Issa Rae’s Emmy Winning Series: Insecure Official Thread


I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!
Feb 2, 2017
Paddys Pub
How are you the lead character yet the least likeable on your own show?:heh: Her character is wack as fukk.

I'd say Issa is the most relatable character on the show for a lot of people, given her insecurity in her own relationship and job :yeshrug:. I'm really more interested in Molly's storyline though - love seeing her navigate that corporate environment both seasons. In fact that's probably my favorite part about the show - Molly, Lawrence, and Issa's professional struggles and successes.

As far as likability though, Amanda Diva's character is the worst. She getting ready for a downfall though, with her "i'm perfect and my life is perfect" bullshyt ways. Didn't care for Lawrence's friend much either bc he used to highkey shyt on him when he was down, but he is coming around.


Jul 24, 2012
I'd say Issa is the most relatable character on the show for a lot of people, given her insecurity in her own relationship and job :yeshrug:. I'm really more interested in Molly's storyline though - love seeing her navigate that corporate environment both seasons. In fact that's probably my favorite part about the show - Molly, Lawrence, and Issa's professional struggles and successes.

As far as likability though, Amanda Diva's character is the worst. She getting ready for a downfall though, with her "i'm perfect and my life is perfect" bullshyt ways. Didn't care for Lawrence's friend much either bc he used to highkey shyt on him when he was down, but he is coming around.

Their friends were also there when they needed them the most .


Let me work.
Jun 20, 2013
Sunday's episode was brilliant. I love the writers' way of showing the cascading effects of a single bad decision, and how friends, combined with immaturity force us into making decisions that eventually snowball out of control until we are finally confronted with disaster. I have so much to say about the episode but I will only discuss the two main characters for now. (Edit, I added Tasha as well since I really like the writing for her character).

Lawrence... The actor does a superb job in getting viewers to empathize with his conflicted nature.:mjcry::mjgrin: He wants to go back and reclaim whats his,:patrice: but unfortunately, we live in the universe of GMB :ufdup:and HOH:pacspit: where that type of false bravado is championed:myman: and simping and having emotions is frowned upon:to:. Caught in between these feelings, he makes a tragic decision to not only leave Issa, but to force a situation with Tasha based off feelings :whew:when he knows deep inside that it is not the woman for him. In the scene where Lawrence tells Tasha about him sleeping with Issa, although he claims honesty, his guilt is clearly eating away at his consciousness:francis:. If Lawrence were truly honest, he would have told Tasha the truth, which is the fact that he is still in love with Issa.:yeshrug: Him having sex with Issa is more than just sex, it's comfort in an uncomfortable world. I also like how they have Lawrence as this wandering man, stuck in a fog like haze of confusion. Letting others dictate his moves which he is incapable of because of the hurt and pain that is consuming his consciousness:wow:. I am almost hoping that the writers place Tasha getting pregnant into the storyline to see the devastation Lawrence's decision has caused.

Issa...The actress does a wonderful job getting emotional responses from both her male and female viewers.:troll: Issa is your typical selfish person who has comfortably lived an entire existence perched in her tree house of lies. Notice, her only conflict/un-comfort comes at the times when she looks at herself in the mirror. :usure:Her "circle of friends" dictate her actions which are usually not well intentioned. "You are who your friends are", or "birds of a feather flock together". The writers do a pretty amazing job showing how the dynamics of poisonous or toxic friendships could affect the outcome of Issa's behavior. "We all have problems" as one of the friends said. Some hide it better than others, :sas2:some put it on a pedestal in a window display for the world to observe. How we address our problems is the crux of the issue and the scene with her friends in the museum showed that in her time of despair, her friends were less than honest with her.:youngsabo: Honesty is the foundation of any relationship. So now with dishonesty, the roots of Issa's tree house is beginning to rot:gurl:. Ignoring the signs, Issa will stay in the tree house, watering and nurturing bad decisions and relationships until she falls out of the tree. Out of the safety of the tree and right into the hands of predators waiting for prey:demonic:...

Tasha...In the scene where Lawrence plays the role of the pouty:shaq2:, yet distant man in the situationship, she senses and recognizes a familiar form of distraction. She is well aware of her sexuality is not enough to hold a man and confronts the issue head on. Tasha sees this. She knows this. She has been there before. She recognizes the truth, which is why she abruptly asks him to leave:camby:. In a way, I like how the writers portray Tasha. Of the characters, she lives in a world that is the most realistic due to her upbringing and profession. She knows struggle and success because she is exposed to the reality of peoples financial situations. She lives in her reality which is also why she was quick to offer him food because as most people who live in "reality" would say, life ain't so black and white:manny:. Food is also a form of comfort for those who are distraught or going through hard times. I like the nurturing role that the writers created for that scene:cape:. Hopefully, when she gives Lawrence his wings to fly again, he does right by her and maintains her dignity when he decides to let go. Many of the black women viewers identify with Issa's group of friends on the show, when in reality, they traditionally in one way or another were in the role of Tasha at some point in their lives.

I have never seen an episode of this, but this damn post makes me want to change that. :leon:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
This shyt unrealistic but the cake of the bullshyt was when Issa was getting help from the white supremacists Black dude. I AIN'T never seen a nikka who acted like that working a job ever. And I never seen or heard a Black dude in a position of influence act like that. This was clearly some white supremacists fairytale, you see, negros can be white supremacists too. Issa is poisonous with that shyt.

Any nikka who acts like that to Latinos is usually also saying what about Black on Black crime.


All Star
Dec 9, 2016
This shyt unrealistic but the cake of the bullshyt was when Issa was getting help from the white supremacists Black dude. I AIN'T never seen a nikka who acted like that working a job ever. And I never seen or heard a Black dude in a position of influence act like that. This was clearly some white supremacists fairytale, you see, negros can be white supremacists too. Issa is poisonous with that shyt.

Any nikka who acts like that to Latinos is usually also saying what about Black on Black crime.
My moms a teacher in LA. I've def seen that shyt in the school system. From all races man against another race. She did it in a slightly funny but truthful way. Black dude running a now Mexican school in a now Mexican neighborhood prolly says that shyt just like a Mexican or white person running a school and singling out black kids

Standing on business

Aug 3, 2012
This shyt unrealistic but the cake of the bullshyt was when Issa was getting help from the white supremacists Black dude. I AIN'T never seen a nikka who acted like that working a job ever. And I never seen or heard a Black dude in a position of influence act like that. This was clearly some white supremacists fairytale, you see, negros can be white supremacists too. Issa is poisonous with that shyt.

Any nikka who acts like that to Latinos is usually also saying what about Black on Black crime.

What's unrealistic about the show to you? It's definitely one of the more realistic representations of normal people's lives shown on TV?

And you are wrong about that teacher, there are plenty of teachers like that

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
What's unrealistic about the show to you? It's definitely one of the more realistic representations of normal people's lives shown on TV?

And you are wrong about that teacher, there are plenty of teachers like that
LA apartment prices. How can a struggling aid be able to afford an apartment in LA by herself?
shyt a number of things. Too much to keep count.
The Lawrence sex shyt was woman shyt all day. nikkas don't do that either. Not like he did it. It was something females do who get cheated on, not nikkas.

There are not any Black male teachers like that or Black women teachers. Stop it!

Optimus Prime

May 2, 2012
NC A&T SU, Hornets, Panthers, North Carolina
LA apartment prices. How can a struggling aid be able to afford an apartment in LA by herself?
shyt a number of things. Too much to keep count.
The Lawrence sex shyt was woman shyt all day. nikkas don't do that either. Not like he did it. It was something females do who get cheated on, not nikkas.

There are not any Black male teachers like that or Black women teachers. Stop it!
Every show exaggerates a little on the places the stars of the show lives but Issa's place is actually real and pretty cheap in my opinion for LA. She has a one bedroom in the show right? 1 bedroom goes for $1325 and 2 bedrooms at that place go for $1595.

All of the LA places where 'Insecure' was filmed, mapped
The apartment building where Issa lives with her boyfriend plays itself IRL. The Dunes is an actual, two-story, 52-unit complex in Inglewood, where a two-bedroom rents for $1,595. Built in 1961, it looks like a lot of Los Angeles apartment buildings: a simple building that wraps around a pool or garden, palm trees out front, a stucco facade, and its name emblazoned on the facade.

The Dunes Rentals - Inglewood, CA |

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#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Every show exaggerates a little on the places the stars of the show lives but Issa's place is actually real and pretty cheap in my opinion for LA. She has a one bedroom in the show right? 1 bedroom goes for $1325 and 2 bedrooms at that place go for $1595.

All of the LA places where 'Insecure' was filmed, mapped
The apartment building where Issa lives with her boyfriend plays itself IRL. The Dunes is an actual, two-story, 52-unit complex in Inglewood, where a two-bedroom rents for $1,595. Built in 1961, it looks like a lot of Los Angeles apartment buildings: a simple building that wraps around a pool or garden, palm trees out front, a stucco facade, and its name emblazoned on the facade.

The Dunes Rentals - Inglewood, CA |

You do realize how much 1395 is when you are making 38k-40k yr with CA taxes and COL. That's a lot of money.

Optimus Prime

May 2, 2012
NC A&T SU, Hornets, Panthers, North Carolina
You do realize how much 1395 is when you are making 38k-40k yr with CA taxes and COL. That's a lot of money.
they were both paying their share of the rent though right? If not, if she making $40K a year, she bringing home ~$31K which averages out to ~$2600 a month (looked it up by the way):yeshrug:
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All Star
Nov 22, 2016
As far as likability though, Amanda Diva's character is the worst. She getting ready for a downfall though, with her "i'm perfect and my life is perfect" bullshyt ways. Didn't care for Lawrence's friend much either bc he used to highkey shyt on him when he was down, but he is coming around.

Her name is Tiffany. I think she's jealous of Issa because Lawernce was a good man in the aspect of fidelity while her man...

And Lawrence friend is jus like that. He is shytty but he is there for Lawerence.

My moms a teacher in LA. I've def seen that shyt in the school system. From all races man against another race. She did it in a slightly funny but truthful way. Black dude running a now Mexican school in a now Mexican neighborhood prolly says that shyt just like a Mexican or white person running a school and singling out black kids

That's true tho!! My mom works for the district as well and Everythng you said is True. I am so happy Issa had the courage to add the disparage between blacks and Latinos in public school in Southern California