even like Luke Skywalker
the Empire Strikes back takes place on empty ice planet, then a generic looking cloud city, which was stolen from Flash Gordon
return jedi takes place on the same empty desert then an empty forest and back to the generic space station
I see how kids in 80s thought this movies were good, because as kid we like garbage all the time, I use to watch Power Rangers and I liked the power rangers movie when I was kid, but I can acknowledge that shyt was garbage

Luke is
The lines were terrible and acting was wooden, you actually mentioned godfather and goodfellas in the same sentence as star wars. Your crazy.
I said it had quoteables like Goodfellas and the Godfather. A good movie has to have quoteables period imo. So the Death Star was generic looking?? really? And you can say any desert or ice-snow set could be similar to any movie with a desert or ice scene . What can you do to a desert or ice terrain to make it eye popping anyway? The Star Wars story isn't original but there is one and its done really well. And we didn't know Luke was from a great lineage of Jedi til later. Alot of movies borrow bits and pieces for other books and films. I love the first Matrix with Neo- another classic ordinary guy thrown into an incredible situation- but that story had bits and pieces from other works. Scoresse used the same Goodfellas template for Casino and Wolf Of Wall Street(which needed more storyline to it imo).. Basically if you're going to rip Star Wars for having elements that we've seen before then you have to rip 75-80% percent of the movies that come out period. I will say that Star Wars was more effective back in its day than now. Just like someone playing the original Half Life for the first time in 2014 might not be impressed as opposed to playing it 1998 when it was released. I'm taking in all the factors
May 15, 2012
I said it had quoteables like Goodfellas and the Godfather. A good movie has to have quoteables period imo. So the Death Star was generic looking?? really? And you can say any desert or ice-snow set could be similar to any movie with a desert or ice scene . What can you do to a desert or ice terrain to make it eye popping anyway? The Star Wars story isn't original but there is one and its done really well. And we didn't know Luke was from a great lineage of Jedi til later. Alot of movies borrow bits and pieces for other books and films. I love the first Matrix with Neo- another classic ordinary guy thrown into an incredible situation- but that story had bits and pieces from other works. Scoresse used the same Goodfellas template for Casino and Wolf Of Wall Street(which needed more storyline to it imo).. Basically if you're going to rip Star Wars for having elements that we've seen before then you have to rip 75-80% percent of the movies that come out period. I will say that Star Wars was more effective back in its day than now. Just like someone playing the original Half Life for the first time in 2014 might not be impressed as opposed to playing it 1998 when it was released. I'm taking in all the factors

We know Luke has Jedi lineage from the first act you fukking moron
the bottom line is the acting and dialogue in star wars is ass, the plot is ass, your in here talking about Goodfellas and Casino, well written and acted movies to fukking star wars, your totally missing the point.

The Matrix shyts all over star wars as far as quality of film, stealing concepts is one thing, being complete garbage is another

Nothing can save Star Wars from being terrible because the script is terrible, the story is terrible, the acting is terrible

the problem star wars fan have is they can't let go of child hood memories, because only a child could find this shyt entertaining, it's not good cinema

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
We know Luke has Jedi lineage from the first act you fukking moron
the bottom line is the acting and dialogue in star wars is ass, the plot is ass, your in here talking about Goodfellas and Casino, well written and acted movies to fukking star wars, your totally missing the point.

The Matrix shyts all over star wars as far as quality of film, stealing concepts is one thing, being complete garbage is another

Nothing can save Star Wars from being terrible because the script is terrible, the story is terrible, the acting is terrible

the problem star wars fan have is they can't let go of child hood memories, because only a child could find this shyt entertaining, it's not good cinema
In star wars you didn't even grasp what a Jedi could even do til later in Empire Strikes Back. Yes Obi Won told him his father was a Jedi but we nor Luke knew he was gonna be that dude til later on when we actually seen him become that dude. To each his own bro.. you're getting emotional. You haven't convinced me of sh*t but Its your opinion and I have my opinion. I'll agree to disagree and keep it movin'

Street Knowledge

May 2, 2012
Star Wars is One of those "classic" movies I've never seen

I remember I Told this white dude in college I've never seen any of the films and he looked at me like :usure:

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
People have high hopes for these new star wars movies, but like the star trek before, what these blind fans don't realize is the shyt was always trash from the beginning. They can't even make a decent videogame because the source material has always been cookie cutter to begin with.

In 70's a movie like Star Wars could be a hit, because they actually did innovative film making with the models and sets they built. People were high on drugs and were heaven into aliens back then.
If the same movie came out today with no history and all the updated visual effects, people would say it was hot trash.

The acting was bad, just as bad as the prequels, except for Billy Dee Williams and Harrison Ford, because they put their own personalities into the wooden characters. Sir Alec Guiness went to his grave hating star wars and the fact he was apart of it.

Princess Leia is the only bytch in the whole galaxy, makes no sense. And her father was a senator how does that make her a Princess.

The plot makes no sense. The kids who grew up on star wars fail to realize when they first turned flabby and sick, and kept this shytty franchise alive willfully being strung along by Lucas.

Everything creative about the serious is owed to the artist who designed the ships and the practical effects.
The story itself lacks any creative. For example, you have a desert planet, an ice planet, a forest planet, a water planet, and a fire planet. Is this a movie or stages in Legend of Zelda.

lightsabers are gay. Two grown men waving glow sticks at each other is not epic on any stage its fruity.

The myth of star wars being a huge universe is ridiculous, since everything about this Universe only exists in things fans made up or in books that have no connection to the films. Nothing in the films makes you feel like your in this huge galaxy.

That's why I say they should reboot the whole thing. Never got to see darth vader at the height of his dominance. Or yoda for that matter. They could make billions upon billions doing reboots and spinoffs. They only spinoff I remember them doing was the fukkin ewoks. They could do a yoda origins.