They sure are, 185k used to be unheard of for me but Im letting recruiters know that’s what it’ll take for me to leave my current role. In the meanwhile im getting experience in k8s, python, tf, CI/CD
Facts I never in my life thought I'd get to this level throwing out 180k,190k,200k numbers and these fukkers ain't even flinching
Black employees make up just 7.4% of the tech workforce—these nonprofits are working to change that
Tech really is the master plan to get all black folks good jobs but I’m afraid it’s too late for the majority to change their hustle and mindset
Not if we start hiring and working for each other. You can work for these white companies to gain experience. And then go into business for yourself.
Honestly tech truly is the way for us. As long as you have a work ethic you literally cannot fail in this field. Stick to a plan, job hop, learn in demand skills and you will be set very quickly. I try to tell people how to do it and for whatever reason they think im lying or its just too hard

. I feel like introducing tech into our communities very early on will help get us into the door. At least to develop an interest in it.
The real key though like you said is taking these 6fig salaries and investing in a business/hustle that allows you to bring in another income so your not only relying on that 9-5 money. I learned that later than I should but for anyone just getting into the field (especially if their young) I always preach that to them.
I can’t wait until I’m interviewing nikkas and I already know who I’m putting my hat in for when I see my brothers & sisters
I had a zoom interview for a fintech company here in the city earlier this month and it was with a breh from the UK. Soon as we saw each other on the zoom we immediately cut the corporate bullshyt out and was just talking shyt

. I would have gotten the job but I straight up told him Im not doing support work and coming into the office 3 days a week while this nikka is sitting back in the UK remote

. They had a small staff so guys had to wear multiple hats but I just wanted interested in doing that. They were dropping a bag too
UK Breh: What will it take to get you here?
Me: I need 185k plus a signing bonus

ok, but you'd have to come in the office somedays and do some support