The mental gymnastics yall broads play in your head sometimes. When is the last time you ever told one of your girlfriends 'yeah me and 'fukkbuddy'
broke up last night'?
Just cause the relationship was dysfunctional and unstable doesn't take away from the fact that they both saw it as a relationship. Who uses the term "broke up" for fukkbuddies ending their situation? yall just stop calling each other and leave it at that.
Thing is Condola didn’t tell that to a girlfriend...she told that to his ex.
I’ve been thinking that Condola was the “
one upper” type of chick since e1. I tried to ignore it but she keeps showing those traits. How did I see this? In e1, she decides to have sex with him right after the networking party. IMO, she saw Issa as a good person & was marking her territory, thus
one upping Issa.
Now let’s compare her to Issa. Despite all Issa’s
many failures, Issa was able to set aside her personal feelings & tried to maintain a general/friendly connection with Condola. But when the tables turn, Condola unprofessionally drops Issa. This shows that Condola could only maintain some level of comfort when she had the upper hand, but things totally shifted when she found that Lawrence still had feelings for his ex. This is a “
one upper” type of reaction.
I already know you guys may not see it. But allowing yourself to get pregnant for a dude that’s still not over his ex is, in fact, a “
one upper” move.
Why does any of this matter? Because a “
one upper” type chick will
always try to make something appear to be more to a person that is supposed to be beneath her. Condola literally went from describing Lawrence as a f0ck buddy to her friends in Nov, to explaining her & Lawrence’s situation as a “breakup” to Issa in January. For additional context, they most likely broke up in December. Why is she switching narratives month after month...it’s b/c she’s a “
one upper” type of chick.