Is this true that the Buddha was black?


May 1, 2012
Never said buddhism started but thanks for putting words in my mouth. next everything from religion to people has it's origins in what is called Africa. AGAIN buddhism is about enlightenment so this 'myth' that it originated in India around 500bc and that gautama was it's founder is FALSE. Buddhism the 'religion' has connections with Jainism and hinduism, and before them the religions they practiced before leaving Africa.

So did it begin in India with guatama, 'officially' yeah. I suppose that the design of the washington monument originated in the states too since thats where it is...

Buddhism is about much more than "enlightenment," its a spiritual philosophy which has a whole set of guidelines and principles by which one proceeds to achieve that "enlightenment," none of which were developed in Africa.

Its cute that you want to simplify things to match your wishful thinking, but I'm afraid that won't cut it. If the teachings of Buddhism have their origins in Africa, then show us some examples of an ancient African people adhering to a similar doctrine. Where is the recorded evidence? You've provided none. I keep asking, and you keep skirting the issue and bringing up things like jesus and the washington monument :beli: We know who Siddhartha Gautama is because of historical records. We don't have any for these mysterious African spiritual teachers because they never existed, period.


May 19, 2012
No the Buddha was not black he was East Indian, and those statues are not depicting cornrows. Ancient Indian Buddha statues and Chinese and other asian statues were done in Ancient Greek style, the Brahmans were Ancient Greeks originally thus the style of the statues.


Common sense can answer most of the questions we debate about.







^^^Yes, definitely not black :heh:

The Real

May 8, 2012






^^^Yes, definitely not black :heh:

There are reasons for the stylized hair, breh, and they're not racial. And remember, no one actually knows what the Buddha looked like. The earliest depictions of him are from hundreds of years after his death.

The pics you're showing are all later-era. The earliest Buddha images looked like this one, here:

Note the strong Greek influence.


Jun 4, 2012

^^^Yes, definitely not black :heh:
Let's note that there weren't pics of buddah initially... and what do you expect greek influenced art from Northern india to look like?

lol, If I got pictures from a Chinese Tourist websites then I'm sure I would find pictures that make him look more Chinese than Indian. I don't think you understand the difference between ancient and modern depictions. Of course over time people are going to create something that fits their culture and background -which is why I'm not going to put up pictures from some pro black website or something crazy....

I can clearly see from this thread that you all want to avoid simply going to a library and looking sh1t up. You don't want to see that India was a dark nation for a lot of it's ancient history.... There was an Aryan invasion that forced many of the darkerskinned people into slavery while others moved to the southern parts of India. Even after the invasion this was a dark nation... even with the white washing and people mating with lighter skinned women on purpose - much of India is still dark. I work with Indians who are darker than me, some are lighter - non want to marry a darker person.

"The Buddha (563 B.C. - 483 B.C.) The fully enlightened Buddha, the Buddha of our time. Historically, the founder of Buddhism, but to Buddhists he is considered the person who rediscovered the teachings after they had died out. " (This is my main point, his race is sort of irrelevant)

1. The belief in a permanent personality, ego
2. Doubt, extreme skepticism
3 Attachment to rites, rituals, and ceremonies
4. Attachment to sense desires
5. Ill-will, anger
6. Craving for existence in the Form world (heavenly realms)
7. Craving for existence in the Formless world (heavenly realms)
8. Conceit
9. Restlessness
10. Ignorance

There were people in Africa that strove to get rid of all these things as part of their philosophy in ancient Africa prior to that of 'The Buddha'. There were even people in other parts of Asia (especially in China) that did the same. Idk why we want to pretend like Siddhārtha came up with it all under a tree -- we need to understand the difference between fact and an oral story that was passed down... the story contains lessons that you need to know. The point about him not seeing suffering and being filthy rich, then going through all these different philosophies to find the perfect one - All that sh1t has a point to it. It's like the Qur'an and Bible, not everything is sooo extremely literal- many of the stories are there to give wisdom and lessons (not to support retarded pov's).

There have been so many historians and anthropologist that have tried to make the Dravidians people and other people from India white, it's just ridiculous. Eventually everyone of these people have been classified as coming from African cultures... and racial admixture with Blacks, Asian's and whites is the reason why we view the people of India today the way we do.

The Buddah wasn't the only person from Ancient India that had pictures drawn of or built out of stone... there were others. There were others that didn't have large lips, noses, and exaggerated features to make the person resemble africans.. The Buddah was depicted as such- with added curly hair and dark skin. So yeah he was born in India, but they weren't completely ignorant or blind back then - they made him that way for a reason. You can post pics all day of modern statues and pictures, but that doesn't take away from how ancient people in all of Asia portrayed him.

Even racist CAC historians in the early 1800's and 1900's weren't completely blind -
"But yet there is one circumstance of very great importance which is peculiar to Buddha, and forms a discriminating mark between him and Cristna, which is, that he is continually described as a Negro, not only with a black complexion, in which he agrees with Cristna, but with woolly hair and flat face. M. Creuzer observes, that the black Buddha, with frizzled or curled hair, attaches himself at the same time to the three systems into which the religion of India divides itself."

I guess, we think of Africa as a place were people all look alike and not the place that spit out the Earth's population and diversity.

We can debate this, but I'm sure if we all took a trip to a large library just one time, we would see the truth of the matter.


Jun 4, 2012
There are reasons for the stylized hair, breh, and they're not racial.

Note the strong Greek influence.

What are the reasons for the stylized hair?? I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just asking because people say that yet they aren't saying why.

Also, the strong greek influence has more to do with pictures than an actual person... Look at most of the images of Jesus - there is a reason that most of those pictures would have made him look ethnically different than his family and friends in that area.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
dere is no way dat buda wuz bla. i dont know too much about him. i think he was ayrab or somethin.

but i know dat he wuzint bla becuz he starve hisself and did all dat mediation stuff. blas cannot sit still like dat for hours not eatin. dey r too shiffless. if a bla tryed to sit dere and mediate he wood last about 2 minnits befour he start shuckin and jivin and grab a peace uh chiken.

:russ: I love this guy

The Real

May 8, 2012
What are the reasons for the stylized hair?? I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just asking because people say that yet they aren't saying why.

It was a common trope in East and Southeast Asian art. It derived from the wavy hair the original Greek-influenced statues had. They couldn't replicate that style because they didn't know how, since that art faded as the Greek influence left over from Alexander the Great's invasions faded out, and Buddhism moved further out of India.

Also, the strong greek influence has more to do with pictures than an actual person... Look at most of the images of Jesus - there is a reason that most of those pictures would have made him look ethnically different than his family and friends in that area.

I'm not saying he looked like that. I'm saying we have no idea what he looked like, but that the earliest images of him are Greek-influenced, because that was the art style that was prevalent at the time in India, due to Alexander's invasions. So we can't use images that came even later than those to say that he was Black, since all those later images are derived from these earlier ones that don't look Black at all, and none of them, including the earliest ones, are accurate, having been made centuries after his death.


Jun 4, 2012
It was a common trope in East and Southeast Asian art. It derived from the wavy hair the original Greek-influenced statues had. They couldn't replicate that style because they didn't know how, since that art faded as the Greek influence left over from Alexander the Great's invasions faded out, and Buddhism moved further out of India.

I'm not saying he looked like that. I'm saying we have no idea what he looked like, but that the earliest images of him are Greek-influenced, because that was the art style that was prevalent at the time in India, due to Alexander's invasions. So we can't use images that came even later than those to say that he was Black, since all those later images are derived from these earlier ones that don't look Black at all, and none of them, including the earliest ones, are accurate, having been made centuries after his death.
They didn't know how??? We know how today. thousands of years later. I believe they knew how to do whatever they wanted.. their arts was pretty damn good.

Yeah we don't know what he looked like.. but what do you think the people in his community looked like? I don't believe they looked like Sridevi


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
It was a common trope in East and Southeast Asian art. It derived from the wavy hair the original Greek-influenced statues had. They couldn't replicate that style because they didn't know how, since that art faded as the Greek influence left over from Alexander the Great's invasions faded out, and Buddhism moved further out of India.

I'm not saying he looked like that. I'm saying we have no idea what he looked like, but that the earliest images of him are Greek-influenced, because that was the art style that was prevalent at the time in India, due to Alexander's invasions. So we can't use images that came even later than those to say that he was Black, since all those later images are derived from these earlier ones that don't look Black at all, and none of them, including the earliest ones, are accurate, having been made centuries after his death.

That sounds like a massive reach dog


May 19, 2012
Let's note that there weren't pics of buddah initially... and what do you expect greek influenced art from Northern india to look like?

lol, If I got pictures from a Chinese Tourist websites then I'm sure I would find pictures that make him look more Chinese than Indian. I don't think you understand the difference between ancient and modern depictions. Of course over time people are going to create something that fits their culture and background -which is why I'm not going to put up pictures from some pro black website or something crazy....

I can clearly see from this thread that you all want to avoid simply going to a library and looking sh1t up. You don't want to see that India was a dark nation for a lot of it's ancient history.... There was an Aryan invasion that forced many of the darkerskinned people into slavery while others moved to the southern parts of India. Even after the invasion this was a dark nation... even with the white washing and people mating with lighter skinned women on purpose - much of India is still dark. I work with Indians who are darker than me, some are lighter - non want to marry a darker person.

"The Buddha (563 B.C. - 483 B.C.) The fully enlightened Buddha, the Buddha of our time. Historically, the founder of Buddhism, but to Buddhists he is considered the person who rediscovered the teachings after they had died out. " (This is my main point, his race is sort of irrelevant)

1. The belief in a permanent personality, ego
2. Doubt, extreme skepticism
3 Attachment to rites, rituals, and ceremonies
4. Attachment to sense desires
5. Ill-will, anger
6. Craving for existence in the Form world (heavenly realms)
7. Craving for existence in the Formless world (heavenly realms)
8. Conceit
9. Restlessness
10. Ignorance

There were people in Africa that strove to get rid of all these things as part of their philosophy in ancient Africa prior to that of 'The Buddha'. There were even people in other parts of Asia (especially in China) that did the same. Idk why we want to pretend like Siddhārtha came up with it all under a tree -- we need to understand the difference between fact and an oral story that was passed down... the story contains lessons that you need to know. The point about him not seeing suffering and being filthy rich, then going through all these different philosophies to find the perfect one - All that sh1t has a point to it. It's like the Qur'an and Bible, not everything is sooo extremely literal- many of the stories are there to give wisdom and lessons (not to support retarded pov's).

There have been so many historians and anthropologist that have tried to make the Dravidians people and other people from India white, it's just ridiculous. Eventually everyone of these people have been classified as coming from African cultures... and racial admixture with Blacks, Asian's and whites is the reason why we view the people of India today the way we do.

The Buddah wasn't the only person from Ancient India that had pictures drawn of or built out of stone... there were others. There were others that didn't have large lips, noses, and exaggerated features to make the person resemble africans.. The Buddah was depicted as such- with added curly hair and dark skin. So yeah he was born in India, but they weren't completely ignorant or blind back then - they made him that way for a reason. You can post pics all day of modern statues and pictures, but that doesn't take away from how ancient people in all of Asia portrayed him.

Even racist CAC historians in the early 1800's and 1900's weren't completely blind -
"But yet there is one circumstance of very great importance which is peculiar to Buddha, and forms a discriminating mark between him and Cristna, which is, that he is continually described as a Negro, not only with a black complexion, in which he agrees with Cristna, but with woolly hair and flat face. M. Creuzer observes, that the black Buddha, with frizzled or curled hair, attaches himself at the same time to the three systems into which the religion of India divides itself."

I guess, we think of Africa as a place were people all look alike and not the place that spit out the Earth's population and diversity.

We can debate this, but I'm sure if we all took a trip to a large library just one time, we would see the truth of the matter.

/thread :myman:
Oct 14, 2012
Is it possible, by way of reason, to suspect that many spiritual teachers from different corners of the globe arrived at their conclusions by their own intuition? And the similarities they bear are merely a by-product of natural reason regarding the best way to live one's life?

Are people really diminishing the potential of human intelligence?