Is This "Black Male Privilege Checklist" True?


Goat ™
May 2, 2012
if there's one thing the last thread should show everyone (esp blackwomen) is that it's "every man for himself" out here. stop looking for ppl to have your back because they happen to look like you. it doesn't happen. look out for YOURSELF and your family and live your life. and don't go out of your way to look out for anyone else either unless they've shown you they DESERVE it. that's all i'm gonna say about this topic. :youngsabo:
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Thanks to the lawyers uh, I marbled the foyer
Mar 19, 2013
Somewhere tropic...
I'm thinking about dedicating a thread just for the many types of sipmping :lupe:



May 2, 2012
And you would know this how?
because i've read that nonsense by plenty a black woman. they swear its black male privilege and not just male privilege--and women never mention their privilege. matriarchy is killing the family unit vmen should make more because we're spending the fukkin money on women. i'd try to respond to the big pts but im on a celly


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The problem with the feminist movement is they constantly list their disadvantages, but conveniently ignore the benefits bestowed upon them for being a woman, and in the process try to incur all of the benefits of being a man while drawing none of the downsides, as well as retain their beneits of being a woman while eliminating the trade-offs... and they foist that upon us expecting us to believe that that is 'equality.'. Both men and women have their problems they want to deal with, but these feminists act like men are chilling in some country club, smoking a cigar while the women are slaving away. They keep claiming they want to be treated equal to a man, except when they really are, and then they go on talking about, "How could you do that? I'm a woman!"

They don't have to sign up for selective service and won't have to worry about a draft. They can hit men, scream at men, spit on men, but if a man retaliates, he's going to get his butt whipped by the 5,000 simp soldiers rushing to her rescue, no matter if she started it and continually escalated it. Everybody is sitting around cracking up and laughing when the woman is spitting on or slapping or even punching a man, but after he told her to get away from him the 10th time and gave her pass after pass and reaches back and slaps her or kos her, you got 10,000 dudes rushing to her rescue talking about, "DUDE how could you do that??" These feminists act like men are quietly consenting to rape when that is far from the truth. If a man is even accused of rape, whether it's true or not, he will have an aura hanging around him and he will be shunned by men and women alike... and a man better not go to prison with a 'rapist label' on him because he will get raped himself if not killed... and yet they are screaming how we live in a 'rape culture.'

They can get married to a man who has it made and walk off with more of his assets than he gets to keep. Oh yeah, let's say bye bye to those paid for dinners. You pay your half just like a man would. Naw, let's be even realer. You pay for your man's portion everytime you g out, because that's what a lot of men do for their women. That's just on a man in general basis. Let's not even get into what being a black man is like. Let's not get into constantly being doodoo'd by not only the white media, but black women as well. How many dating articles and news shows do you hear about 'career black women' who can't find decent black men because they are supposedly all locked up, on drugs or gay? Let's not talk about how fast a black man will get his butt whipped by a policeman..Supposedly black men aren't speaking up on black women issues, but I don't see them speaking up on that man that can't see his kids because his baby momma is playing games or a black man that

I'd respect that feminist movement a lot more if they actually wanted true equality, but as it stands today, they want all the benefits of being a man and none of the downsides, as well as all the benefits of being a woman, but none of the downsides. That's privilege, not equality. I hear these women talking about male privillege, but they completely ignore male consequences... and being a black man on top of that? Yeah, alright.