Israel vs Palestine in one image


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
So he is Afghani ? :ohhh:

@Techniec get in here fuccboy and explain yourself :lolbron:

p*ssy boy I been here, you the one that all of a sudden forgot how to type

What happened to all those shpiels?

How come your opinions stopped once some real facts started getting dropped?

You gonna tuck your nuts faccot or you wanna dance?


Oct 31, 2017
This donkey sees Ex Muslim and then talks about Muslims c00ning

Do you know what Ex Muslim means? It means I left the faith I was raised in, and a thousand years of my family was raised in

The fact that you deduced from this that this makes me a sympathizers shows how absolutely clueless and outclassed you are here.

Just give it up, no ex Muslim capes for Muslims :mjgrin:

I want this conflict over with, so the Jewish people, who are an intricate member of the Middle Eastern community can finally be at peace with its Muslim neighbours and we can all move the fukk on



Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Just give it up, no ex Muslim capes for Muslims :mjgrin:


Is defending the human and civic rights of Palestinians caping for Muslims?


I genuinely thought I'd have to put some work in here, didn't realize you'd expose yourself for being a clown ass troll so quick.

And yes I'd like to move on. I'm not the only one

Israeli Peace Initiative - Wikipedia

Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia

Geneva Initiative (2003) - Wikipedia

From Arab govt to Israel civil society, everyone seems to want to move on except one particular party to this conflict



Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
What do you want to happen to Israel? Do you think the Palestinians having power in that region would be healthy? Regardless of where anybodies allegiances lie, it is undeniable that the Israelis have at least proven themselves to be competent state actors in that they can effectively run a government, establish diplomatic ties with other nations, field a formidable military, offer their citizens basic freedoms and rights that don't exist elsewhere in the Middle East etc; what can the Palestinians offer on their end in comparison? Who will represent them? Based on what we know so far, it doesn't look very appealing. That doesn't mean the Jews should completely dominate the Palestinians forever, but the Palestinians are the ones who will need to adjust how they view Israel.

They already have. Hamas rhetoric aside, the Palestinians are an absolutely defeated people with no power, bargaining or military.

They have no control over their lives. They can only accept or reject what's offered. They control nothing and dictate no terms

The amount of sheer vitriol directed a defeated and lost people who truthfully did nothing wrong, boggles my mind.

What was their crime? They resisted? Any one of you who calls that crime is a coward to your core.


Oct 31, 2017
p*ssy boy I been here, you the one that all of a sudden forgot how to type

What happened to all those shpiels?

How come your opinions stopped once some real facts started getting dropped?

You gonna tuck your nuts faccot or you wanna dance?

Pakhtoon dancing fuccboy thought he crushed the building with that article :gladbron:

Do you know Robert Malley ? :comeon:

He is a rabid anti Israel figure, and those views in the articles have to be understood in that light.

You not going to win this battle buddy, you bring an article I can bring mine too.


Oct 31, 2017
They already have. Hamas rhetoric aside, the Palestinians are an absolutely defeated people with no power, bargaining or military.

They have no control over their lives. They can only accept or reject what's offered. They control nothing and dictate no terms

The amount of sheer vitriol directed a defeated and lost people who truthfully did nothing wrong, boggles my mind.

What was their crime? They resisted? Any one of you who calls that crime is a coward to your core.

Think of the oppressed Hazaras, Baluchis and all the oppressed communities in south east Asia first before you write jeremiads for Arabs thousands of miles away. After all charity begins at home.


I am not a cop, I promise
Aug 2, 2015
The police station, Stolen Elections
Hey you're talking to a man who doesn't recognize Pakistan


Partition was a disgrace.

Listen, I don't support the two state solution. I perfectly understand the reality that Israel controls from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River. That land will never be partitioned.

As long as Palestinians have the occupation lifted and enjoy human and civic rights, with free access to Islamic sites, I have no beef.

I want this conflict over with, so the Jewish people, who are an intricate member of the Middle Eastern community can finally be at peace with its Muslim neighbours and we can all move the fukk on

The problem is, I made the mistake it seems of actually researching the fukk out of this conflict, particularly with an emphasis on Israeli scholarship on the issue

And the conclusion I have drawn, from history and what we see today, is that the establishment of Israel necessitated the forced displacement of the local population.

Your understanding of the history is, respectfully, flawed. There was no mass exodus of Arabs heeding the call of Arab leaders. It's a myth. The Arabs of Palestine rose up once they realized that all those Jews that had been trickling in since the late 19th century were there to displace them. With the betrayal of the Arabs post WW1 (Sykes Pico), and having emerged out of centuries of Turkish rule, they were late to the game, and caught completely off guard

Israeli propaganda has created this wonderful but utterly bullshyt narrative of a benevolent Jewish population pleading with a sliver of land and the evil Arabs rallied to attempt genocide, and only only only if the Arabs had agreed to the partition plan (which was bullshyt to begin with) all of this would have been averted

NO. It was premeditated from day one. The Arabs didn't do anything in 1947 that any self respecting people wouldnt have done at the time, knowing what they knew

I don't raise these historical points to try to reverse history, but to clarify the myth and lies, so we understand why we are in the position we are today

Which leads me to the point I raised earlier. Israel has won. Why does it insist on maintaining the occupation? Why does it deny the Palestinians its human rights? What national interest is served in detaining youths, torturing prisoners and launching wars every half decade?

Its because it's project is not complete. It wants the absolute destruction of the Palestinian body politic, regardless of what form it takes. And it is itching for an excuse to reduce the Arab population of the old mandate in half, driven into the Jordanian deserts. It is willing to tolerate a subjugated minority at best.

I was raised in the Gulf as a non Arab so itll always be fukk Arab supremacism til I die. And I left Islam just like you.

But I will never abandon the Palestinians. They got fukked by history. Which is bad enough

But when you have a damn near century old propaganda machine that tries to convince the world that the rapist is a benevolent abused lover, I will not stand for that

I don't respect thieves and bullies.
:wow: :wow: repped


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Pakhtoon dancing fuccboy thought he crushed the building with that article :gladbron:

Do you know Robert Malley ? :comeon:

He is a rabid anti Israel figure, and those views in the articles have to be understood in that light.

You not going to win this battle buddy, you bring an article I can bring mine too.


"b-b-b-b-b-ut hes anti israel!"

'anti-israel' has barely any currency in todays day and age. Simply quoting a fukking UN resolution will get you called anti-israel. This isnt the AIPAC annual meeting, p*ssy.

Do you think you can just make a fukking claim and we will accept it? Do you have any objective proof that the former Special Assistant to President Obama, Senior Adviser to the President for the Counter-ISIL Campaign, and White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf region, and former Special Assistant to President Clinton for Arab-Israeli affairs and Director for Near East and South Asian affairs at the National Security Council is "anti-Israel".

Let me guess Robert Fisk is anti Israel too?

When Gayane Torosyan opened WSUI/KSUI for questions in Iowa City, a caller named "Michael" – a leader of the local Jewish community, I later learnt, though he did not say this on air – insisted that after the Camp David talks in 2000, Yasser Arafat had turned to "terrorism" despite being offered a Palestinian state with a capital in Jerusalem and 96 per cent of the West Bank and Gaza. Slowly and deliberately, I had to deconstruct this nonsense. Jerusalem was to have remained the "eternal and unified capital of Israel", according to Camp David. Arafat would only have got what Madeleine Albright called "a sort of sovereignty" over the Haram al-Sharif mosque area and some Arab streets, while the Palestinian parliament would have been below the city's eastern walls at Abu Dis. With the vastly extended and illegal Jerusalem municipality boundaries deep into the West Bank, Jewish settlements like Maale Adumim were not up for negotiation; nor were several other settlements. Nor was the 10-mile Israeli military buffer zone around the West Bank, nor the settlers' roads, which would razor through the Palestinian "state". Arafat was offered about 46 per cent of the 22 per cent of Palestine that was left.

Robert Fisk: Fear and learning in America

An analysis of the Israeli proposals of December 2000 published by the Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) concluded that Israel:
1. only proposed to relinquish control over between 77.5-81 percent of the West Bank excluding East Jerusalem, which most likely included Israel’s retaining of the Jordan Valley.

2. wanted sovereignty over one-third of occupied East Jerusalem and all of West Jerusalem.

3. wanted control of the third holiest site in Islam, al-Haram al-Sharif (which Israel refers to as the ‘Temple Mount’), where “Israel, incredibly, also demanded Palestinian agreement to the construction of a synagogue.”

Source: “How Generous is Generous?” in CROSSROADS OF CONFLICT: Israeli-Palestinian Relations Face an Uncertain Future, FMEP Special Report, Winter 2000.

On 27 July 2000, Noam Chomsky wrote in Z Mag that:

The intended result is that an eventual Palestinian state would consist of four cantons on the West Bank: Jericho, the southern canton extending as far as Abu Dis (the new Arab “Jerusalem”), a northern canton including the Palestinian cities of Nablus, Jenin, and Tulkarm, and a central canton including Ramallah.

The cantons are completely surrounded by territory to be annexed to Israel. The areas of Palestinian population concentration are to be under Palestinian administration, an adaptation of the traditional colonial pattern that is the only sensible outcome as far as Israel and the US are concerned.

The plans for the Gaza Strip, a fifth canton, are uncertain: Israel might relinquish it, or might maintain the southern coastal region and another salient virtually dividing the Strip below Gaza City.

In the Guardian newspaper on 14 April 2001, diplomatic editor Ewen MacAskill wrote:

The Israelis portrayed it as the Palestinians receiving 96% of the West Bank. But the figure is misleading. The Israelis did not include parts of the West Bank they had already appropriated.

The Palestine that would have emerged from such a settlement would not have been viable. It would have been in about half-a-dozen chunks, with huge Jewish settlements in between - a Middle East Bantustan. The Israeli army would also have retained the proposed Palestinian state’s eastern border, the Jordan valley, for six to 10 years and, more significantly, another strip along the Dead Sea coast for an unspecified period: so much for being an independent state.

Misrepresentation of Barak's offer at Camp David as "generous" and "unprecedented"

Where are your articles p*ssy boy??

Are you going to dispute any of this??

You didnt think it was gonna end like this, did you cock sucker??



Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Think of the oppressed Hazaras, Baluchis and all the oppressed communities in south east Asia first before you write jeremiads for Arabs thousands of miles away. After all charity begins at home.

Jesus, youre a fukking child. How elementary are you? Do you think you;'re talking to your peer?

Where do you get off making support for one cause conditional on support for another? These things are not mutually exclusive. By your stupid infantile logic, NO ONE can say ANYTHING about ANYTHING unless they say SOMETHING about EVERYTHING


So a Tibetan sympathizer cant condemn Chinese occupation without bringing up Kashmir

And a Ukrainian nationalist who opposes the Russian annexation of Crimea must first condemn the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara

And before I condemn Israel I must forcefully condemn Myanmar


fukking clown, let me break this down into digestable bites for you. Bringing up other conflicts only makes sense, if a person is taking fundamentally contradictory positions. For example, if I supported, lets say, the Indonesian occupation of East Timor and the denial of their right to self-determination, well then, you would be justified in countering my support for Palestinian self-determination by pointing out the inconsistency of my approach.

However, you moist p*ssy, there is nothing inconsistent in my political positions. I support universal human rights, and the right to self determination. Whether its Jews, Arabs or Kurds. My position is consistent. There is no contradiction. Hence, bringing up other conflicts means nothing.

One can have an affinity or passion for a particular cause, for a variety of reasons. Individuals are not obligated to equally distribute their passions and efforts across all causes of the world, you fukking moron.


And its funny you bring up the Baloch, minutes after I clearly stated I dont recognize Pakistan. I know REAL Bugtis and Marris, p*ssy boy. Im affiliated with real Hazara activists and media outlets.

I dont think you realize who youre talking to, you aborted fetus.

Now hold this fukking L faccot


Oct 31, 2017
Jesus, youre a fukking child. How elementary are you? Do you think you;'re talking to your peer?

Where do you get off making support for one cause conditional on support for another? These things are not mutually exclusive. By your stupid infantile logic, NO ONE can say ANYTHING about ANYTHING unless they say SOMETHING about EVERYTHING


So a Tibetan sympathizer cant condemn Chinese occupation without bringing up Kashmir

And a Ukrainian nationalist who opposes the Russian annexation of Crimea must first condemn the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara

And before I condemn Israel I must forcefully condemn Myanmar


fukking clown, let me break this down into digestable bites for you. Bringing up other conflicts only makes sense, if a person is taking fundamentally contradictory positions. For example, if I supported, lets say, the Indonesian occupation of East Timor and the denial of their right to self-determination, well then, you would be justified in countering my support for Palestinian self-determination by pointing out the inconsistency of my approach.

However, you moist p*ssy, there is nothing inconsistent in my political positions. I support universal human rights, and the right to self determination. Whether its Jews, Arabs or Kurds. My position is consistent. There is no contradiction. Hence, bringing up other conflicts means nothing.

One can have an affinity or passion for a particular cause, for a variety of reasons. Individuals are not obligated to equally distribute their passions and efforts across all causes of the world, you fukking moron.


And its funny you bring up the Baloch, minutes after I clearly stated I dont recognize Pakistan. I know REAL Bugtis and Marris, p*ssy boy. Im affiliated with real Hazara activists and media outlets.

I dont think you realize who youre talking to, you aborted fetus.

Now hold this fukking L faccot

You said you were caping for Palestinians since 2002 ! this from someone whose own country was/still under under occupation with NATO bombing weddings and killing civilians but you want us to believe you are not obsessed with Jews ? :comeon:

Come on, we are not daft, we can see through your agendas.

Show me any time your were that passionate about those conflicts you mentioned ?
Kashmir, Ukraine, Tibet, Western Sahara.

All we are asking is why does palestine suck up so much air and why those are others are not deserving of your shrill cries for justice ? Perhaps Jews are not involved ?..
Last edited:


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
You said you were caping for Palestinians since 2002 ! this from someone whose own country was/still under under occupation with NATO bombing weddings and killing civilians but you want us to believe you are not obsessed with Jews ? :comeon:

Come on, we are not daft, we can see through your agendas.

another post where he ignored the points raised

Im trying not to expose my identity or make this about me, I will tell you again

You are talking to the wrong person

Ive been on tv, published articles, spoken at rallies, organized anti war lectures and protests,

Ive travelled to international conferences

My anti Afghan war credentials are solidified lil homie, this is not about me

Youre clearly outclassed, Take your ball and go back inside

Its the older students recess now



May 1, 2012
They already have. Hamas rhetoric aside, the Palestinians are an absolutely defeated people with no power, bargaining or military.

They have no control over their lives. They can only accept or reject what's offered. They control nothing and dictate no terms

The amount of sheer vitriol directed a defeated and lost people who truthfully did nothing wrong, boggles my mind.

What was their crime? They resisted? Any one of you who calls that crime is a coward to your core.

I think the question many people here are asking is what makes the Palestinians so special? History is replete with defeated peoples and conquered territories. What you are asking from the Israelis is something that isn't asked of other victors. The Jews were once a defeated people with no power or military either, they were able to finesse their bargaining power into acquiring just that, and the root of that bargaining power stems from their self-sufficiency as a people. When we put emotional and cultural biases aside and compare apples to apples, the alternatives to a Jewish state in the Middle East aren't very favorable.

And no, we can't just toss Hamas rhetoric aside when religious propaganda plays such a vital role in the conflict. As an ex-Muslim l'm sure you're aware that the religious narrative of Islam includes episodes where whole tribes of Jews were killed and/or expelled from the Islamic state. And Islam isn't like other religions, that stuff occurred within the full light of relatively recent history, so there is a precedent that one could argue necessitates the Jews take a harder line to ensure it doesn't happen to them again.

Muslim states are not friendly towards religious and ethnic minorities, period. I don't see why a Palestinian one would be any different, so I'm sorry breh, why would anyone who isn't a Palestinian or a Muslim campaign for one?

Let me ask you an honest question, would these people be able to chant hare krishna publicly like this in any Middle Eastern country other than Israel?

I don't think so. So I don't really take all these accusations that Israel is so evil very seriously. I'm sorry, I just don't. I'm on the side of civilization, not barbarism.


Oct 31, 2017

"b-b-b-b-b-ut hes anti israel!"

'anti-israel' has barely any currency in todays day and age. Simply quoting a fukking UN resolution will get you called anti-israel. This isnt the AIPAC annual meeting, p*ssy.

Do you think you can just make a fukking claim and we will accept it? Do you have any objective proof that the former Special Assistant to President Obama, Senior Adviser to the President for the Counter-ISIL Campaign, and White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf region, and former Special Assistant to President Clinton for Arab-Israeli affairs and Director for Near East and South Asian affairs at the National Security Council is "anti-Israel".

Let me guess Robert Fisk is anti Israel too?

When Gayane Torosyan opened WSUI/KSUI for questions in Iowa City, a caller named "Michael" – a leader of the local Jewish community, I later learnt, though he did not say this on air – insisted that after the Camp David talks in 2000, Yasser Arafat had turned to "terrorism" despite being offered a Palestinian state with a capital in Jerusalem and 96 per cent of the West Bank and Gaza. Slowly and deliberately, I had to deconstruct this nonsense. Jerusalem was to have remained the "eternal and unified capital of Israel", according to Camp David. Arafat would only have got what Madeleine Albright called "a sort of sovereignty" over the Haram al-Sharif mosque area and some Arab streets, while the Palestinian parliament would have been below the city's eastern walls at Abu Dis. With the vastly extended and illegal Jerusalem municipality boundaries deep into the West Bank, Jewish settlements like Maale Adumim were not up for negotiation; nor were several other settlements. Nor was the 10-mile Israeli military buffer zone around the West Bank, nor the settlers' roads, which would razor through the Palestinian "state". Arafat was offered about 46 per cent of the 22 per cent of Palestine that was left.

Robert Fisk: Fear and learning in America

An analysis of the Israeli proposals of December 2000 published by the Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) concluded that Israel:
1. only proposed to relinquish control over between 77.5-81 percent of the West Bank excluding East Jerusalem, which most likely included Israel’s retaining of the Jordan Valley.

2. wanted sovereignty over one-third of occupied East Jerusalem and all of West Jerusalem.

3. wanted control of the third holiest site in Islam, al-Haram al-Sharif (which Israel refers to as the ‘Temple Mount’), where “Israel, incredibly, also demanded Palestinian agreement to the construction of a synagogue.”

Source: “How Generous is Generous?” in CROSSROADS OF CONFLICT: Israeli-Palestinian Relations Face an Uncertain Future, FMEP Special Report, Winter 2000.

On 27 July 2000, Noam Chomsky wrote in Z Mag that:

The intended result is that an eventual Palestinian state would consist of four cantons on the West Bank: Jericho, the southern canton extending as far as Abu Dis (the new Arab “Jerusalem”), a northern canton including the Palestinian cities of Nablus, Jenin, and Tulkarm, and a central canton including Ramallah.

The cantons are completely surrounded by territory to be annexed to Israel. The areas of Palestinian population concentration are to be under Palestinian administration, an adaptation of the traditional colonial pattern that is the only sensible outcome as far as Israel and the US are concerned.

The plans for the Gaza Strip, a fifth canton, are uncertain: Israel might relinquish it, or might maintain the southern coastal region and another salient virtually dividing the Strip below Gaza City.

In the Guardian newspaper on 14 April 2001, diplomatic editor Ewen MacAskill wrote:

The Israelis portrayed it as the Palestinians receiving 96% of the West Bank. But the figure is misleading. The Israelis did not include parts of the West Bank they had already appropriated.

The Palestine that would have emerged from such a settlement would not have been viable. It would have been in about half-a-dozen chunks, with huge Jewish settlements in between - a Middle East Bantustan. The Israeli army would also have retained the proposed Palestinian state’s eastern border, the Jordan valley, for six to 10 years and, more significantly, another strip along the Dead Sea coast for an unspecified period: so much for being an independent state.

Misrepresentation of Barak's offer at Camp David as "generous" and "unprecedented"

Where are your articles p*ssy boy??

Are you going to dispute any of this??

You didnt think it was gonna end like this, did you cock sucker??


Robert Fisk, Robert Malley, who is next George Galloway :coffee:

You want to tell us some pro Arab journo have more validity than the president who was negotiating the deal himself ?

Keep trying to bash your head against the wall


May 1, 2012
Your understanding of the history is, respectfully, flawed. There was no mass exodus of Arabs heeding the call of Arab leaders. It's a myth. The Arabs of Palestine rose up once they realized that all those Jews that had been trickling in since the late 19th century were there to displace them. With the betrayal of the Arabs post WW1 (Sykes Pico), and having emerged out of centuries of Turkish rule, they were late to the game, and caught completely off guard

Why were they trickling back in to begin with? Probably because ever since the initial fall of biblical Israel they were being persecuted and massacred globally, by both Muslims and Europeans. Once the Ottomans fell they saw their chance and took it. They played the game and won. The Palestinians were slacking.


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Robert Fisk, Robert Malley, who is next George Galloway :coffee:

You want to tell us some pro Arab journo have more validity than the president who was negotiating the deal himself ?

Keep trying to bash your head against the wall


You reject credible, legitimate academics and journalists in favour of a President (backed by pro Israeli donors) of a country with extensive intelligence, political and military ties with Israel, dominated by a pro-Israeli lobby

Yet another post where you ignored the points

Why do you keep ignoring the points raised?

Surely, if it was just garbage Arab propaganda, you would have dissected it by now. Just like I dissected your bullshyt.

Why so quiet?
