ArrayList<my d1ck> your mouth= new ArrayList<Breh>();
for (suck my d1ck: yousa bish n1gga )
Fukk u();
This shyt won't compile fukk boy
ArrayList<my d1ck> your mouth= new ArrayList<Breh>();
for (suck my d1ck: yousa bish n1gga )
Fukk u();
how's it jobs in london? might move there in a couple years currently eating where i am nowHas anyone here worked abroad ?
I am thinking of working in Dubai or Qatar, get that tax free money
I am told from other contractors that being from England companies in those areas pay you more, dunno if true. Its always a case of "oh my friend is doing that" or "oh my friend of a friend has done that" so most of time I take what they say with a pinch of salt.
My assumption is that they could prob hire someone from India and just pay them a lot less than they would for a Westerner, again I dont know.
I am in IT Infra, so lot of AD, Exchange type work, so I dont know if that is even in demand over there.
Done a few seacrhes on various IT Contracting forums, but most is quite old info.
Thanks in advance.
how's it jobs in london? might move there in a couple years currently eating where i am now
Alot of migration roles out here ATM, no idea why these companies leave it so late to move from XP to 7
Also I am seeing many VM roles come up, alot of companies wanting to move to VDI's etc, so that will be my next step to get some VMware certs
Virtual box in seamless modeI hate when mofos go around talking about their Linux/Unix proficiency only to find out they only fukk with GUI and have no CLI skills
I was called in ths morning to assist in the interview of a young breh. So me and my coworker start throwing questions at the cat and dude sitting there looking at us like a![]()
I hate when mofos go around talking about their Linux/Unix proficiency only to find out they only fukk with GUI and have no CLI skills
I was called in ths morning to assist in the interview of a young breh. So me and my coworker start throwing questions at the cat and dude sitting there looking at us like a![]()
For the brehs that have a computer science(or anything related) degree, where did you work during school?
I'm finally starting to understand how Javascript's prototypical inheritance works. It took long enough...
I was playing around with JS on Codecademy in class today. Its not as difficult as I expected.