Funny you say that breh I’m trying to move from this help desk shyt into possibly being a sysadmin or network admin, this was after working with some brehs in the field who are sysadmins who said they really don’t be doing shyt at all. Plus come to find out I’ve already been doing entry level sysadmin shyt with Azure, 365, Powershell and limited Windows Server management , might as well make that move I guess
Yeah you're already there
If you looking to make a good salary doing little to no work, find sysadmin positions with finance companies.
It'll be like this
30% meetings, 50% downtime doing none work shyt like studying for a cert or watching netflix or some shyt, and 20% closing what few tickets come to your teams's queue. That's normal pace but depending on the company, downtime could by as high as 70%, (yes I had a couple jobs like that)
When its busy, like say something went wrong during some type of implemetation and they need to reach the vendor to fix the issues tiers 1-3 couldnt, it's going to be 70% meetings, 15% drafting change tickets and retrieving server logs, and the rest is mostly downtime
Sysadmin implied different meaning in Finance because all the departments are so separated, Security is security, networking only deal with networking, storage is its own world, same with desktop support, helpdesk etc.
You can be called a system admin and only support M365, or only VMware or Citrix.
Where I'm at now they have a whole team devoted to just supporting F5 load balancers or only supporting the physical infrastructure like Vxrail or Data Center stuff that all the VMware shyt is running on top of.
So with duties split so many ways, there wont be an opportunity to wear alot of hats and gain a wealth of experience, like working for a VAR or MSP or even a startup
you'll definly make more money in finance sector than any other industry but youre going to have to invest in a decent home lab and get you a few online training accounts and use your downtime to skill up because your company aint about to give you much to part with.
this has been my experience working at 3 different places so .....