Hating someone doesn’t mean you are a hater.Also on the short list.
Yes, Midoriya is prolly annoying to some people, but to hate a dude for no reason when all he did was dikk-ride and gas you up? Not only do you not fukk with him, but you go out of your way to shyt on dude who is obviously beneath you. Then your idol chooses him to mentor and you still hating?
Bakugo that dude but he a straight a$$hole.

They addressed this several times in My Hero about why he dislikes Deku and they have moved past it. He disliked him originally because he was weak. Bakugo respects power and hated how Deku was his Stan. Then when Deku got OFA, Bakugo hated him because he thought that Deku was trolling him the whole time and looking down on him. After their fight and All Might explaining to him what happened, they are just respectable rivals. No hostility at all.