Is there any real proof of dinosaurs? because the bible...

Mrl HiGrnd

All Star
Jul 4, 2015
thanks for your contribution to this thread breh

insightful stuff
I'm sorry I don't feel like explaining to a grown adult how tendons, skin, and muscles work or the fact that they decompose after millions of years.

Every skeleton of any animal you have ever seen has needed wires, glue, and nails to support it because the bones don't just connect like Legos.

You really don't seem knowledgeable enough to be looking down on people who believe in dinosaurs

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
my friend it was cobbled together ....... some books were left in some books were left out...on what criteria who knows?

the Jewish antiquities that you are quoting where is the proof its thousands of years old... so people just wrote something on a scroll and you believe it huh ..(you see how i used your same argument against you?)

I believe Jesus walked the earth.....

I also believe in dinosaurs .... as far as im concerned the existence of one doesnt negate the existence of the other...

while i believe jesus walked the earth, unlike some brainwashed people I can readily admit there is an abundant lack of physical evidence of his existence ....which is why as I stated before its called a Faith and not a proof...

and to put things in further

why hasn't there been any abundant evidence of his existence in your opinion?


Deviatin' septums
May 12, 2015
If you're not white, and you dont have their thought process, then what are you arguing/debating with me for? I said the same whites in power who tried to use science to pass agendas on the general population are still feeding you false info and yet we believe them for what? You seem to have already known that they did that, so why are you blindly believing them when it comes to lets say "dinosaurs"?

I pointed out how they arbitrarily decided to change how we measure time. Thats it. Historically, white America has shown you that they'll try to twist science so that they can push agendas on unsuspecting black and white people. So why are people still falling for the okie doke by BLINDLY believing them?
I believe in dinosaurs because not just whites say they existed. Archeologists all over the world who have unearthed the fossils confirm they existed. But according to a previous poster I still can't call it since whites have already laid their "stamp of approval". Still the immense amount of studies and years of work have convinced me that they exist, and thats just the way it is.


May 7, 2012
Lets see how honest you are

True or false? :jbhmm:

thats true .... BUT like I said Im not an atheist bro...... on the basis of proof and just proof alone they will win an argument against ANY religion ..... that doesnt mean they are right , it just means that AS OF NOW any religious beliefs that were held to the same scrutinity as scientific theories were, they would all fail and couldnt be proven ....

like I stated before Im not against any religion .... but as far as Im concerned science and religion are two separate entities and using one to disprove the other is pointless


Da Spice...
May 1, 2012
I'm sorry I don't feel like explaining to a grown adult how tendons, skin, and muscles work or the fact that they decompose after millions of years.

Every skeleton of any animal you have ever seen has needed wires, glue, and nails to support it because the bones don't just connect like Legos.

You really don't seem knowledgeable enough to be looking down on people who believe in dinosaurs

You being trolled, brehs.

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
I'm sorry I don't feel like explaining to a grown adult how tendons, skin, and muscles work or the fact that they decompose after millions of years.

Every skeleton of any animal you have ever seen has needed wires, glue, and nails to support it because the bones don't just connect like Legos.

You really don't seem knowledgeable enough to be looking down on people who believe in dinosaurs

Even with muscle, cartilage, skin, etc.

The Dinosaur Model does not fit our understanding of gravity

It would still need external support to stand up at 20,000+pounds


May 7, 2012
why hasn't there been any abundant evidence of his existence in your opinion?

well... the bible says he rose and went to heaven... so I guess thats what more knowledgable Christians than me would say...

I dont want to sound blasphemous .......... but for me its the Big L theory.... he was much bigger in death than in life .... probably by the time people came round to feeling him and what he was saying all evidence of his existence had disappeared

all of a sudden by word of mouth he becomes the GOAT .... and half of the people spreading his word werent feeling him when he was around and the other half werent alive....

and i mean no disrespect when i say this

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
well... the bible says he rose and went to heaven... so I guess thats what more knowledgable Christians than me would say...

I dont want to sound blasphemous .......... but for me its the Big L theory.... he was much bigger in death than in life .... probably by the time people came round to feeling him and what he was saying all evidence of his existence had disappeared

all of a sudden by word of mouth he becomes the GOAT .... and half of the people spreading his word werent feeling him when he was around and the other half werent alive....

and i mean no disrespect when i say this


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
They didn't exist. Here's a long article, but I highlighted a few key paragraphs that you can read at a glance: (EDIT: I had to chop it down a ton to fit within the 15,000 letter limit, check the link for the whole article)

The Atlantean Conspiracy: Dinosaur Hoax - Dinosaurs Never Existed!

The class “Dinosauria” was originally defined by “Sir” Richard Owen of the Royal Society, and Superintendent of the British Museum Natural History Department in 1842. In other words, the existence of dinosaurs was first speculatively hypothesized by a knighted museum-head “coincidentally” in the mid-19th century, during the heyday of evolutionism, before a single dinosaur fossil had ever been found. The Masonic media and mainstream press worldwide got to work hyping stories of these supposed long-lost animals, and then lo and behold, 12 years later in 1854, Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden during his exploration of the upper Missouri River, found “proof” of Owen’s theory! A few unidentified teeth he mailed to leading paleontologist Joseph Leidy, who several years later declared them to be from an ancient extinct “Trachodon,” dinosaur (which beyond ironically means “rough tooth”).

Why are there no discoveries by native Americans in all the years previous when they roamed the American continents? There is no belief of dinosaurs in the Native American religion or tradition. For that matter, why were there no discoveries prior to the nineteenth century in any part of the world? According to the World Book Encyclopedia, ‘before the 1800’s no one ever knew that dinosaurs existed.’ During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, large deposits of dinosaur remains were discovered …Why has man suddenly made all these discoveries?” -David Wozney, “Dinosaurs: Science or Science Fiction”

No tribes, cultures or countries in the world ever discovered a dinosaur bone before the mid-1800s, and then they were suddenly found all over the world in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Argentina, Belgium, Mongolia, Tanzania, West Germany and many other places apparently had large deposits of dinosaur fossils never before seen. All these places were inhabited and well-explored for thousands of years before this time, why had no one ever found a dinosaur fossil before?

According to the book, “The Dinosaur Project,” paleontological journalist Wayne Grady claims the period following this, from around 1870 to 1880 became “a period in North America where some of the most underhanded shenanigans in the history of science were conducted.” In what was known as “The Great Dinosaur Rush” or “Bone Wars,” Edward Drinker Cope of the Academy of Natural Sciences and Othniel Marsh of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, began a life-long rivalry and passion for “dinosaur hunting.” They started out as friends but became bitter enemies during a legendary feud involving double-crossing, slander, bribery, theft, spying, and destruction of bones by both parties. Marsh is said to have discovered over 500 different ancient species including 80 dinosaurs, while Cope discovered 56. Out of the 136 dinosaur species supposedly discovered by the two men, however, only 32 are presently considered valid; the rest have all proven to be falsifications and fabrications! None of them once claimed to find a complete skeleton either, so all their work involved reconstructions. In fact, to this day no complete skeleton has ever been found, and so all dinosaurs are reconstructions.

Discoveries and excavations seem not to be made by disinterested people, such as farmers, ranchers, hikers, outdoor recreationists, building construction industry basement excavators, pipeline trench diggers, and mining industry personnel but rather by people with vested interests, such as paleontologists, scientists, university professors, and museum organization personnel who were intentionally looking for dinosaur bones or who have studied dinosaurs previously. The finds are often made during special dinosaur-bone hunting trips and expeditions by these people to far-away regions already inhabited and explored. This seems highly implausible. More believable is the case of the discovery of the first original Dead Sea scrolls in 1947, which were unintentionally discovered by a child, and which were all published by 1955. In some cases of a discovery of dinosaur bones by a disinterested person, it was suggested to them by some ‘professional’ in the field to look or dig in a certain area. Also very interesting to note are special areas set aside and designated as dinosaur parks for which amateur dinosaur hunters are required to first obtain a dinosaur hunting license.” -David Wozney, “Dinosaurs: Science or Science Fiction”

Whatever destination these establishment-funded archeologists and paleontologists set, it seemed they found incredible numbers of fossils in tiny areas. In one of the largest dinosaur excavation sites, called the Ruth Mason Quarry, over 2,000 fossils were allegedly discovered. Casts and original skeletons assembled from these bones are currently on display in over 60 museums world-wide. Florentino Ameghino, head of paleontology at La Plata Museum is amazingly responsible for 6,000 fossil species supposedly discovered throughout his career all in Argentina. Dinosaur hunter Earl Douglass sent 350 tons of excavated “dinosaur” bones to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History throughout his career, all coming from the “Dinosaur National Monument” in Utah. During an expedition to Patagonia, Dr. Luis Chiappe and Dr. Lowell Dingus supposedly discovered thousands of dinosaur eggs at a site of only a few hundred square yards. Many experts have mentioned how such finds of huge quantities of fossils in one area, by just a few highly-invested individuals, goes against the laws of natural probability and lends credence to the likelihood of forgeries or concentrated planting efforts.

‘Dinosaur’ bones sell for a lot of money at auctions. It is a profitable business. There is pressure for academics to publish papers. Museums are in the business of producing displays that are popular and appealing. Movie producers and the media need to produce material to sell to stay in business. The mainstream media loves to hype alleged dinosaurs finds. Much is to be gained...David Wozney, “Dinosaurs: Science or Science Fiction”.

The fact that “T-Rex” bones have sold at auctions for upwards of $12 million shows how lucrative the field of dinosaur-hunting can be, and it just happens to be Museum officials who serendipitously seem to make the most prolific finds! The first dinosaur to ever be publicly displayed was the “Hadrosaurus foulkii,” at Edward Drinker Cope’s Academy of Natural Sciences in Philidelphia. The bones were co-discovered by Joseph Leidy, Cope’s esteemed professor, and the man responsible for the “Trachodon” toothosaurus. The original Hadrosaurus reconstruction, which is still on display today, shows a huge plaster cast bipedal reptile standing upright using its tail as a third-leg. What few people know, however, is that no skull was ever discovered and no original bones were put in the public exhibit.

What we are not being told is that this is the rule and the not the exception. To this day not a single complete skeleton of any dinosaur has ever been found! All the museum displays, models, mannequins, cartoons, and movies of prehistoric monsters you have ever seen are all imaginative reconstructions based on incomplete skeletons arranged in a manner paleontologists believe to be most realistic. Furthermore, the skeletons exhibited in museums are all admittedly intricate fabrications made of plaster, fiberglass, various epoxies, and other animal bones, not original fossils.

When “dinosaur” bones are transported and prepared they use strips of burlap soaked in plaster to jacket over the fossils....

Most people believe that dinosaur skeletons displayed in museums consist of real dinosaur bones. This is not the case. The real bones are incarcerated in thick vaults to which only a select few highly placed researchers hold a key, which means that NO independent researcher has ever handled a tyrannosaurus rex bone. When people unaffiliated with the paleontological establishment attempt to gain access in order to study these dinosaur bones, they are met with refusal upon refusal … -Robbin Koefoed, “The Dinosaurs Never Existed”

When children go to a dinosaur museum, are the displays they see displays of science or displays of art and science fiction? Are we being deceived and brainwashed at an early age into believing a dinosaur myth? Deep probing questions need to be asked of the entire dinosaur business. There may have been an ongoing effort since the earliest dinosaur ‘discoveries’ to...

Overall, several millions of dollars have been spent promoting the existence of dinosaurs through movies, TV, magazines and comics. The world of movies and paleontology are like Siamese twins. People’s view on the existence of dinosaurs is based not on firm evidence, but on Hollywood fixated artistic impressions.

Former Paleontology student Michael Forsell claimed on a radio interview with leading paleontologist Jack Horner, that he was “a total fraud, fabricating evidence and perpetuating the myth of dinosaurs.” He continued on saying, “I started my career in the field of paleontology, only to leave my studies once I realized the whole thing was a sham. It’s nonsense, most of the so-called skeletons in museums are actually plaster casts.

Many claim that since dinosaur fossils have been radiometrically dated to be tens of millions of years old that their authenticity is thus proven. The fact is, however, that the methods used to date dinosaur fossils involve not measuring the actual fossils, but the rocks near where they are found. Most fossils are found near the surface of the earth, and if a modern-day animal were to die in the area, paleontologists would be likely to date them the same age! ...
One of the main reasons that evolutionists “needed” the existence of dinosaurs was to answer the complicated problems present in the theory of evolution...
which is now fast becoming one of the grander scientific hoaxes or our age.”

No authentic feathers have ever been found with dinosaur fossils, though a few exposed hoaxes certainly attempted to fake it. Dr. Olson called the adding of feathers to their findings “hype, wishful thinking, propaganda, nonsense fantasia, and a hoax.” In the 1990s many fossils with feathers were supposedly discovered in China (suspiciously close to the Zigong Dino Ocean Art Company), but when examined Dr. Timothy Rowe found the so-called “Confuciusornis” was an elaborate hoax. He also found the “Archeoraptor” supposedly discovered in the 90s was composed of bones from 5 different animals! When Dr. Rowe presented his findings to National Geographic the head scientist reportedly remarked “well all of these have been fiddled with!” National Geographic then proceeded with their news conferences and media stories about the Archeoraptor fossils being genuine and having found the missing link in evolution.


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
Why are there no discoveries by native Americans in all the years previous when they roamed the American continents? There is no belief of dinosaurs in the Native American religion or tradition. For that matter, why were there no discoveries prior to the nineteenth century in any part of the world? According to the World Book Encyclopedia, ‘before the 1800’s no one ever knew that dinosaurs existed.’ During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, large deposits of dinosaur remains were discovered …Why has man suddenly made all these discoveries?” -David Wozney, “Dinosaurs: Science or Science Fiction”

did this fool have any fukking common sense?
somebody could have save him the embarrassment of telling him
they problaly didnt have the tools to dig up & make these discoveries

Mrl HiGrnd

All Star
Jul 4, 2015
Even with muscle, cartilage, skin, etc.

The Dinosaur Model does not fit our understanding of gravity

It would still need external support to stand up at 20,000+pounds
This nikka right here...

So The Dinosaur Equation doesn't fit the Model breh? Did you check the Dinologists Field Guide 2013 edition? Dinologists hypothesize that this external support may just be more strings isynced to maintain Dinosaur gravitational equilibrium(Dinogravlibrium)

Dont forget about the centripetal force involved when Dinogravlibrium is equated.

Idk much about autistic Dinobable so you're gonna have to check my work breh.

Damn you're stupid son