Is this 1821 or 2021? Haitian migrants getting whipped by border patrol


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I respectfully disagree. This trend of educated immigrants either being a significant or greatly represented in the immigration pool is a trend that has long stopped

At least in African countries post-independence of the 1960s, govts. were relatively stable and sent their best and the brightest to study in the West and finance their education. When govts started failing for multiple reasons (bad governance, civil wars, foreign meddling yes including the US etc...), the vast swath of the populace (educated and uneducated) felt the effects and wanted to get out of the country. Of course in any society, the non-elites outnumber the elites significantly.

This has been the trend. However, I have lived and work in many places around the world including African countries and know exactly what type of individuals show to the American embassies for visas. They are not by a vast majority the cream and the crop of that society. In addition, there is such a thing such As DV Lottery system which basically is an application where you fill out to get a permanent residency into the US. It is exactly that LOTTERY so meaning chance. The only requirements is that you do not have any communicable diseases (HIV included) and you have proof of that. The process costs like $200 ( a lot of money in that part of the world but manageable) There is not requirement for educational attainment (i.e some Canadian immigration policies). This is become a growing prevailing way for a lot of Sub-Saharan Africans to come into the United States outside of just their countries being incredibly unstable.

Secondly, people who have it good in their country do not move to another country so that they can start from the bottom in terms of being legalized and obtaining the right to live/work in a new country. It is a long and tedious process that takes YEARS. If I am a big deal in X country comfortable and certain of my position and standing in my own society why would I risk to PERMANENTLY settle into the unknown of a new country Y. The only way you risk that is what you are saying in the Texas border meaning you weren't the best and wealthiest in your country of origin.
Don’t type this out like we’re stupid, all of these paragraphs of already obvious information. Living in New York- One half of my family ancestry is Florida by way of DR, Bahamas. You’re not saying anything new with this information or enlightening that is not known.
Sep 17, 2014
#RIP Kobe
A lot of these cats are phony and fraudulent.

Most of that “ADOS/FBA” rah-rah shyt is just an act. Mfs ain't nothing but trend hoppers for whatever is popular at the moment and right now that moment is pretending to care about them Haitians to push personal agendas.

I could one by one tag every poster in this thread and quote a past comment of them shytting on Black immigrants and saying the most extreme anti-immigration remarks within the past two years.

One minute it HYON and if you're not ADOS/FBA then KIM and the next minute it's We're all Black and is ONE together we must stand up for each other but if I'm not mistaken many of these same nikkas were tired and complaining about being the “mule” always doing the work and fighting for other non-ADOS Black foreign groups to have their place in America and shyt.

Nikkas on here constantly changing their clown suit/goalposts every other day.


I feel you on that Fr . But can’t nobody ever find a quote from me against immigration . I’m pro open borders :yeshrug:


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Le Grand Congo (Kin)
We realize this. If you good in the home country (top class), there's no need to flee. On a personal note, I've known many middle class Africans who ended up here.

Your middle classes either stay home or go to Europe. I'm a ny'er. My brother literally married a black immigrant. You not telling me nothing.

With all due respect, the overwhelming narrative on this board has been that somehow the ones who come here and which is even a lower number for the middle class that you mention and literally are a buffer class or are meant to replace AAs and are given all the opportunities/jobs that whites wouldn't give to AAs There was not necessarily a distinction along class lines of the ones (Black immigrants) who are in this country. It was a vast generalization of foreign Blacks (Caribbean or Sub-Saharan African).

I know the East Coast part of the US like the back of my hand (I was born (DC) and have lived and went to HS, undergrad and grad school up and down the east coast where this population is heavily concentrated). I have anecdotes too. I am aware of the Senegalese in Harlem and the Ghanaians in the BX. I have lived in those areas for YEARS. They do not fit the overwhelming narrative of foreign Blacks serving as a buffer class and being white people's favorites vis a vis AAs.


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Le Grand Congo (Kin)
Don’t type this out like we’re stupid, all of these paragraphs of already obvious information. Living in New York- One half of my family ancestry is Florida by way of DR, Bahamas. You’re not saying anything new with this information or enlightening that is not known.

Nobody said you were stupid and nobody is questioning your family ancestry. She responded to my post and I respectfully responded to hers. Just because you don't like my response or disagree does not mean you can accuse me of assuming that "you" or the "we" you are referring to are stupid.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
:mjlol: Yall are truly some dumb muthafukkers. TBA was 1000% correct in his assessment. And these the ppl we supposed to align with in pan Africanism. :deadmanny:

Fyi: this reaction right here is why we don't need you. You're so fukked up from the cultural residue of home that you can't see these crackers all the same. Yall really believed all that pro illegal shyt included you. :skip: WE fukkING TOLD YOU. And, despite having been here fewer than 5 minutes, yall had the muthafukking audacity to call us c00ns, with your disrespectful ass.

You thought you knew better. You thought Malcolm was lying when he called them wolves in sheep's clothing. You thought neoliberals (of either party) was gon save you bc youse a different type of nikka. :russ:

It would be funny, but I can't laugh at a viper's nest in my own home. What's fukked up is, yall not gon learn shyt from this. A homeless ados bum understands the system of white supremacy better than you, yet you will persist in your wrongheadedness.

I, for one, don't even want most of y'all as allies no more.

Malcolm and Marcus would be ashamed of you. :scust:
Speaking of Malcolm X - they don’t want to hear the part where he says they have to organize and get organized in their countries first before African Americans can render assistance.

But since they can never seem to stay on one accord, sell out their own people for white crumbs, and being forced off their own land while simultaneously shamelessly degrading AAs who could have offered them alignment. There they are. Instead of being a threat to imperialism and colonialism; they beg them to act as their saviors and worship the whiteness when we already know whites don’t give a fuk about anyone of the black race as they maintain their political and economic controls, at their expense. Rather than organization, it’s a concerted assimilation in their countries. Then come over and take up with the euros and repeat the cac cattle call of white supremacy. Not like this hasn’t been already stated:

The concept of “you can’t help anyone until you help yourself” straight from the source. Blueprint was written.
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Sep 17, 2014
#RIP Kobe
thats America in general.

comfortable idiots looking for clout on the internet while people are actually out there going through it

red vs blue, dem vs gop, who actually cares, your bickering is part of the problem as the alphabet agencies do all this fukkery in your name

yall deserve whatever is coming your way

frfr , whenever TheColi start diccriding Tariq and Yvette and all those other WEIRDOS (yeah I called em all weird) , this place turned into a c00n factory

ADOS / FBA / Whatever. Fucc all that loser nikka nerd shyt . Grown mfs wanna bang Internet sets :mjlol:


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
With all due respect, the overwhelming narrative on this board has been that somehow the ones who come here and which is even a lower number for the middle class that you mention and literally are a buffer class or are meant to replace AAs and are given all the opportunities/jobs that whites wouldn't give to AAs There was not necessarily a distinction along class lines of the ones (Black immigrants) who are in this country. It was a vast generalization of foreign Blacks (Caribbean or Sub-Saharan African).

I know the East Coast part of the US like the back of my hand (I was born (DC) and have lived and went to HS, undergrad and grad school up and down the east coast where this population is heavily concentrated). I have anecdotes too. I am aware of the Senegalese in Harlem and the Ghanaians in the BX. I have lived in those areas for YEARS. They do not fit the overwhelming narrative of foreign Blacks serving as a buffer class and being white people's favorites vis a vis AAs.
Listen. I have no animosity for foreign blacks. I just need them to act right, on code. I don't really care about their prior entanglements as long as they stay on code. Its simple.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
With all due respect, the overwhelming narrative on this board has been that somehow the ones who come here and which is even a lower number for the middle class that you mention and literally are a buffer class or are meant to replace AAs and are given all the opportunities/jobs that whites wouldn't give to AAs There was not necessarily a distinction along class lines of the ones (Black immigrants) who are in this country. It was a vast generalization of foreign Blacks (Caribbean or Sub-Saharan African).

I know the East Coast part of the US like the back of my hand (I was born (DC) and have lived and went to HS, undergrad and grad school up and down the east coast where this population is heavily concentrated). I have anecdotes too. I am aware of the Senegalese in Harlem and the Ghanaians in the BX. I have lived in those areas for YEARS. They do not fit the overwhelming narrative of foreign Blacks serving as a buffer class and being white people's favorites vis a vis AAs.
Dude we do not care. I don’t understand why you keep posting this or how you fail to comprehend that. She is much more diplomatic and peaceful than I am but to make your long story short; we do not care about your interethnicity dynamics at this current place and time - preach unification by being on code then we can talk.


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Le Grand Congo (Kin)
Dude we do not care. I don’t understand why you keep posting this or how you fail to comprehend that. She is much more diplomatic and peaceful than I am but to make your long story short; we do not care about your interethnicity dynamics at this current place and time - preach unification by being on code then we can talk.

She addressed me and you butted in obviously she cares enough to engage. I didn't initially engage you so take that shyt somewhere else. Who the hell are you to talk about being diplomatic or not like I care lol. it is a discussion forum where everybody is free to engage and express his/her opinion with anybody.

Who made you the boss of discussion/discourse? No one cares about your diplomacy or lack thereof.

If 'WE" or "YOU" don't care then you are free to just to block or don't respond/engage in someone else's conversation that you don't care about instead of acting like a mental midget and lashing out on opinions that do not align with your own.
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El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012