Issa Rae’s Emmy Winning Series: Insecure Official Thread

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Yeah, I think you're meant to understand the place the co-worker is coming from in the previous episode. He makes the comments and, while discussing it with Issa, the co-worker essentially goes, "Would the things he says be fine if he were white?"


The white co-worker is full of shyt because, even as she herself said it, the oppressed CANNOT be the oppressors.

What Black Americans have in common is the universal understanding that we are at a racial DISADVANTAGE in this country. So helping one another, looking out for one another, and upholding the best interests of our own first and foremost is what we are SUPPOSED to be doing. And lumping ourselves into that "People Of Color" boat is nothing but a ploy for other races to utilize our suffering and pain for their own benefit. It has been historically proven that Asians, Native Americans, Latinos, etc. won't hesitate to call you a ****** if it means the white man won't treat THEM like one.

The Assistant Principle's problem is that he's too free with his mouth. He broke "code" by thinking he could say whatever he wanted in front of a white woman, which put Issa at a disadvantage. Now Issa can either "keep it real" with her co-worker, which risks her own job, or report the Principle, risking HIS job and career. Either way it's on him for being foolish with his jokes and words.

The "would it be different if he were white?" is a classic Caucasian misdirection tactic. It puts blame on the concept of black racial unity and utilizing the SAME tactics that other races have been using for CENTURIES to get ahead and makes black people feel guilty for using their positions of power to benefit their brothers and sisters. In this case the concept of black kids having access to extra educational tools, when they are the MINORITIES at the school is frowned upon.


Let me work.
Jun 20, 2013
A horrible dude is a fukk nikka and a fukk nikka is a horrible dude. I can't agree with your use of semantics.

And you're right. Lawrence illustrates a dude that's good on paper, but is still not a good partner. The fact that Lawrence didn't even take a split second after that phone call to reflect on how he contributed to Tasha's hurt feelings (even though she is basic) shows just how selfish he is. This is the main trait that drove Issa away before cheating. Lawrence also tells Tasha that he's screwing other chicks but tells Issa nothing. Even when exes are dead ass wrong, there's a certain loyalty that you still have in the beginning where you still attempt to protect them. Lawrence is selfish!

And Tasha's way of seeing how serious Lawrence was, was some little girl, passive agreessive steez. If you don't know, then be straight up and ask. 9/10, if a man wants you, you will never have to guess about his intentions. Tasha is silly.

That's fine. But BOTH Issa and Lawrence are selfish. Also, Lawrence didn't drive Issa away. She chose to stay/refused to call him on his BS, and then she cheated on him right when he was getting it together. There is no rhyme or reason for Lawrence to have shown Issa any kind of loyalty because she stomped on the entire concept when she took backshots from Daniel in that studio. Lawrence owes Issa nothing, and she doesn't owe him, either.

You're dead on about Tasha. Men are not the type to lead a woman on. They know fairly quickly if a "situation" has a chance/should be cuffed. or is just what it is.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
The white co-worker is full of shyt because, even as she herself said it, the oppressed CANNOT be the oppressors.

What Black Americans have in common is the universal understanding that we are at a racial DISADVANTAGE in this country. So helping one another, looking out for one another, and upholding the best interests of our own first and foremost is what we are SUPPOSED to be doing. And lumping ourselves into that "People Of Color" boat is nothing but a ploy for other races to utilize our suffering and pain for their own benefit. It has been historically proven that Asians, Native Americans, Latinos, etc. won't hesitate to call you a ****** if it means the white man won't treat THEM like one.

The Assistant Principle's problem is that he's too free with his mouth. He broke "code" by thinking he could say whatever he wanted in front of a white woman, which put Issa at a disadvantage. Now Issa can either "keep it real" with her co-worker, which risks her own job, or report the Principle, risking HIS job and career. Either way it's on him for being foolish with his jokes and words.

The "would it be different if he were white?" is a classic Caucasian misdirection tactic. It puts blame on the concept of black racial unity and utilizing the SAME tactics that other races have been using for CENTURIES to get ahead and makes black people feel guilty for using their positions of power to benefit their brothers and sisters. In this case the concept of black kids having access to extra educational tools, when they are the MINORITIES at the school is frowned upon.
nah bruh, he was being racist to LATINX STUDENTS. This aint shyt to do with white kids.

I don't know why some of you can't keep it real with this.

Seriously, post that are defending the principal make it clear that some of you want to be oppressors.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
nah bruh, he was being racist to LATINX STUDENTS. This aint shyt to do with white kids.

I don't know why some of you can't keep it real with this.

Seriously, post that are defending the principal make it clear that some of you want to be oppressors.

You didn't read my post all the way.

I clearly said he needs to keep his mouth shut with his thoughts and talk about the Latino kids. Because it gets both he and Issa nowhere.

Him prioritizing the black kids over the Latinos in the program is him doing exactly what he told Issa, "taking care of his own". There's nothing wrong with him as a black man, prioritizing that black kids have access to educational benefits. Latinos would do, will do, and HAVE been doing the same. As have Asians, Native Americans, etc.

If your going to prioritize your own as a means of racial advancement you have to make SURE that the people you do it with are on the same page as you. Him making crude jokes in front of a white woman is quite possibly the dumbest thing he could've done


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
You didn't read my post all the way.

I clearly said he needs to keep his mouth shut with his thoughts and talk about the Latino kids. Because it gets both he and Issa nowhere.

Him prioritizing the black kids over the Latinos in the program is him doing exactly what he told Issa, "taking care of his own". There's nothing wrong with him as a black man, prioritizing that black kids have access to educational benefits. Latinos would do, will do, and HAVE been doing the same. As have Asians, Native Americans, etc.

If your going to prioritize your own as a means of racial advancement you have to make SURE that the people you do it with are on the same page as you. Him making crude jokes in front of a white woman is quite possibly the dumbest thing he could've done
It aint about "shutting his mouth." He a bonafide racist. You have to stop defending people like that.

Like I said, a lot of you want to be oppressors.


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
From the way the show has painted him he's not used to that player type lifestyle. This is currently the transition period where he's learning to deal with having a fukk buddy and setting boundaries. I know for myself after I got out of a 10 year relationship I was dumb as hell to all that shyt. I didn't realize what actions were giving off the boyfriend impression. It took a few years of dealing with women to really perfect keeping them at a distance and not letting them lines get crossed for the woman to think we could be more than what I wanted. Every dude has his bumps to get there.

My longest relationship was a year from 07-08 so I'm more accustomed to being single than in a relationship. Totally makes sense that he's not used to the lifestyle based on how he's being painted. I too have been in plenty of situations where I've been in a pseudo relationship with girls but I've also been upfront in telling her I don't want a relationship. I'm naturally selfish and am not going to do anything I don't want to do so it's interesting for me to see someone like Lawrence who is so unsure about himself and what he wants that he can't even be honest. He seems to be looking for validation in these relationships with people which is something I've never looked for. Tasha called him out for who he is, someone who is trying to be nice but is really a fukkboy.

I actually find that pseudo relationship stage the best because she's almost falling in love with you but she can't do any of the nagging, annoying and controlling shyt that girlfriends do because she's not your girl and she has to still fight to win you over. I've been finessing that my entire adult life. Nothing like having a girlfriend who isn't your girlfriend doing your dreads for free, getting p*ssy, showing up at your DJ gigs to give you p*ssy and weed but can't even get a date from you. :wow:


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
First time with a new person is usually awkward, at least in my experience.

You are usually use to having sex one type of way, and the other person is use to another. And you don't know each other's bodies at all.
It usually doesn't get great till after the 3rd time you fukk. Cause by then, you know each other's groove.

It's only awkward if you have absolutely no which you probably shouldn't be fukking that person.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
It aint about "shutting his mouth." He a bonafide racist. You have to stop defending people like that.

Like I said, a lot of you want to be oppressors.

Racism is defined as

  1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    Where was the Principle exhibiting racism? When he made a crude and admittedly stupid joke? This is the SAME show where a black woman said that she purposefully makes sure that her white clients get less money back on their taxes. A show where all the two black female leads make jokes about white people every other episode. Where did the Principle state that he believes Latinos are inferior to blacks? He stated that black People need to help one another (true) and that he remembers a time when the school was all black, but now it's predominantly Latino.

    In support of his belief that Blacks should stick together and help one another he sent Issa a classroom full of BLACK children to take advantage of the educational resources offered.

    What you fail to understand is it's not about being the oppressor. It's about evening a playing field that has been systemically structured to keep us as a black race at the bottom of the totem pole. You can't BE the oppressor if you are the oppressed, you can only unite and fight back. The Principle is attempting to use Issa's program to that advantage. His idiocy in making those comments, out loud, in the presence of a white woman, threatens to undo that AND put Issa in a awkward and potentially perilous position.



Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
Racism is defined as

  1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    Where was the Principle exhibiting racism? When he made a crude and admittedly stupid joke? This is the SAME show where a black woman said that she purposefully makes sure that her white clients get less money back on their taxes. A show where all the two black female leads make jokes about white people every other episode. Where did the Principle state that he believes Latinos are inferior to blacks? He stated that black People need to help one another (true) and that he remembers a time when the school was all black, but now it's predominantly Latino.

    In support of his belief that Blacks should stick together and help one another he sent Issa a classroom full of BLACK children to take advantage of the educational resources offered.

    What you fail to understand is it's not about being the oppressor. It's about evening a playing field that has been systemically structured to keep us as a black race at the bottom of the totem pole. You can't BE the oppressor if you are the oppressed, you can only unite and fight back. The Principle is attempting to use Issa's program to that advantage. His idiocy in making those comments, out loud, in the presence of a white woman, threatens to undo that AND put Issa in a awkward and potentially perilous position.
fine, he a bigot who has prejudices and his in a position of power to exert those beliefs on a group of people.

Either way, he is not right at all and you all need to stop defending him. If this was a Latinx principal doing it to black students and making jokes like that, I know you all would not defend him.

I have no idea why you jumping through mental hurdles to defend dude.


Nov 18, 2016
Indeed, but the knuckledraggers in this thread cannot see that.

Firstly, the principle doesn't have enough power to be racist. You have an argument for discrimination though.

Secondly, the point that others are making is that the Latino community already treats black people like this.
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Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
Firstly, the principle doesn't have enough power to be resist. You have an argument for discrimination though.

Secondly, the point that others are making is that the Latino community already treats black people like this.
And the point I am making is that it aint right to reciprocate that.

fukk them, we better than that.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
And the point I am making is that it aint right to reciprocate that.

fukk them, we better than that.

So we should just hold hands and sing "We Shall Overcome" for another century :gucci:

Power within the African American community will ONLY come with Unity. Unity by its definition suggests inclusiveness. The old adage of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" has been tried multiple times and proven itself false when it comes to racial group economics amongst people of color. It won't work, it will NEVER work. The only people you can rely upon first and foremost are your own. This is what black people in this country have to understand. The Principle has a basic understanding of this from his own experiences of watching a once predominantly black school give way to Latinos. His issue is that he ignorantly makes jokes and comments amongst someone he should already KNOW is an antagonist (the white co-worker) Hell even the conversation he had with Issa one on one shouldn't have been in public. You don't break Code amongst white People or c00ns EVER or you out both yourself and your potential allies (like Issa) at risk.

Now that he's proven he's about that action and sent a majority of Black students to take advantage of the educational resources, he's got a white Woman up his ass about "racism" (which has already been proven he's not, if anything its favoritism) and he's potentially got Issa in trouble for being compliant in the mission of black advancement. It's a fine line you have to walk if you call yourself being "about that life" and he's wayyyyy too insultingly upfront about it.

There's no need to make public jokes about Latinos, hell here's no need to make private jokes, it helps nothing.

There IS a need to recognize and acknowledge that we as black People are at a systematic disadvantage, and to take steps to circumvent that. If we as black People, KNOWING that we have been historically discriminated against, put our own above others, that's not racism nor bigotry, that's common sense


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
Like I said brehs, you guys want to be oppressors. You just want to be white men, instead of wanting to be different.