I fukking HATE when admins/security act like bytches with the restrictionsSo I ended up getting my first Help Desk gig back in July.
It was me & 1 other person(IT admin). He was consulted to be the IT guy for a law firm of 50 users & needed a helper.
After a week on the job, he told me he had to take on a year long project elsewhere, but he'd word remotely & leave me on site.
From there my schedule became Mon, Tues, Thurs, & Fri 12pm to 4pm
Then on Wednesday's we'd do the real work since he'd be in.
I should have left at that point cause I knew i'd be in way over my head, but I kept positive & stood there. I also needed the $$$.
Now I'm the only guy on site 4 days a week supporting 50 users & I have ZERO professional experience.
It was cool for the first month since I only dealt with internet issues, minor outlook stuff, & printer issues.
After that month, the IT admin started slacking off & it became hard to get in contact with him when things would go wrong with the legal software(LegalFiles)
People were losing files, not being able to log in, & all sorts of issues. Users there were looking at me to fix things I had no idea about.
You're locked out cause you inputted the wrong password? I can't reset it since only Paul(IT admin) has access to Active Directory.
The server is down? I can't do anything about that since I don't have the credentials to remote in & look at things.
I winged it as best as I could, but in November he let me go due to "lack of experience"
I've had a few interviews since then, but being let go from my last gig is stopping others from giving me a chance.
Just a minor rant. Back to the books I go.